Which maps do you DC from as killer?



  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @Aftertaste said:
    I don't DC but I would like to when I see Lery's Memorial or Backwater Swamp

    I like the swamp. If somebody burns a haddonfield offering I DC, you already are on the powerrole, you don't need to make the game even cheesier.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @MhhBurgers said:
    Personally I immediately DC from Haddonfield, the map is way to clustered with safespaces pallets and visionblockers, hooks are often times unreachable because of stupid hedges.

    On high ranks I dced on haddonfield too. There is no point playing this map when survivors know how to loop.

    Now that I deranked, I dont DC maps anymore. The game is balanced in the lower ranks so I dont need to take action like this

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Lowbei said:
    Tsulan said:

    I don´t dc.

    Like... never.

    because you, unlike the OP, are a good player :) 

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited September 2018

    93 followers with 2 videos of dbd which don't work, I'm pretty well known m'dude.

    Please troll somewhere else, the game needs serious fixing (in other words maps need complete reworks of the safespaces which yes are happening but not fast enough)

    havent streamed in a couple months (i dont stream this game that much right now) so the dozens of videos get auto removed, thats how twitch works.

    i would tell you to come play so i can teach you how, but your low rank with my rank1 would mess up the matchmaking. i guess you will just have to git gud. maybe watch some youtube videos.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited September 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    93 followers with 2 videos of dbd which don't work, I'm pretty well known m'dude.

    Please troll somewhere else, the game needs serious fixing (in other words maps need complete reworks of the safespaces which yes are happening but not fast enough)

    havent streamed in a couple months (i dont stream this game that much right now) so the dozens of videos get auto removed, thats how twitch works.

    i would tell you to come play so i can teach you how, but your low rank with my rank1 would mess up the matchmaking. i guess you will just have to git gud. maybe watch some youtube videos.

    I'm rank1 on both sides and since I play about 8+ hours a day (not DBD tho) I'm probably way better than you anyways

    I already watch Truetalent who's probably one of the best killers out there and he also doesn't commit to those loops

    If you don't see a problem with a game having safe-spaces where a killer is supposed to kill people then I cannot help you. Survivors should NEVER feel safe.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I never DC. As a survivor, i'm not going to screw over the killer just because i don't like the map, no matter how many lerys or meatplants I get.

    As a hag killer, i roll with the punches because again, I'm not going to screw over the survivors who have already invested offerings and may end up losing their items too. I get it, some maps are awful depending on which side you play, but with each corn sprinting, vault looping, pallet teabagging game i play....I learn a little more.

    Nearly every game has that level that makes you want to rage quit, you can either power through it and learn or give up, just don't expect too many people to pat you on the back and say "Yeah me too man"

    I won't say Git Gud, because i'm an adult. But I will say that all maps have a learning curve for both sides, but nobody can force you to learn.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited September 2018

    @Aftertaste said:
    I don't DC but I would like to when I see Lery's Memorial or Backwater Swamp

    I like the swamp. If somebody burns a haddonfield offering I DC, you already are on the powerrole, you don't need to make the game even cheesier.

    Let me get this straight. You mentioned before not having at least a "safe" 3K is the reason why you dc, meaning that you should be able to be quite succesful in most of the matches. Explain me now then how you still think survivors are the power role.
    Edit: btw, DCing is just a childish reaction
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Lowbei said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    93 followers with 2 videos of dbd which don't work, I'm pretty well known m'dude.

    Please troll somewhere else, the game needs serious fixing (in other words maps need complete reworks of the safespaces which yes are happening but not fast enough)

    havent streamed in a couple months (i dont stream this game that much right now) so the dozens of videos get auto removed, thats how twitch works.

    i would tell you to come play so i can teach you how, but your low rank with my rank1 would mess up the matchmaking. i guess you will just have to git gud. maybe watch some youtube videos.

    I'm rank1 on both sides and since I play about 8+ hours a day (not DBD tho) I'm probably way better than you anyways

    lol the salt

    i would hope you ARE rank1 since double bp farming season just ended, but feel free to link us to your public steam profile to prove yourself

    inb4 “i dont have to prove myself to you”

    like i said, when you git gud, you wont have to ragequit from maps
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @NextKillerSpongebob said:

    If I were to DC from a map due to pallets then I'd have to DC every time. I never DC tho since that would mean losing 3 pips and getting no blood points. I'd rather lose one pip and get Bloodpoints

    There's some maps that are basically unplayable, if I can't get 3+k then I won't bother with it. Haddonfield is way to hard for killers for example with multiple levels to hide from.

