Simple nerf to Deathslinger's gun.
Please just increase the time it takes for Deathslinger to ADS. In the current version when Deathsligner has his gun loaded they are able to "quick scope" survivors at any time. This makes it so that in chase at any point where the killer has line of sight of you, they are able to shoot you. Now, If you add a delay to when his gun is ready he starts to have counterplay in chase similar to huntress or demo. This small change would completely change my opinions in going up against Deathslinger. I'm aware he's a fun killer to play, just make him a fun one to play against, please.
Yeah this I could see being fair, and possibly add a little grunt for when he lifts it like when he lunges. Just a nice queue for survivors. I wouldn't mind these changes even as a DS main. He's too easy
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I will say that his quick scope ability is literally the only part I do not like playing against slinger. I love going against huntress because at least you have a second to react, if you are in a straight away like the halls in midwich you have no time to react. This game is all about counterplay and I feel like this would actually make DS counterable, but just as powerful.
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I think this should also go through. The fact that he can shoot survivors without giving them the chance to react is a bit unfair. Just give survivors some sort of signal.
However, he needs a buff in something else. He is already a decent killer at best.
Post edited by Yords on3 -
sure i guess but anything above 0.5 seconds is too much.
deathslinger is good simply because of his fast power activation take that away and he sucks
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Hes slow... Just do gens.
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Deathslinger is probably the most complicated killer to fix. I feel like giving him a windup time makes him almost exactly like Huntress with only one shot before he needs to reload. You can’t really fix him without doing that. Changing him in the right way would be so hard to do that it might just be better to leave him the way he is.
A fix to Spirit, Hag, and Pyramid Head, even if they’re just as oppressive as Deathslinger, would be much more simple. All Spirit needs is an indicator she’s phasing, Pyramid Head just needs a little window of time between picking his sword up and being able to M1, and Hag just needs to be prevented from placing traps around the hook. Deathslinger just can’t be fixed imo.
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Where's the fun if you know he can't shoot? A delay would make a slow killer worse.
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He already has counter play and doesn't need more.
Besides the obvious of just simply out pacing him because nearly everything he does is slow... what do you think the purpose of the reeling mechanic is?
The answer is to add counter play to his kit. Over and over and over I see people indirectly claiming that once you get shot... that's it. End of chase. You got hit. Except that it isn't necessarily the end of the chase. When you're on the spear, you aren't downed yet, he still has to reel you in and M1 you. With some forethought and distance, you can present the Deathslinger with an "easy" shot and then when he takes it, get yourself stuck on a wall, a pallet, a random tree stump, down a dropdown, etc. He won't be able to get to you to finish the down and the chase will continue. If you aren't able to do that, well that means the Deathslinger outplayed you. Not because you couldn't react to the shot, but because you got shot in a place where you couldn't prevent the reel + M1.
Just because a decent chunk of Deathslinger's counter play happens after he shoots you, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
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I agree however you don't have a good chance of breaking off the chain unless he shoots you when you have a lot of objects between the two of you. Not that this isn't fair i think deathslinger is fine since he literally trades everything to have a power good at downing a survivor. he lacks map pressure, traversal, info, stalling, and even snowball potential all for the ability to quickly win chases.
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I agree, but I'd also add that he shouldn't be able to cancel the stun by attacking and missing, if he has you grappled and misses the attack he should get the stun from the cable breaking.
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It's not like you dont get punished in any way if doing so simply because you get attack cooldown and then reload.
You should understand that if you hit and miss you loose possibly an injury on the survivor, or sometimes you just want to deepwound this survivor.
Huntress have map pressure thanks to the unlimited range.
Demo has pressure thanks to the portals, while also being 115% killer.
Deathslinger... well... he has only quick chases. Not to mention that: if you are further away than 7 meters, you will be able to avoid his shot with deadhard, while around 10m you can dodge his shot, if you move sideways quickly enough.
Not to mention that deathslinger doesent have any play around most of the safe pallets, while demogorgon can quickly destroy them and huntress throw hatchets througth the pallets.
Before you call any killer op, first try playing them yourself on lower ranks (at least purple) to see how people can outplay you.
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If you're already injured, they don't really lose anything by doing this because they can drag you into an unsafe area, quickly recover from the miss then down you. That's why it's an issue and one reason it's really not fun to go up against this killer. Stunts like that just feel super cheap.
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He loses possible deep wound, which on occasions can be useful.
And this trick stills gives you attack cooldown and you have to reload after doing so and because of it it's not really that effective. Yea, it helps a little, but its not like really strong trick, you will gain nothing if you reload and if you won't you are just 110% killer.
Deathslinger shines only on specific loops, where you can shoot players througth the gaps in the walls.
But i agree, most people find it unfun to play against him because he is strong in chases... but other than that he has nothing... literally nothing and nerfing the only thing he is good at, will only make him useless.
So if you want to do so, find a way to buff him in something else.
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Please get better at survivor before complaining about killers. Oh I'm a bad killer please nerf survivors git gud, do bones etc!
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his quickscope is literally the only thing he has that makes him able to stand up to Huntress.
if we make his AdS similar to Huntress Hatchets where he has to wind it up first, he is going to drop tremendously in terms of power.
balance wise he is fine where he is imo.
he is very strong in chases, however he is lacking in everything else, so that makes up for that.
if you wanna beat a Slinger, stealth is your best friend.
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stealth or just staying healthy and doing gens
if survivors spread out and just do gens not even rushing them he will loss.
he can get back to back chases but as long as you don't 3 gen yourself he can't deal with the pressure and his lack of mobility and snowball potential causes him to fall.
