Someone has to say it
Ds and ooo Nerf sucks i know but 3-4 man swf won´t even be affect as much as solo survivor.
Playing solo or 2 man swf is more dependent on luck, latency, hitbox, dc and bad teammates, now they give other players even an excuse to not do anything useful, i can see easily survivor not doing gens or anything with an excuse now beacuse otherwise they ds will be deactivated (cry).
Every Change they do makes playing solo more and more a living hell.
Everyone knows that a complete SWF group is a major reason what is making this game unbalanced, so why are they making it worse for everyone else.
Everyone complains that this game is so full of SWF survivors and some of them even toxic, but what do you expect?
This game is getting more and more of a game which you can only play as a team and still everyone gets off on every nerf even if it is justified like ds.
You know that will happen? The person who has Ds will not do anything to keep ds or just dont care and the other 3 will Constantly doing gens. Give 1 person Detectives hunch and bye bye noed. There is easily no other objective left and everyone will be unsatisfied again.
That´s why there are mostly noobs and Storng Swf groups, you all can applause yourself good job
Thanks for making this game unplayable for solo player. I´m out.
Yeah, because solo's needed an excuse to not do anything. The people that did nothing before will do nothing now. DS nerf won't change that.
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They are now even somewhat partly justified that they do nothing, that´s my problem. I hoped it would someday be the other way around.
i don´t wanted to go on this reason specificly it just got me to address my problems.
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Honestly as a solo player I'm kinda worried about the fact that people wont want to heal me so they wont lose their DS.
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They aren't even close to justified. The idiots that try that argument were already doing nothing. So in the end the nerf changes nothing but the argument they try to use.
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If your teammates are that bad you have many more problems to worry about than that.
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Are you new to the game? How many good survivors do you see at red ranks that werent carried there by their SWF? not many.
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They stated healing your team will not remove DS. It only counts if you heal yourself.
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mad cuz bad
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They said if you heal someone else DS will deactivate.
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It's a valid concern, saying "mad cuz bad" doesn't add anything intelligent to the conversation.
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Maybe they released new info. The last message I saw didn't specify that. If more than 2 people have DS up then the killer is probably performing well and your going to lose anyway.
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Best comment by far for somebody’s legitimate concern. Glad I found something valuable amongst all the clutter. Genuinely mean that.
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All the DS change really means is that it can't be used aggressively to jump straight back onto a gen, that's the biggest impact. If you get chased off hook it will still do what it used to and if you lost the killer then heal up or jump back on a gen.
The goal of DS was to give you a chance to escape if downed again after hook and that's what this does.
Jumping back onto a gen straight away post hook is risky business and DS giving folks free license to make bonehead plays is all that's changed.
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Idk man, I play solo almost always, and often get to rank 1 or at least swim around red ranks without running super sweaty builds/ items, sometimes even without info perks, makes the game lot more interesting imo, I like challenging myself, and having to think smart, it's what hooked me to the game in first place
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Ok, cool.
So what killer perks should we nerf now?
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They are nerfing undying so that it synergizes less with ruin and becomes less oppressive. I'm excited for that as it will interact better with token totems like Devour and Huntress making them more likely to see use and less of a burden to guard.
But that's an apples and oranges kind of argument.
The reality is that DS was often leveraged aggressively as an anti-momentum perk when it's goal was to limit tunneling or at least punish tunneling. When combined with UB it lead to 1 minute of virtual immunity to game state, be it picked up or left down, and provided a second chance crutch for practically any bonehead play a survivor could make, that alone is problematic.
Regardless of personal feelings on survivor or killer nerfs or buffs which are largely irrelevant to the topic at hand which is changes to DS and why.
I was bummed when MORI's changed as they are virtually useless now and I miss how threatening they used to be. A mori really upped the fear factor in the game which is often lacking. But they were used really oppressively to scrub someone out in under 2 mins, whether they ran DS or not, which is a problem and needed changing.
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- Nobody had to say it, because it was a nonsensical statement.
- Solo Survivors were never using that Perk to jump on objectives in the Killer's face anyway; that is a SWF tactic.
- Nobody will miss you; happy trails!
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Thanks for the intelligent/thought out response (rare for forums!)
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My issue would be per example: you're injured, you save a team mate from the hook, they have DS. You need to get healed, They wont because theyll lose DS.
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If playing solo survivor is such a nightmare (which it is), why not find some people to play with instead so you don't have to worry?
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They may change their tune if you heal them first and in a more safe place like any where but under the hook.
I still think we should wait it out and look to what the new matchmaking system is like. Hopefully it puts sentient survivors on your team and the need to substitute perks for teammates will be gone.
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You have a point that this affects solo more than SWF. I agree with that. Killers cry and wine so much but then rely are their own crutch perks as well. It’s no different.
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How could you miss the point so much?
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.....maybe if your injured you shouldn't be saving people if you can help it?
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- It made sense to me.
- Solo uses it for the same reasons and as anti-tunneling
- Can’t you be nice?
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No, I can't be nice when people do not use the brain nature granted them. The change in the Perk doesn't affect the anti-tunneling side of it at all. And no, Solo don't use it the same way. I fight enough SWF and Solo to know.
