Okay so some people might know me already. But I'll say it again, I'm a legacy player with 5100 hours in this game, I'm playing both sides and want to see balance instead of some random crap.

And now, I have a question - What the ######### is going on with the GRIM PANTRY MAP ?

Let's be honest - swamp maps are #########. Why ? Because of the huge lack of juking potential for the survivors, but a heaven for some rank 20 Blendettes who will crouch walk the whole ######### game. Both main building on both swamps are just Extremely broken if survivor are at least decent, if killer is dumb enough to chase anyone there, he might lose minutes of his time. But the other 90% of the map is just EMPTY. But who the ######### will hide in a corner the whole game ? It's just boring.

But I wanna talk about the gen placements on the Grim Pantry. Red squares on the map are gens, arrows show possible gen locations on the pier and main building. Circles are possible 3 gen stacks. And HOLY #########, 9/10 games by playing solo on this map, you will always have a 3 gen stack in the end of the game. Even if I'm playing in a 4 SWF stack and we all have 5-7k hours, we still can 3 gen our selves half of the games.

Just look at this #########, YOU MUST leave the main building gen to be one of last three, but we all know that solo survivors usually repairing most safe gens first, leaving the hardest ones for the end game. Now imagine if that gen is done first and look at the map. If killer isn't a bot, you are #########, honestly. And some killers such as Mike, GF, Nurse, Huntress, Deathslinger have such an easy way to protect the middle gens, stalk / snipe for free, you are just a sitting duck (I'm talking from my own killer variety experience on this map). Especially if killer will rush pallets and you won't have any resources to get away.

Is it that hard to spread gens or something ? Map were reworked, getting smaller so low tier killers won't be ######### just because they have no mobility and they can't protect gens. But Grim pantry map has ######### gen spawns for survivors, Mother Dwelling is too huge for killers, Haddonfield still has those omega fences just because a dumb bush is spawned in the open place and blocks you. Are you serious ?...