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What's stopping the Killer from generator camping the three generators within the blue circle at the start of the game?


  • Aviema
    Aviema Member Posts: 45

    Asking cause I don't know how to counter it

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    Nothing really. If the Killer is set on a three gen strat then he will not move from this position. Most Killers can be baited or even tilted enough to give in and chase the Survivors. But as I said if he is dedicated to that strat, then there is not much you can do except have three gens being worked on constantly, while stopping any regression asap.

  • Aviema
    Aviema Member Posts: 45

    @Killigma said:
    Nothing really. If the Killer is set on a three gen strat then he will not move from this position. Most Killers can be baited or even tilted enough to give in and chase the Survivors. But as I said if he is dedicated to that strat, then there is not much you can do except have three gens being worked on constantly, while stopping any regression asap.

    Is this how killers play in higher ranks normally?

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Nothing if they're that dedicated.

    Get each of the survivors repair all the gens in that circle. It'll be tough, but its the only way.

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @Aviema said:

    @Killigma said:
    Nothing really. If the Killer is set on a three gen strat then he will not move from this position. Most Killers can be baited or even tilted enough to give in and chase the Survivors. But as I said if he is dedicated to that strat, then there is not much you can do except have three gens being worked on constantly, while stopping any regression asap.

    Is this how killers play in higher ranks normally?

    Just depends on the game and how the Killer wants to play. If I am playing a game and the Survivors are slamming gens quickly and end up leaving three gens close together I will switch to a three gen strat if I am dedicated to getting a 4k that game. My only advice would be to try and get a lay of the land at the start of a game. If you see three gens next to each other, try and at least take out one of them straight off the bat to increase gen proximity.

  • You can avoid it by identifying gens close to each other and spread completed gens out early game to avoid this late game.

    If killer does it early game though then survivors just need to spread out and each work on a seperate gen, killer can only protect 1 at a time and leave 2 open to be worked on so just rotate and you will eventually get the gens.

  • Aviema
    Aviema Member Posts: 45


    If killer does it early game though then survivors just need to spread out and each work on a seperate gen, killer can only protect 1 at a time and leave 2 open to be worked on so just rotate and you will eventually get the gens.

    What if they run overcharge+unnerving?

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited September 2018
    That's what i do as a killer >: )
    If u are swf then locate the gens and pop the ones which are close to other ones.
    If u are solo do the same and pray for the other survivors to repair the gens in the correct order and place.
    Edit: just realized someone said something similar already
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Aviema said:

    What's stopping the Killer from generator camping the three generators within the blue circle at the start of the game?

    Survivors, killers don't have a team to patrol gens with, two on one and two on another, poke them till it's broken up. Only 5 needs to get done, so if 1 of the three gets done it breaks it up cause there are 4 far from the close 2. Also run deja vu then if you're scared of that but survivors should look to break those gens up asap. 
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Get good at skill checks, practice, even with ogrecharge and unnerving, the killer cannot be everywhere at once. The fact that the killer can't be everywhere at once stops this tactic. Many doctors try it and fail against smart survivors. As long as you remember there is 1 killer and 4 survivors you will be fine. 
  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @Aviema said:

    What's stopping the Killer from generator camping the three generators within the blue circle at the start of the game?

    nothing they just dont or forget while chasing a survivor a good swf group relizes this weakness and goes to far away gens so when the end comes then the gens are far away. if you only camp the three gens without chasing survivors and keep hitting them and breaking the gens it will work but eventually you will chase and hook a survivor and they will get a gen done

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Aviema said:

    What's stopping the Killer from generator camping the three generators within the blue circle at the start of the game?

    You are 4 survivors, there is only one killer.
    Since he is not gonna leave the area, you can just continue tapping gens until they are done eventually, not that the killer needs a lot longer to kick the gen and again, you are in a 1vs4

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Hello there, fellow Survivormains!
    i, as a survivormain, think, that us survivormains, like i definitely am, should always make loud noise! also, true survivormains like me know, that pallets are bad! If you wanna become a great survivormain, like me, always make loud noise and ignore pallets!

    the perfect disguise!
    (now i want a picture of the Trapper wearing a Dwight mask, saying he's a survivormain...)

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited September 2018
    Stay mindful of where the gens pop and try to spread the gens. If the killer is safe guarding your gonna have to tap them and watch for a patrol pattern.
  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
    Try and identify this as early as possible. Bring 3 players and all work on it, get one player to bait the killer. If they're really that focused then all survivors should work on separate ones.
  • Exyes
    Exyes Member Posts: 27
    I typically try to get the hardest gens out of the way, and if I notice gens that are grouped together, I’ll do one and move to a farther away gen to avoid the three gen strat. Never really seen a killer just patrol three gens off the bat. All it takes is a survivor leading them away, and if they take the bait or not.