    This is the problem right here “if I can’t get a 3+k then I won’t bother with it” , so you don’t want a challenge is basically what you’re saying? You immediately quit when any sign of failure might happen, this is why we need survivor bots and participation trophies for these people, this is proof you want to win everytime and have no opposition, killers can’t stand that there is a way to counter everything on both sides and the only ones having this problem are ones who never change their perk load outs and think they can do whatever and still win

    The problem is gamers these days who have 0 sense of entitlement. "oh yes it's bad but I'm just still gonna put up with it". Let's just ignore that we paid for a faulty product. For some reason this line of thinking is only acceptable in the game-programming world. Imagine this type of nihilism with stuff like Spacetravel. "oh it's a big design flaw, we know it but yeah, we just occasionally lose a few people".

    The fact that those are KNOWN issues for years makes me wonder what the heck is wrong with ppl these days who don't want to fix things.

    And no, there's no counter to certain loops, the killershack yes, it can be countered with bamboozle or a mindgame but things like the storehouse are impossible to mess up as a survivor.

    You’re just making excuses I don’t have an issue with any of what you complain about, I bet you’re one of those that leave the pallet down and keep running in circles I can already tell by some of your responses
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    @NextKillerSpongebob said:
    If I were to DC from a map due to pallets then I'd have to DC every time. I never DC tho since that would mean losing 3 pips and getting no blood points. I'd rather lose one pip and get Bloodpoints
    There's some maps that are basically unplayable, if I can't get 3+k then I won't bother with it. Haddonfield is way to hard for killers for example with multiple levels to hide from.

    This is the problem right here “if I can’t get a 3+k then I won’t bother with it” , so you don’t want a challenge is basically what you’re saying? You immediately quit when any sign of failure might happen, this is why we need survivor bots and participation trophies for these people, this is proof you want to win everytime and have no opposition, killers can’t stand that there is a way to counter everything on both sides and the only ones having this problem are ones who never change their perk load outs and think they can do whatever and still win

    The problem is gamers these days who have 0 sense of entitlement. "oh yes it's bad but I'm just still gonna put up with it". Let's just ignore that we paid for a faulty product. For some reason this line of thinking is only acceptable in the game-programming world. Imagine this type of nihilism with stuff like Spacetravel. "oh it's a big design flaw, we know it but yeah, we just occasionally lose a few people".

    The fact that those are KNOWN issues for years makes me wonder what the heck is wrong with ppl these days who don't want to fix things.

    And no, there's no counter to certain loops, the killershack yes, it can be countered with bamboozle or a mindgame but things like the storehouse are impossible to mess up as a survivor.

    You’re just making excuses I don’t have an issue with any of what you complain about, I bet you’re one of those that leave the pallet down and keep running in circles I can already tell by some of your responses

    I literally break every pallet that isn't a shortpallet, unless I'm on the spirit so no

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @Vietfox said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @Aftertaste said:

    I don't DC but I would like to when I see Lery's Memorial or Backwater Swamp

    I like the swamp. If somebody burns a haddonfield offering I DC, you already are on the powerrole, you don't need to make the game even cheesier.

    Let me get this straight. You mentioned before not having at least a "safe" 3K is the reason why you dc, meaning that you should be able to be quite succesful in most of the matches. Explain me now then how you still think survivors are the power role.
    Edit: btw, DCing is just a childish reaction

    I don't say I need at least a safe 3k, the reason why I DC is that I don't play maps where I don't even have a chance of getting a 3k unless the survivors mess up royally.

    DCing is not childish, it's not wanting to waste my precious time.

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850
    edited September 2018

    Literally none.
    Idgaf if I load into Lery's as double engraving billy, I'll just m1 it all match if needed.
    Does it put you at a disadvantage? Yes.
    Does that make it okay to DC like a baby rager instead of learning how to deal? Nah.

