Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Face campers ruining games

I have been playing for about a year and i noticed that there are no punishments for holding the game hostage by camping. I have over 80 videos of killers that stand in front of you and make it impossible to save anyone from the hook. Its annoying that i pay alot of money for the auric cells and characters just to sit there and get aggrevated to the point of not wanting to play. Isnt this unfair, people are punished for quiting the game but they litterally have the right to if they cant be saved or able to use a perk to get off the hook. Why not add if a killer is directly by the hook of the survivor for too long the timer won't move or survivor moves to the hook farthest from the killer. You guys are doing unnecessary updates that give the killers the advantage that alot of people ive played with decided to stop playing since the game is so one sided. Why not give a penalty for face camping , like if the killer stays there to long they get stunned .


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177
    edited February 2021

    They lose points (literally for emblems and indirectly for all the bloodpoints they leave on the table going after three other survivors).

    They've tried doing direct punishments like having the clock stop if the killer was within a certain range but all survivors did was abuse it looping their hooked comrades. So face camping has just kind of been accepted because survivors abused the mechanic when a direct punishment was added.

    It does suck to be the camped. I do wish there was at least a reward or something for the camped since they are helping the team by keeping the killer rooted...

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    You get punished for facecamping: 1 by losing the game if the survivors are not reckless and 2 because you gain no points and lose some for staying near hook.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335


    Sorry, didn't read, first post.

    How are you? Who are you? What do you main, if anything?

    Welcome to the forums!! 👋

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2021

    Just had this happen in a game as Survivor and the person who got camped was not pleased (Rank 2). The killer (Rank 10) said "Imagine losing to a face camper"

    Best part was the Survivor who got camped had more BP at the end so not sure how that was considered "losing" by the Killer. I dunno man. People are gonna do what they are gonna do and you just have to go with it or not play. Try to be the change you want to see and play nice killer?

  • Yaoi_Neko_Star
    Yaoi_Neko_Star Member Posts: 2

    It is the holding the game hostage think about it . Your teammates are wasting time trying to save you while being camped sk they cant do their own task because they wNt to try tk flank and save you

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    Being held "hostage" in this game has a specific definition and is a bannable offense, so people are going to argue about the use of the word. Using it incorrectly confuses others and suddenly everyone thinks they can report killers for camping the hook (just to clarify for anyone else reading this, no, a killer camping the hook is not reportable).

    People are constantly getting confused because there are two types of body blocking: the kind that's a legitimate part of gameplay and the kind that's a reportable offense. But that's nearly unavoidable, while using the word "hostage" properly is not.

    So no, the game was not being held hostage.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    The only killer that can facecamp is an instadown.

    For all the others, borrowed time and hook trading will almost always get you off. It takes a lot of practice by the killer to facecamp and not let them get away.

    If one of you gets hit, run away and let the other unhook. If he doesn't swing then gather around and use one to body block while the others get the unhook. You have to be ready to unhook during killer cool down in any case. Not hard. Now if they are cannibal et al, well.. Good luck with that. I usually just kill myself.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    They ruin just about 1/50 games for survivors.

    It is also not considered holding the game hostage.

  • Happsta
    Happsta Member Posts: 79
    edited February 2021

    it's not holding the game hostage but it's also an incredible dick move. The only time id ever see a person tactfully do this is if they are loosing severely, and they patrol the hook till the entity is summoned. Sometimes that stabilizes a one-sided match but still not a very nice thing to do. Ultimately if your survivors are unhooking in your face right off a fresh hook and playing aggressive you should play aggressive back. The pace of the game is determined by both sides actions.

    Camping on first hook with 4 gens is just plain bad killer behavior though.