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What killer categories have the devs not done yet?



  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    I’m waiting for the day they make a Steam Punk killer. Maybe a multipurpose weaponized device that can be used to catapult from gen to gen or propel themselves over certain obstacles like a jungle gym wall or windows etc. The weapon itself could be like a sonic blast of steam that pushes the survivor into the direction of force and damage is caused when the survivor makes impact with a nearby structure or wall.. so it would have to be strategic since a blast down a straight hallway or open field would only give the survivor more distance and the Steam punk may have to propel or grapple themselves ahead in order to close the gap. There would have to be some sort of basic attack but I’m honestly just winging this so yea..

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432

    There isn't any of these, some of which are classic horror tropes:

    • Werewolf
    • Vampire (Oni arguably counts as a blood drinker, but i mean like, Dracula)
    • Cthulhu type monster
    • Water monster
    • Swamp monster
    • Puppeteer
    • Alien (Could be from the Alien movies or their own)
    • Evil child (i don't count viktor, i mean more like "The Orphan" style, actual child)
    • Psychic/Fortune Teller
    • Something with ice powers
    • Elemental/Magic/Sorcerer type (think like, throwing fireballs/Merlin type magic)
    • Egyptian God/Anubis thing (I'm thinking like the bad guys in the original Stargate movie)
    • Zombie/Undead/Necromancer
    • Satan/The Devil.
    • Divine being, like an angel.