    DCing is the worst thing in this game (both sides). If you just DC because things aren't handfed to you, maybe go play single player F13 or something.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @Lowbei said: i actually do stream, and most vets here know me well. you on the other hand, are a salty rando whining on the forum about how bruised your ego is after getting laughed at for ragequitting.

    How often? I just found you on Twitch, but your last videos were back in June. I'm new here, and have been looking into some Streamers just for the hell of it (I'm 45-years-old, and don't generally watch streamers), and was looking to Follow some of the smaller ones.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @Kilmeran said:

    @Lowbei said: i actually do stream, and most vets here know me well. you on the other hand, are a salty rando whining on the forum about how bruised your ego is after getting laughed at for ragequitting.

    How often? I just found you on Twitch, but your last videos were back in June. I'm new here, and have been looking into some Streamers just for the hell of it (I'm 45-years-old, and don't generally watch streamers), and was looking to Follow some of the smaller ones.

    Follow Runningman then if you don't want to follow one of the big ones.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @MhhBurgers Will do. Thanks.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,905
    I never dc. Even if I get the Doctor on the Game!!!
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I don't DC because of maps. If I get to the point where just a map is making me want to DC, then I know I'm not in the right mental state to play anymore and put down the game for the entire night.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    None, but if I was going to it would be shelter woods.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said:

    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.

    It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889
    None even if I get blindfield for the 4th time in a row
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @SenzuDuck said:
    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said:

    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.

    It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    There's times where you cannot avoid having those loops near and each will be safe/wasting too much time.

    Now you could say it's my fault for letting them do the gens this way, but I will simply disagree since I'm not the one doing the gens.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said:

    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.

    It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? ######### you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @lyric said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said:

    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.

    It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? [BAD WORD] you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us

    Yeah sorry I don't want to play clown/nurse and btw those still don't counter the BIG loops that I'm complaining about with multiple exit windows and pallets nearby. Again, people like Truetalent who's probably the best killer in the community will also not commit to these loops.

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    IM main nurse, lary is soo buggy, Until the devs fix it, I'll keep doing DC there.
    The corn is sooo unfair for low height killers.
    It is very unfair for the killers of short stature (nursehag), if all the killers had the same height, it would be more even and not so disadvantageous

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611

    @lyric said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said:

    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.

    It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? [BAD WORD] you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us

    Yeah sorry I don't want to play clown/nurse and btw those still don't counter the BIG loops that I'm complaining about with multiple exit windows and pallets nearby. Again, people like Truetalent who's probably the best killer in the community will also not commit to these loops.

    Well if you don’t want to do what it takes to win then suck it up and wait until they give you survivor bots and options for them to start injured or how many pallets you want to be gone from the start and you can play however you want safely without having to sacrifice an ounce of brain matter 
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2018

    @MhhBurgers said: Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.

    As I said, I'm not really a Streaming viewer. Maybe it's an age thing, but I don't see video games as a spectator sport. Never have. Not even as a kid in the video arcade, having to watch the guy playing his game while you waited your turn to be next.

    But, if I'm going to do this thing to see some tips and tricks for DBD, I'd rather follow the smaller guys. The big guys already have the game studios kissing their asses for them, they don't need my patronage. Plus, I made the mistake of giving AngryPub a try. Yeah, I'd rather be castrated than sit through that idiot again. Oh, and noob3. Christ, he's like the DBD version of xQc. Or was that Orchi? I forget.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited September 2018

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said:
    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.
    It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? [BAD WORD] you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us

    Yeah sorry I don't want to play clown/nurse and btw those still don't counter the BIG loops that I'm complaining about with multiple exit windows and pallets nearby. Again, people like Truetalent who's probably the best killer in the community will also not commit to these loops.

    Well if you don’t want to do what it takes to win then suck it up and wait until they give you survivor bots and options for them to start injured or how many pallets you want to be gone from the start and you can play however you want safely without having to sacrifice an ounce of brain matter 

    Typical survivor main fallacy. I bet you would never say that to ppl like marth88 and true who basically complain about the same things since their opinions are known as facts among the community.

    You remind me of the guys who complain to me about not following them to those loops that I don't want a challenge LOL. It's not that I don't want a challenge, I just want to play a chase that doesn't last longer than a friggin minute unless you mess up like crazy.

