POV:D-strike finally got nerf..And you know why

Ok,before we start this you gotta know the long history of the D-strike..A long weird history which might be longer then how most people play.

So, It came with Laurie and here Bro Mike when they came to DBD. It was part of the new Object of obsession perk idea that came around. Laurie and Mike bother had all their perks focused another this..Was a wild west of the time.

expect one perk

Decisive strike...which when It first came out basically meant no matter what you get a free stun on the killer once.

then, reworked to have less stun time.

Then, It got reworked into be half a object perk where people who where not the object had to get the wiggle bar up. But, the object got the stun for free.

Then, It got reworked into the infamous version that has been around for a long time With the get hooked, got a minute of protection

Then a buff so you get stunned for 5 seconds not 3.

Yeah, there is a reason this perk is infamous to killer mains. And It can basically be summed up in the fact of being one of the cheesiest survivor perk ever created even from It's first birth. Like really think about It, in the Dlc which was all about OoO this one was the perk that did not require you to be the OoO...This one..The stun related one. The hand pallet.

Needless to say today (Or yesterday?) is the day the tugowar as ended and now the perk got nerfed. Honestly, I saw the nerf going one of 2 ways because of the ordeal of the perk overall.

You don't wanna make It useless. But,you also don't wanna keep the problem It has.

Now, what was the problem with D-strike?

Well, If you hook someone, then they get unhooked they had a whole minute of more or less protection. Which, meant people who unhook in front the killer's face, do gens in front of the killer's face. Basically, survivors who had the perk where aloud to disregard getting punish for being dumb or playing foolish because they had a escape If things got bad.

All the while many of these same folk where decreeing they needed It as a "Anti-tunnel perk". Which ironically is why It got nerf as It did. You see when you say something is "Anti-tunnel" then you run up in the killer's face and teabag,body block,do a gen or unhook someone because you know you got a safety net to prevent punishment. Well,It becomes clear you are not using the perk as intended by the devs.

The nerf could of either been a time decrease of 30 seconds

Or keeping the one minute but interacting with none chase items was off the table.

Why where these the two best choice?

Both more or less make sure It is a perk for anti-tunneling and not just a weapon to bash the killers in the face with because you played reckless. It also is not a total overboard nerf. Which honestly would of made things worse.

Honestly, I am kind of happy d-strike finally got smacked. Maybe now the survivor meta will be 90% less second chance perks. Highly doubt that but one can dream.

That and I think the amount of sluggers should decrease a bit. Without the fear of Decisive grief every time they make a turn people might lax up on trying to knock everyone down to the ground..That and the "Combo" of d-strike and unbreakable still works. (hopefully) So,now they have more of a reason not to waste time sluging.

Also,now Killer mains can no longer say the devs are ignoring them...YAY! But, don't start siting their getting ideas like "Lets nerf random survivor perk no one uses cause I lost to a guy who used It." Stuff killer mains. We got enough nerf BBQ and Chili threads we don't need a "nerf wake up" thread every other day.

However...If It is proven you can't be healed by another player while d-strike is active...Well, that is a bad idea because people will exploit that and grief their teammates..Can't be having that now can we.

So,I guess this is a round about way of saying


