bannable offense ?

EndMePlease Member Posts: 35
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

So i started to play a lot of legion since he is the best killer in the game for farming bloodpoints , i played this match normally till i get 1 sacrifice , then i focused on stacking bbq and after i hooked the last bbq stack i signaled to the other survivors to unhook him then i go into frenzy , hit them with it , they heal , hit them with it , they heal , then i make sure that everyone is on deathhook then they safe rescue them and in the end they finished all the gens and i let them get out . One of them said that what i did was cool in the aftergame chat , is forming a bond betwen you as a killer with the survivor to benefit each other bannable ?


  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    no, since you're not using that bond maliciously against the other survivors, if you let everyone but one of them out and farm basically the entire match it's entirely fine

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,936

    This is commonly called "farming" and is a grey area. It's naturally not something that we approve of because we want people to actually play the game. It becomes a bannable offence if you're forcing people to farm with and not allowing players to play the game. Also, if you're working with some of the survivors and killing the others but letting the ones you work with live.

    So there's no straight yes/no answer to your question as each report is dealt with on a case-by-case basis, if survivors are feeling forced to farm or you've worked with some survivors against the detriment of the other survivors, yes you can receive punishment.

    My advice? Just play the game normally, as a killer you can earn 32k BP in a normal match anyway.

  • EndMePlease
    EndMePlease Member Posts: 35

    But if the survivors willingly wanted to do it with me is it still bannable ? i didnt force them or anything

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    if they want to do it with you it's fine, if you bully them into it it isn't, so no, you got nothing to worry about if they willingly go through with farming