    The game is balanced around a chase-time of 45seconds, going through the e.g garageloop without trying to cut the survivor off will take you at least to BL2 before you make it to him, if you try to cut him off he has a chance to escape by hiding so it's just luck

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said:
    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.
    It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? [BAD WORD] you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us

    Yeah sorry I don't want to play clown/nurse and btw those still don't counter the BIG loops that I'm complaining about with multiple exit windows and pallets nearby. Again, people like Truetalent who's probably the best killer in the community will also not commit to these loops.

    Well if you don’t want to do what it takes to win then suck it up and wait until they give you survivor bots and options for them to start injured or how many pallets you want to be gone from the start and you can play however you want safely without having to sacrifice an ounce of brain matter 

    Typical survivor main fallacy. I bet you would never say that to ppl like marth88 and true who basically complain about the same things since their opinions are known as facts among the community.

    You remind me of the guys who complain to me about not following them to those loops that I don't want a challenge LOL.

    But I play killer and I’m obviously a way better one than you if I’m not on here making cry threads about sucking
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited September 2018

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said: Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those. It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? [BAD WORD] you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us
    Yeah sorry I don't want to play clown/nurse and btw those still don't counter the BIG loops that I'm complaining about with multiple exit windows and pallets nearby. Again, people like Truetalent who's probably the best killer in the community will also not commit to these loops.

    Well if you don’t want to do what it takes to win then suck it up and wait until they give you survivor bots and options for them to start injured or how many pallets you want to be gone from the start and you can play however you want safely without having to sacrifice an ounce of brain matter 

    Typical survivor main fallacy. I bet you would never say that to ppl like marth88 and true who basically complain about the same things since their opinions are known as facts among the community.

    You remind me of the guys who complain to me about not following them to those loops that I don't want a challenge LOL.

    But I play killer and I’m obviously a way better one than you if I’m not on here making cry threads about sucking

    Ya ur way better than me since u love being mediocre and dependant on mistakes that others make, what great logic.

    Here's a fact for you: Survivors should ALWAYS feel afraid of getting downed, there should not be places where they can AT LEAST loop you for 40+secs no matter how bad they are. I don't care if it's fun for them, this is a discussion about balance, fun should be secondary.

  • Luccimane1
    Luccimane1 Member Posts: 54

    Umm None the answer is none..

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @lyric said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said:

    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.

    It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? [BAD WORD] you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us

    Yeah sorry I don't want to play clown/nurse and btw those still don't counter the BIG loops that I'm complaining about with multiple exit windows and pallets nearby. Again, people like Truetalent who's probably the best killer in the community will also not commit to these loops.

    Truetalent best killer lmao.
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said: Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those. It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? [BAD WORD] you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us
    Yeah sorry I don't want to play clown/nurse and btw those still don't counter the BIG loops that I'm complaining about with multiple exit windows and pallets nearby. Again, people like Truetalent who's probably the best killer in the community will also not commit to these loops.

    Well if you don’t want to do what it takes to win then suck it up and wait until they give you survivor bots and options for them to start injured or how many pallets you want to be gone from the start and you can play however you want safely without having to sacrifice an ounce of brain matter 

    Typical survivor main fallacy. I bet you would never say that to ppl like marth88 and true who basically complain about the same things since their opinions are known as facts among the community.

    You remind me of the guys who complain to me about not following them to those loops that I don't want a challenge LOL.

    But I play killer and I’m obviously a way better one than you if I’m not on here making cry threads about sucking

    Ya ur way better than me since u love being mediocre and dependant on mistakes that others make, what great logic.

    Well you know you’re supposed to capitalize on their mistakes because that’s how you beat the survivors in case you didn’t know, I’ll guarantee I’m not mediocre and if you played against me once you would be on here making a thread about whatever killer I was using being broken you can tell by the way you say some of this stuff that you are having major issues example: wanting bullshit one shots for nothing, looping and now dc from maps you don’t like , you’ve lost all credibility 
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said: Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those. It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? [BAD WORD] you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us
    Yeah sorry I don't want to play clown/nurse and btw those still don't counter the BIG loops that I'm complaining about with multiple exit windows and pallets nearby. Again, people like Truetalent who's probably the best killer in the community will also not commit to these loops.

