Cheryl's face...

Are the art team not allowed to make licensed characters look exactly the same or was it just badly done?
Yeah I agree it sucks how they make Ash Williams stranger things look amazing yet video game characters look like #########(Except Bill)
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She's still a cutie pie, no complaints on this end.
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They made tapp Steve and Nancy all look good. What happened here? Cyril looks worse
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I mean they look really similar and cute still.
Also is that Monsters and mortals image I see?
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Lets not even talk about what they did to Quentin.
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We know he still looks like a drug addict
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Well at least Cheryl doesn’t look as bad as that dopey mullet Cybil cosmetic lmfao
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Well Im a Silent Hill fan, main Cheryl, and honestly I prefer bhvr's face version (not Cybil's ew)
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Weird to complain about this when that game's artwork looks even less like the original Cheryl than DBD's version.
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She looks like shes trying to be an edgy cop gone wrong
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I was hoping for the movie likeness.
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I think she looks great.
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And me thinking of Quentin's beautiful face...
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Quentin has your answer
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Personally think it looks like she's on drugs currently, but some of you guys seem to like that haha.
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I think Cybil's face isn't that great but Cheryl looks fine to me.
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Cheryl is one of the prettiest DBD girls for me. With Jane, Elodie and maybe Kate. But Kate's eyes i don't like for some reason.
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I think Cheryl is pretty cute and well-made in DbD tbh.
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DBD doesn't look anywhere near as good side by side.
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i mean they look pretty similar to me and i would even say that the DBD one is more beautiful.
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Edit actually looks pretty good. Good job
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Cybil also looks so much better 🙃
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I’d honestly say tapp looks the best imo
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I thought Cheryl was fine. It's Cybil I have a problem with.
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yeah she looks a bit better on Monsters and mortals but have you seen Cybil there? she looks so much better there,and less like a drug addict
Post edited by BraveClem on0 -
I feel like DbD has a unique look that means that some changes would be needed to character designs/likenesses so they all match coherently. It's definitely hit and miss at times but Cheryl is not the worst imo (we all know who that is, sorry Quentin).
Plus, that image is from the upcoming Dark Deception crossover. In the original SH3, she looks a bit more like this:
Is it identical? Nope, but it does catch her main features; sharp chin, nose and the strains around her eyes. SH3 itself was working to a look; a sort of soft, desaturated look gven the limitations of the PS2 hardware, which helped make the monster design fit in flawlessly while still being horrifying and viseral.
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Why the art team from BHVR makes the eyes and eyebrows so ugly and those circles around the eyes. Disgusting.
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What the hell are you saying? Ash looks god awful, literally nothing like the actor Bruce Campbell , and it makes me pretty upset that that's the way it is since I'm a long time fan of the evil dead series
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Cheryl look okay IMO. The hair and eyes could look a little better but there are other licensed characters that need improvements
Quentin (even though they didn’t intend to make him look like the actor whatever they did was terrible), Cybil and also the nurse, Nancy and Laurie all need a face rework. The eyes seem to be the biggest issues..
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That's so true xD,it's like they do it on purpose
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Yeah, I would definitely play a lot more Cheryl if they did one of two things, preferably both.
Fix her giraffe neck:
Or if they added a movie Cybil Bennett skin
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Without any comparison Cheryl looks fine, but you're right. In comparison to her SH self, it stinks.
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DBD Cheryl not only looks fine to me but looks better than Silent Hill Cheryl
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Yeah it's a bit different, but at least she has one of the more human looking faces
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I still think she looks cute, in a sad, existential crisis type of way. At least its not the night/day contrast of Laurie.