Hex Ruin is good at only one thing - ruining the game for everyone!

Hex Ruin is a terrible perk for both survivors and killers.

Here is why

  1. Way too luck based (if it is found early the killer feels bad, if not found at all the survivors are in for a terrible time.
  2. Survivors want to disconnect the second you know it is in the game because it makes all the grind on gens worthless and repetitive.
  3. You just run around the whole map looking for a damn hex.

I don't understand how anyone thought this perk would make the game feel more enjoyable.

I can understand you need regression perks but at least they should work in a way that makes both sides feel like they can counter the perk or for killers to use it in an effective way.

Pop goes the weasel is a good example of a well thought out perk because atleast survivors and killers don't have the game decided for them based on pure luck and nothing more!

Hex ruin needs to be re-worked !!!!!!!!


  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    There are 2 counters to ruin... Do the gen or do the bones.

    As for a rework:

    How about we make it not a hex. Then make the regression only 1/4 of a survivor charge within 36m/72m/mapwide range of a killer. This makes it far less oppressive feeling and less punishing to survivors. In return you can't remove it anymore.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited February 2021

    it was already deleted once ("reworked")

    but no worries.. once the Undying nerf is live, you won't have to worry about Ruin

    accept the incoming NOED instead since it's clear survivors can't be assed to touch totems

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Please educate yourself on the game before making blanket, embarrassing statements like these. Ruin is a Hex, i.e. all you have to do to turn it off is cleanse the Totem. Hexes are one of the easiest things to counter in the game, and there are MANY tools to do it with too.

  • Wat.

    I thought this was just going to be about undying but he's actually complaining about Ruin on it's own of all things... Funny man.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited February 2021

    Smarter than you, apparently. Do you want a FULL list of all the Perks and Gear you can use to locate Totems? Just how hard do you want me to hit you with the rhetorical sledgehammer? Again, it behooves someone new to the game to learn the basics of it before making statements that will haunt you here for a long time. Right now, we don't expect you to know anything. Treat this moment as a valuable education tool. Ruin combined with the Hex: Undying (in current form) can be a challenge to get rid of. The Hex: Ruin without that added steroid is just another lit Totem, i.e. easily found and cleansed.

    So in the parlance of this Forum the best advice I can give you is DO BONES.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    Is this about Ruin & Undying orr..

    Just Ruin?

  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60

    I am well versed in the game thanks.

    I don't see brining a red map or a mostly useless perk like small game into every single game as a reasonable counter.

    Also doesn't erase the fact you have to run around the map hunting for a hex which is no fun.

    The point of perks is to make the game more enjoyable, challenging or to switch things up.

    Hex ruin just makes it more annoying and frustrating.

    Bad design plain and simple.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited February 2021

    In other words, you can't be bothered and expect everyone else to cater to YOUR whims? What a delightfully entitled sense of self you enjoy. The tools you need are out there. The work is likewise up to you. Nobody every said this game would be easy. Ruin is, in fact, much more forgiving than it used to be. Guess what, they aren't going to change it for you. I know that is a shock. You want to know something else, you aren't going to get a lot of people agreeing with you that Ruin is a problem. The Perk is only as good as the pressure the Killer keeps on you. If you stay on your Generators, the Perk does absolutely nothing whatsoever. So if you want yet ANOTHER way to deal with Ruin, you could have someone on the team, who knows how to loop, keep the Killer busy while the rest of you work those Generators.

    In a perverse way I find this discussion absolutely fascinating. Do tell us more about how well-versed you are in the game. Oh and by the way, you yourself said that one of the things Perks are supposed to do is make the game more challenging. Isn't that what you are also complaining about, that you might have to WORK, running around the map looking for those pesky Totems? Let me clue you in on something else. There are only five Totems. There are four Survivors. Most Survivors spot 1-3 Totems as they move around the map. If each of you stopped to cleanse one (even without Perks or Maps or anything else) they would also cease to be an issue. Go figure.

    I'm happy to keep chatting away with you, because every time you open your mouth, you make yourself look far worse than anything I could say or write. So here is your shovel; by all means, keep digging! :)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited February 2021

    Do you mean Low rank as in the fact I'm a Rank-1 Killer and usually get into Red as Survivor too? Or do you mean it the opposite, as in you think I'm still in the potato ranks? It is sometimes hard to follow your posts. Normally I'm only called "garbage" by Survivors after I 4K them, sometimes using zero Perks and giving them three hooks each. You cut out the middle man. Or, have I gutted you like a fish already?

    I do like the use of insufferable though, although you kind of invert the meaning. If you hate it that much, and continue to play DbD you absolutely are going to continue to suffer it, just as I suffer you gladly. Also, what exactly do you mean by you don't need players like me to "see" this post? Did you mean to say, "respond" to this post? Do tell? And by all means, keep digging, I can still see the top of your head.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited February 2021

    This b8 post has gotten a lot of bites

    OP is pretty serious on keeping up his act and that is easy to do over forums, come on people he has 33 posts and is ignoring logic what else do you need to see that XD

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    Ruin only regresses generators when not working on them, meaning that it ONLY works if the killer is pressuring gens properly.

    If they keep coming the one you're on, go to another one. If you can't bc they're too close, it's your team's fault for not finishing the right gens.

    Not to mention, it's a hex perk that can be removed from the game, resulting in a wasted slot AND the regression is still only half as potent as a single survivor's repair speed.

    If you hate Ruin so much, run a map/Detective's Hunch/Small Game, they exist for a reason.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    You could just stick the gen while 1 person is chased?

    I played one match that I still remember, guy had ruin but neither me or my friend knew cause we just stayed on gen, until last gen we noticed it but when it was at 80% finished it while one was being chased so it did nothing since we fixed all 5gens while 1 guy was looping for 3 minutes I dunno what other one was doing probably looking for ruin? Lol

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    No Counter.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,689

    Due to OP attacking everyone who shared a different opinion on the matter, I decided to lock this thread.

This discussion has been closed.