    Well if you don’t want to do what it takes to win then suck it up and wait until they give you survivor bots and options for them to start injured or how many pallets you want to be gone from the start and you can play however you want safely without having to sacrifice an ounce of brain matter 

    Typical survivor main fallacy. I bet you would never say that to ppl like marth88 and true who basically complain about the same things since their opinions are known as facts among the community.

    You remind me of the guys who complain to me about not following them to those loops that I don't want a challenge LOL.

    But I play killer and I’m obviously a way better one than you if I’m not on here making cry threads about sucking

    Ya ur way better than me since u love being mediocre and dependant on mistakes that others make, what great logic.

    Here's a fact for you: Survivors should ALWAYS feel afraid of getting downed, there should not be places where they can AT LEAST loop you for 40+secs no matter how bad they are. I don't care if it's fun for them, this is a discussion about balance, fun should be secondary.

    Again this comes back to you just being plain terrible at the game 
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xG5EXxFSiQ This thread's been exploding with views and comments.
    Alright, enough's enough whistleblowers assemble!

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Peasant said:

    image This thread's been exploding with views and comments.
    Alright, enough's enough whistleblowers assemble!

    That was totally expected. Someone justifying DCs because of maps? LOL
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited September 2018

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said: SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said:    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.        It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? [BAD WORD] you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us Yeah sorry I don't want to play clown/nurse and btw those still don't counter the BIG loops that I'm complaining about with multiple exit windows and pallets nearby. Again, people like Truetalent who's probably the best killer in the community will also not commit to these loops.

    Well if you don’t want to do what it takes to win then suck it up and wait until they give you survivor bots and options for them to start injured or how many pallets you want to be gone from the start and you can play however you want safely without having to sacrifice an ounce of brain matter 
    Typical survivor main fallacy. I bet you would never say that to ppl like marth88 and true who basically complain about the same things since their opinions are known as facts among the community.
    You remind me of the guys who complain to me about not following them to those loops that I don't want a challenge LOL.

    But I play killer and I’m obviously a way better one than you if I’m not on here making cry threads about sucking

    Ya ur way better than me since u love being mediocre and dependant on mistakes that others make, what great logic.

    Here's a fact for you: Survivors should ALWAYS feel afraid of getting downed, there should not be places where they can AT LEAST loop you for 40+secs no matter how bad they are. I don't care if it's fun for them, this is a discussion about balance, fun should be secondary.

    Again this comes back to you just being plain terrible at the game 

    I'm terrible at the game for not wanting safe-spaces in a game where a killer is supposed to kill people or make weaker killers get up to the level of billy.

    Where's your credibility? Again, people like truetalent who are way better than you or me also do not commit to these places, hence these places should not exist. They are mostly there because devs know it's bad for survivors to ALWAYS feel pressured and would make the game less popular since nobody enjoys being stressed out but why as a killer would I care about that?

    Want your safespace where a killer cannot hurt you? Turn off the game

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    edited September 2018

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said: SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said:    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.        It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? [BAD WORD] you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us Yeah sorry I don't want to play clown/nurse and btw those still don't counter the BIG loops that I'm complaining about with multiple exit windows and pallets nearby. Again, people like Truetalent who's probably the best killer in the community will also not commit to these loops.

    Well if you don’t want to do what it takes to win then suck it up and wait until they give you survivor bots and options for them to start injured or how many pallets you want to be gone from the start and you can play however you want safely without having to sacrifice an ounce of brain matter 
    Typical survivor main fallacy. I bet you would never say that to ppl like marth88 and true who basically complain about the same things since their opinions are known as facts among the community.
    You remind me of the guys who complain to me about not following them to those loops that I don't want a challenge LOL.

    But I play killer and I’m obviously a way better one than you if I’m not on here making cry threads about sucking

    Ya ur way better than me since u love being mediocre and dependant on mistakes that others make, what great logic.

    Here's a fact for you: Survivors should ALWAYS feel afraid of getting downed, there should not be places where they can AT LEAST loop you for 40+secs no matter how bad they are. I don't care if it's fun for them, this is a discussion about balance, fun should be secondary.

