Slowdown Perks for killer ideas:

These are either direct slowdown or in some way causes/aids it.
Ruthless Strength: At moments you feel large bursts of strength that deals devastating damage to complex mechanisms. However, such actions come at more sluggish execution.
After kicking a generator, the affected generator regresses by 5%. Decreases generator kicking speed considerably/ moderately/slightly (30/25/20%). This perk has a 30 second cool down.
Lockdown: Their work is meaningless, only works that end with nothing.
After kicking a generator, the affected generator is blocked by the entity. When done, a random dull totem on the map becomes a hex totem and if cleansed will release the blocked generator. Any blocked generator regresses at 0/25/50% the normal speed while under the effect of Lockdown. If there are no dull totems remaining on the map, Lockdown deactivates.
Chilling Presence: They focus less on what is important while I’m around.
Any skill check a survivor receives while repairing or healing in your terror radius becomes cursed skill checks. Achieving a great skill check grants 0% progression while good skill checks regress the progress by 1/2/3% but does not notify the killer.
Soul Wrench: Their screams echo throughout the garden, flora wither and fauna cower. Thus, ignoring what is real.
After hooking a survivor, Soul Wrench activates for 90 seconds. While active, skill checks while repairing and healing will occur 40% more often and they will be 20/30/40% more difficult. Failing a skill check regresses by an additional 6%.
Mortality: Death stares from the void, unending and unshifting, only reaching out to collect its due.
For each dead survivor, all survivors repair, totem-cleanse, unlock chests, and open exit gates 12% slower to a maximum of 48%. However, for each living survivor, all survivors heal, unhook, and mend 5% faster to a maximum of 20%.
Gashes: You pride yourself on making deep and gruesome wounds on your prey, ones that take much more than band aids to fix.
Survivors hit by your basic attack are broken for 60/45/30 seconds. If the inflicted survivor is not put into the dying health before the effect wears off, they are left tremendously (33% slower) mangled.
Hex: Resurrection: Renew what was lost and return the unfaithful from once that they has slept.
When a hex/dull totem is broken, this hex gains a token to a maximum of 3/4/5 tokens. When a survivor is hooked in the basement, all tokens are consumed and a random set of cleansed totems are reconstituted equal to the number of tokens collected. If a reconstituted totem was a hex, that hex is returned. Once done, Hex: Resurrection becomes a dull totem and deactivates for the remainder of the trial. If cleansed, Hex: Resurrection no longer gains tokens, however it will still reconstitute cleansed totems from the tokens it has already collected.
Shrouded and Bound: Hide what you love and trap those who search.
All hex totems are hidden as dull totems and survivors affected by a hex will no longer receive the cursed status effect. When a hex totem is cleansed, all survivors are hindered by 10% for 30/45/60 seconds.
Ruthless Strength:
Uhm... still better than no mither...
With certain maps, with certain killers, with addition of hex thrill of the hunt you can win the game, by just having them and kicking 3 gens...
Chilling presence:
Seems like an old ruing with TR requirement... and not being a hex... good luck with that on the game... and god forbids... impossible skill check doctor.
Soul wrench:
Interesting, but increasing the frequency will make it worthless... unless using this with... god forbids... impossible skill check doctor.
Hey, not bad survivor perk (also, maximum penalty is actually 36%), good to pair with dying light.
Uhm... they will just get healed after the duration... making t1 so much better than t3... unless they run selfcare...
Hex: Ressurection:
No... just no... I don't want to even imagine this with ruin and undying.
Shrouded and Bound... i dont want to even talk about, how many things are wrong with this one...
Thank you... i think i got a cancer.
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I'm just so damn tired of slowdown perks if anything they should buff the base regression when kicking gens, but they seem to think the best way to solve core game issues are with perks as always.