How to play against Clown?


The thing is, whenever I face Clown I'm in for a bad time. He lacks map pressure but when I'm the one getting chased, it usually ends quickly. He is fast by default and can block off loops/windows (or make you slow down). Looping him results in me getting caught in his pink smoke eventually and running away is a matter of when he's on my ass again.

So my question is, what can I do when getting chased by him? Any tips?


  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Drop pallets early, instead of looping them.

    It's not fun and it feels wrong, but it's the right play.

  • Iosefka
    Iosefka Member Posts: 72

    Nothing just suicide on hook

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228
    edited February 2021

    drop the pallets... his power helps to catch up quickly... so just make him stuck in animations... he is the worst killer for a reason.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    Clown is thought to loop and it's perfectly okay that you struggle against him. He can deny loops really quickly and good clowns can really apply a lot of pressure. I'd advice you to try and play in a more stealthier way: use Spine Chill or try and walk away from gens as you hear the terror radius. If you're forced in chase, pre-drop pallets and try not to use much windows. Getting distance against him is your main concern. If you play SWF, try to apply gen rush pressure since he has no mobility and can't counter it at all.

  • GloryHunter
    GloryHunter Member Posts: 33

    Dunno, I actually feel sorry for Wraiths & so his counter play is finish the gens before the pallets are?

  • Iosefka
    Iosefka Member Posts: 72

    Everyone gonna say drop pallets early but you can't loop him. Just waste every pallet then map gonna have 0 pallets. Gg