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What is a valid concern? That the DS and OoO nerfs will make solo queue living hell? I doubt it, the DS nerf was justified and the object nerf is actually not bad and also justified. The OP believes that the major problem with the game is SWF which is not true. It is map design, killer design, and perks. If maps were more balanced, it wouldn't matter if you were up against a decent SWF because it would be fairer. OoO allowed SWF groups to make it even worse for killers especially the ones that are already struggling.
DS is a very abusable perk in general and OoO is incredibly powerful in the hands of a SWF. The nerfs were justified. It will not make solo queue a "living hell" either. The statement of the survivors not doing anything to keep DS is also just not true.
The nerfs were great and healthy for the game and will not make solo queue impossible.
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If they’re stupid enough to do that, then they’re also just stuffing around not doing anything else either.
I think very few players are going to do nothing just for the sake of holding on to a potential killer stun.
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I play solo. So should we just let a team mate die on hook if everyone is injured? lol
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You underestimate how selfish people are in solo q.
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The DS change is debatable but OoO absolutely affects SWF more than solo, not the other way around. OoO was most powerful used on a SWF team. It was not nearly as popular among solo players.
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Your entire experience for this game hinges on Decisive Strike? That's.... flimsy.
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Anyone saying the OoO nerf hurts Solo is kinda silly because the perk was already bottom tier solo. The perk has a bad survival rate because it already was useless as a solo or even a duo. No nerf could negatively affect the perk for solo because the perk as a solo already was purely negative. While its true this is even worse for solo now (You can't choose not to use it) that doesn't... super matter.
The DS nerf doesn't affect solos as much as SWF because the hyper-aggressive DS play was a hallmark of SWF groups doing things like coordinating an assault on a gen using an immune player, more than rando players doing it. If you run from the killer while DS is up, DS's change won't do anything outside of a VERY specific addon interaction with styptic agent and syringe.
There are plenty of very real issues with the solo experience that need addressing. But lets not use BS smokescreens of the solo experience to try to defend DS as 'necessary' when the changes basically don't affect solo at all, forget about OoO which is probably the least used solo perk in the game.
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I said "if you can help it".
If someone is on the hook. Your injured and the other 2 are healthy. Best case scenario is they make the save. It's why I almost always run Kindred when I solo. If everyone is injured then by all means, go for the save.
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Pls read the post again.
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I always run kindred and a lot of times I end up having to be the one to go for the save since the other ones are stacked on gen.
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Sadly that's a random survivor problem. Not something the devs can fix.
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As the game was already tailored for team coordination due to various reasons, and this DS nerf will exasperate the problem exponentially for uncoordinated solos or even friends that aren't necessarily talking. Folks will be standing around not doing the objective in fear they will lose their perk if the killer returns. Even afraid to heal. I can visualize it. It is pretty obvious this is ideal for the killer main side. Not doing objective gives killer more time to do theirs.
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I don't know mate, I'm on an escape streak as solo survivor at rank 6 and I haven't used ds in a long time.
Plus they're nerfing undying so, your "they only nerf solo!!1!1!!" Is kinda bs
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So you have self care + botany knowledge! In solo queue I run DS only because I want to be sure there is an obsession perk in the match. It does not do much for me, as a solo player.
On the other hand, as a killer, there were multiple occasions when I hooked Surv1 (in full health at the beginning if case), than chased and hooked Surv2, also in full health at the beginning, in the meantime Surv1 got unhooked and fully healed, I returned back to the gen, chased Surv1 again and got 59th second DS.
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I read it fine the first time.
Thinking the entire solo experience of the game hinges on Decisive Strike is flimsy. I said what I said.
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Solos did not run OoO. It was just an overpowered tool for the SWF doom squads. Still, it was in need of this nerf.
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Shes going for that G.I Jane look. I kind of like though.
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I'm a complete solo player and these changes do nothing to impaired the ability to play solo. DS still works the same defense wise and object of obsession looks like a complete improvement. At least now with ooo; it doesn't look or feel like something that's going to get you immediately tunneled and killed.
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The DS nerf hurts Solo survivor a lot. The OOO nerf, not so much. Very few solo Q survivors use OOO and none of them abuse it.
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How does it hurt solo? I play 99.9999% survivor and don't even run DS. The only thing that hurts solo are bad or selfish teammates. There could be an argument made for killers who camp and tunnel at five gens too, but that is a different discussion.
DS does the same thing it did before the nerf, only now, you have to think twice before you work on an objective. If you feel safe enough to work on something, then you are obviously not being tunneled.
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If you're making a conscious decision to not do anything to keep an anti-tunneling perk active when not being tunneled, that's on you. That's not on anyone else. If you screw over your team because of that, that's on you and no one else. The killer will go after the people doing stuff while you go sit in your corner. Basically a 3v1 while your DS is on.
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a person not going and doing a gen straight in the killer's face shouldn't often find they're any worse off than before, usually ds burned out while I was workong ona gen or by the time Iwas in another chase anyways so I started feeling like it wasted a slot unless i was feeling like the hardcore tunnels or slugs were on some nights where I would then bring it and unbreakable.
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I play solo and duo with out OOO and DS.... guess what doesn't hurt my chances of surviving or worsen them either. plus DS is NOT A NERF unless you are one of the weaponizing DS users that are toxic about it. then yea it is a nerf because now you can't be toxic!