DS and OoO feedback

Sciffer Member Posts: 41
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Holy ######### you actually listened. I was literally about to quit this game entirely and then I saw this. I can't describe what a gesture it is in my eyes. So for once, thank you. Now to actual feedback.

New DS seem great, a few changes maybe I would make but I am not a dev and it's good enough already with new changes. Plus you guys did not even ask feedback on it so moving on.

OoO, I hate to go against Swf with OoO, it's incredibly op and change is needed. However, if I am reading it correctly, that change makes it too weak. I like the idea of seeing killers aura when they see yours by using their perks, that part is great. One thing I am not sure about though. Where it says that your aura is revealed to the killer every so and so seconds. If thats both ways, you see killer and killer sees you then cool. If only killer gets to see a OoO user then thats unfair in my eyes.