Generators given away

This must be the only universe where terror is felt by the murderer and not by the survivors. Honestly, if you don't play a perfect game, lose if you're the killer. The slightest mistake and you lose the game. The premades is an abuse, in less than one chase they repair 3 generators in one go. All the comforts are focused on the survivors. Every day is worse because they keep giving and giving advantages.
Only killers who are bad at the game say that.
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How many buffs have survivors got in recent times? At least check the patch notes before blurting out #########
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Neither side really gets "buffed" anymore. It's more just one side not getting something nerfed while the other side does.
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Very true
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I was promised a free generator but got a scrolling text field instead.
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Did you write this in Javascript?
Did you just write a salt post in ######### JAVASCRIPT?!
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I've never seen a poster that hated word wrap so much.
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This content has been removed.
Unpopular opinion:
Players who say you lose as Killer when you do just a slight mistake are doing way more mistakes than they think they do.
I do mistakes all the time and still 4K most of my games. So either I am the exception or others are doing more than "one little mistake".
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My thoughts exactly.
If you think you "Only made one mistake" in a match, that's the exact reason why you're losing.
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I'm pretty sure they understand that and it's a deliberate exaggeration to get their point across, although after most of last year I realized i really do give a lot of human beings way too much credit.
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Es como decir que solo los supervivientes malos se quejan de camper y el tunel.
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La diferencia es que como asesino solo basta un error para que se escapen 4 supervivientes.
Como superviviente da igual cuantas veces te equivoques, te respalda tu premade.
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Totally agree. Sometimes it does feel that way but if you go back and watch the match if you can you’ll easily see what mistakes you made and when
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Tiene mucha lógica según tú que el asesino tenga más miedo que el superviviente.
El asesino juega con presión constante.
El superviviente juega entre risas en su premade.
Muy balanceado todo. Hasta el memento mori no sirve, en cambio, las llaves funcionan a la perfección.
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let softwareDevelopers = 'express their opinion' || 'they will be angry' && 'make bad DBD clones'; for (let everyone in ['the', 'dbd', 'community']) { 'say any' + typeof 'thoughts'; }
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You lose the game if you commit to the wrong chase, but being a good killer is exactly knowing which chases you should take and which not.
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moris got nerfed, that alone buffed survivors
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Tienes mucha razón pero el problema viene cuando todos los supervivientes saben como hacer buen loop.
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Plus they have no idea how it is playing survivors, where getting downed at the wrong time can escalate in the whole team going down. Both sides can get cucked by one mistake.
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Moris needed a nerf. They were completely Stupid and completely changed the flow of the match
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And now keys are doing that too and we can't mori the key user as easily anymore to stop it
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Keys are getting nerfed too they are taking longer because keys are quite hard to change
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So do not say that murderers have advantages because it is not true. The premades are in control of the game at all times. From the memento mori to Hexes. Totms is like playing with one less perk.
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When did I say killers have an advantage?
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You can tell that you have no idea what it's like to play against rank 1 survivors and that they don't even give you time to set traps if you're using the trapper. The memento mori is useless, the totms is like playing with one less perk.
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Here you said it. The mori was the only thing that allowed you to balance the game.
Now the survivors take keys even from the generators.
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I'm rank 1 actually, but if thinking otherwise makes you happy you're welcome...
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I like to speak the truth. But if you want to imagine that the murderer has the upper hand ... You are welcome.
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The real issue is why couldn't this post just be written normally? I ignored half of it at most and stopped reading because it's such an inconvenience to side scroll to read a post . Like what was the point?
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You need to refine your reading skills...
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Necesito hablar con gente que sepa lo que es jugar en el papel de asesino. Estoy hablando con puros supervivientes.
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Are you actually afraid of survivors? you must really be an awful killer. Maybe you should swich sides... actually nevermind survivor is boring as hell as well. Play another game I guess.
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And I think I would have a more interesting discussion with a donkey. At least he knows he is a donkey.
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Whatever you say crack. 🙄
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Solo falta que les den un arma para matar al killer. XD
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Although you may be right.