    Again this comes back to you just being plain terrible at the game 

    I'm terrible at the game for not wanting safe-spaces in a game where a killer is supposed to kill people.

    Where's your credibility? Again, people like truetalent who are way better than you or me also do not commit to these places, hence these places should not exist. They are mostly there because devs know it's bad for survivors to ALWAYS feel pressured and would make the game less popular since nobody enjoys being stressed out but why as a killer would I care about that?

    If I ever can’t catch a survivor at first I don’t commit to the chase and I get them later when they are more vulnerable, again making assumptions about me while making statements that make you look like a noob , just stop embarrassing yourself Jesus Christ 
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:

    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @lyric said: SenzuDuck said:

    These threads always make me laugh. > @MhhBurgers said:    Btw I can't take anyone seriously who tells me to just watch youtube/the big streamers who also have the same problems as me: the big safespace loops, they will usually just ignore survivors doing those.        It's almost as if ignoring someone that is good at looping and going after someone else who isn't in a position to loop is a decent tactic to avoid wasting time, lol.

    Lol right? I mean it’s not like they didn’t release the clown to specifically counter looping with his power or anything but shhh don’t tell him because he doesn’t think he should ever have to switch killers or perks to win , same loadout everytime better equal a 3+k or guess what? [BAD WORD] you guys he’s gonna dc and show us who the real rank one is  and then the joke is on us Yeah sorry I don't want to play clown/nurse and btw those still don't counter the BIG loops that I'm complaining about with multiple exit windows and pallets nearby. Again, people like Truetalent who's probably the best killer in the community will also not commit to these loops.

    Well if you don’t want to do what it takes to win then suck it up and wait until they give you survivor bots and options for them to start injured or how many pallets you want to be gone from the start and you can play however you want safely without having to sacrifice an ounce of brain matter 
    Typical survivor main fallacy. I bet you would never say that to ppl like marth88 and true who basically complain about the same things since their opinions are known as facts among the community.
    You remind me of the guys who complain to me about not following them to those loops that I don't want a challenge LOL.

    But I play killer and I’m obviously a way better one than you if I’m not on here making cry threads about sucking

    Ya ur way better than me since u love being mediocre and dependant on mistakes that others make, what great logic.

    Here's a fact for you: Survivors should ALWAYS feel afraid of getting downed, there should not be places where they can AT LEAST loop you for 40+secs no matter how bad they are. I don't care if it's fun for them, this is a discussion about balance, fun should be secondary.

    Again this comes back to you just being plain terrible at the game 

    I'm terrible at the game for not wanting safe-spaces in a game where a killer is supposed to kill people.

    Where's your credibility? Again, people like truetalent who are way better than you or me also do not commit to these places, hence these places should not exist. They are mostly there because devs know it's bad for survivors to ALWAYS feel pressured and would make the game less popular since nobody enjoys being stressed out but why as a killer would I care about that?

    Want your safespace where a killer cannot hurt you? Turn off the game

    You even asked someone earlier where their sense of entitlement was lmao you aren’t entitled to a damn thing, it’s called earning your  progress there are no cheats in this game to down everyone when you please
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    And you think somebody who DCs certain maps commits to e.g cowloop chases against survs that know what they're doing? lul

    I only commit to chases that I can mindgame.

  • Gun_Doc
    Gun_Doc Member Posts: 43

    Have never and will never DC....bottom line.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    I don't DC because I get a bad map.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Vietfox said:
    Peasant said:

    image This thread's been exploding with views and comments.
    Alright, enough's enough whistleblowers assemble!

    That was totally expected. Someone justifying DCs because of maps? LOL
    If they're justifying DCs it means they do enough DCs to raise concern. It's time to light the beacons!
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @Peasant said:
    Vietfox said:

    Peasant said:

    This thread's been exploding with views and comments.

    Alright, enough's enough whistleblowers assemble!

    That was totally expected. Someone justifying DCs because of maps? LOL

    If they're justifying DCs it means they do enough DCs to raise concern. It's time to light the beacons!

    This. I can absolutely understand survs btw disconnecting from the game too. I personally don't DC there because I just keep running instead of trying to loop something but I can understand why you'd want to DC a map where stealth is impossible if you're into such a thing.

This discussion has been closed.