I just realized something

hatchking Member Posts: 312

So when you see the first 4 survivors you link 3 to the first 3 killers and make the last one just there the last one is usually Jake but I think it should be Dwight that's kinda there and Jake is linked to trapper Meg is linked to Billy and Claudette is linked to wraith Jake used to be able to break traps and Jake has a perk so he doesn't scream when he gets trapped making it where the killer might think someone disarmed it until they see the aura and if Jake escapes he has iron will which mutes his Injured sounds and for survivors the only difference is their story, pain sounds, and voices if you don't count the perks everyone can get and the perks are personal but for the first 3 killers it appears only 1 for each is personal for trapper it's unnerving presence for wraith it's shadowborn and for Billy it's enduring so in conclusion I think Jake is linked to trapper