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okay you have either never touched him yourself, or are at very very low ranks... Assume you are getting shot. Play around that. Keep him in positions where line of site is hard or will give you a guaranteed break. Run around round objects, break line of site. Hes not like huntress, hes one and done. You literally need him to miss once and you are so insanely good.
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My goal of the game is to have fun, not escape.
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Just do gen. It is because just you don't know how to face deathslinger. Wrong thing is your bad tactic not the game.
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The killer also wants to have fun you know?
They are not bots provided for your amusement.
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Not only would this not fix anything, because as a survivor you would have no more information than you currently have (you currently know when he is likely to shoot or not, but this is based off of game knowledge and not the game holding your hand), it would massively weaken Deathslinger and make him no more than a worse huntress.
If you lower his ADS speed, he becomes weaker at most loops. Most loops against him would start favoring survivors, because unlike Huntress, Deathslinger shoots a very tiny and precise projectile, so all a survivor would have to do is move a bit erratically and the shot becomes a massive risk for Deathslinger. This doesn't happen with Huntress because her projectile is much larger, so even with the warning survivors need to do much more to dodge her projectile at close range.
Also once he puts his gun up, you, as a survivor would have no more clue of when he was gonna shoot than before. You'd just have a more obvious idea of when he is LIKELY to shoot. And you'd know this, not because you understand how the killer plays, or because of your own game'd know this because the game just outright tells you... because I guess making reads is an arcane skill and the way to develop that skill has been lost to the ages...
Dealthslinger players need to predict your movement and you need to predict their actions. If a Deathslinger doesn't shoot and only baits, he gets annihilated by gens. If a survivor makes a right read, then Deahslinger will lose a lot of distance and time, and that adds up.
A slower ADS will also mean Deathslinger will be MUCH weaker against corners. If a survivor is about to make a corner, you can try to take the shot, and this is actually where a mindgame can happen. If the survivor predicts the shot and moves out of the way, the Deathslinger misses. If the Deathslinger takes too long to take the shot, expecting the survivor to move, then the survivor will make the corner. If the survivor predicts the shot and wiggles, but Deathslinger predicted that the survivor would attempt it, then the Deathslinger can make the shot after and hit the survivor.
This mindgame ONLY happens, because Deathslinger's ADS is so fast. If it were slow, there would be no mindgame, survivors would make these corners and Deathslinger would be stuck gaining on them at 0.4 meters per second. And once he makes the corner he would need to see if the survivor has the time to ADS and shoot before another LOS blocker. Jungle gyms would become massively powerful against him, which they already are if the survivor knows how to make reads and puts the pallet down when they have to.
If you don't like playing against Deatghslinger, that is totally fine...I hate Trapper and Hillbilly with a passion. But Slinger is a high skill, mid reward killer at best and he does not to be made weaker because survivors refuse to learn to make reads on their opponent. But this discussion has been going since cowboy man was released...the devs will either change it or they wont...i dont think what we say about it will make a difference.
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I think there's a simple way to fix him.
- Increase the duration of ADS and add an audio cue when he does so, before he can fire
- His speargun attack always applies deep wounds, if he misses a spear gun attack he gets stunned from the cable breaking
- Increase his movement speed to 4.6 to compensate for the above changes
- Give him ammo that he needs to resupply from a locker.
- Modify his add ons for the aboved changes, i.e add on for quick scoping, add on to injure survivors instead of wound, etc
These changes would mean he will be able to score the first hit on survivors easily, to which he is then able to chase them down, with his reduced TR, increased movement speed and longer lunge, he'll be able to do that.
He also would have some unique advantages over the Huntress, faster, smaller TR with no "humming" longer lunge, etc. The difference being the Huntress can still rely on downing injured survivors with the hatchet, where as Deathslinger would apply another stack of deep wounds if he does use his gun. Overall, He should be a lot more fun to go up against with these changes and feel more "fair" and interactive, instead of the norm of being quick scoped by the spear gun and chase over.
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Deathslinger is just normal killer. There is no need to change.
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He isn't normal, he can end chases fast, and he is ridiculously strong at camping or tunneling survivors.
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Not only would your suggestions not be fun to play, but he would just be a worse legion.
If your goal is to never play against Deathslinger again those would be the changes to make.
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LMAO are you serious? He is slow killer and It 's not that difficult to avoid his gun. I think problem is your skill not the game. got it? Statistically, his kill rate is bottom as well. Just blame your finger.
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I would honestly do the opposite. The ability to quickscope is what makes The Deathsligner effective in any way, but his ability to zone you out for free is what makes him a tad problematic imo. I think there should be a slowdown when lowering the Redeemer to reduce the free mindgames he gets mid-chase.
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This argument seems to be fair considering Huntress has a delay.
Also in real life, nobody can shoot straight without aiming down sight well.
It could be like, the longer you ADS, the more accuracy you get.
In other words, quick shots should have bad accuracy.
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why is the the moment I decide to switch killers we start seeing this #########. #########,
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This thread is a month old, but...
NO. Absolutely not. The Huntress and Demo have tells because their abilities cause instant loss of Health state without even triggering their M1 cooldown.
Deathslinger is balanced because his shot does not cause a wound state in itself. And even if he does drag you close enough to take that health state he has to M1 and go into the cooldown animation.
Deathslinger is fine, and your example does not work.
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Get good, I've faced SWFs who can nullify his abillity whenever they feel like it. He's a mid tier killer, the end.