There are 2 counters to NOED

One is to GTFO and the other is take notes of every bones and just do NOED to save time you don't need to stop a hex from appearing that might not even be in play wasting time and reducing your chance for survival if you don't get NOED just leave because the killer will more than likely camp the surv that they get so just leave
👍 Not an argument here.
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3rd counter
Yell and scream on the forums until BHVR nerfs it to just a speed boost.
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People really do get mad at Noed bc it's a quote en quote "Overpowered" perk but it's a hex perk that comes in at the end of the game and probably will get cleansed before it can exist or get 1 down or 2, but survivors treat that happening as a reason to call the killer bad and throw hell upside down and then go complain on the forums. The killer played that game with 3 other normal perks if they ran normal, non hex, non endgame perks, so what if they had to use noed for a down or 2, sometimes survivors just gotta drop altruism and use Noed as a polite way to get the message of "It would be a better idea to leave". The only situation where noed can be considered even like high mid tier or low high tier is in a full endgame build.
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It’s been here for 4 years I don’t think they have plans to nerf it. Almo also runs the perk a lot so he probably has a good idea of it’s balance
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You forgot No Mither.
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oh right
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I love playing NOED + BW against SWF. At least that they can't predict.
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I will agree that NOED is not that great of a perk, however, the problem is with solo queue. Cleansing all 5 totems in solo queue is very unlikely to happen and very hard to coordinate.
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So, counters to NoED are:
- Use one of the many, many, too many actually second chance perks that you are indubitably already running several of.
- Just do bones.
- Act like a normal person and leave.
No wonder survivors hate it.
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Just like there are counters/ways to avoid all the survivor perks that killers complain about.
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Oh boy it's hard not to say something here. I might just bite my tongue off.
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I would have said something worse but I don’t wanna get banned so
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You don't need to cleanse all totems
Cleanse the harder ones and remember the easy ones.
Cleanse 1 totem and remember 2 and you already have a 50% chance to get rid of noed with only losing 16 seconds of gen times and your teammates doing nothing at all