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Chapter Idea: The Vampire.

Tayte Member Posts: 65

Killer: The vampire

Name: Desmina

Age: Unknown

Gender: female

Hair Colour: Dark Brown

Eye colour: White

Power: Blood thirst

Weapon: Hands.

Speed: 115%

Terror radius: 32 m.

Origin: England

Art and illustration by Kolokas:

Their website:

Their Deviant art:


It was 1919, London. This was the time where occultism and medical advance went hand in hand as people started to believe in being cured from performing occult stuff since medical knowledge at this point went to a screeching halt due to the black plague. Desmina is just a normal girl, living as a nurse in one of the biggest hospitals in London that treats black plague patients more so than other hospitals. As one day she started to realize that her eyesight was getting blurry. Knowing how important eye sights were for her job she would take a leave of absence and try to find a way to cure her disease. She visited and talked to a lot of doctors that she knew and none of them happened to know what her disease is and if they can cure them at all but they did tell her that her eye sights are getting worse by the day to a point where she would eventually lose them altogether. Months have gone by as her eye sights are getting worse and worse, she would stop at one of the street stalls to get some grocery, as it happens a lady would grab her upper arm and whisper to her "do you want to get your eyes cured? I can tell you will be truly blind by tomorrow but don't worry if you agree to participate in our Ceremony, we could give your eyesight back" desperate for a cure'' she would agree on it immediately as she would go with this lady to her place of occult religion and meeting. She would stay there for the night as she watched the moon from the window, as her eyesight slowly went away as now she is truly blind, crying as she prays the whole night hoping for this occult group to be able to heal her.

As the next day comes she would be brought into the middle of the hall as she hears people chanting stuff in other languages, she would slowly get undressed and she would get asked to drink a certain substance but she's not quite sure what it was. After the ceremony is finished, the lady that brought her there would bring Desmina back to her house and tell her that she needs to rest for the whole day. She would finally wake up the next day, opening her eyes carefully as she would be able to see again without any problem. being ecstatic about this she quickly ran down and went out to see the sun as she realizes in doing so, her skin starts to boil by the shine of the sunlight as she would quickly get back inside and cover herself with blankets, waiting for the night to come. She would get back into doing her job as a nurse in the hospital on the night shift while she starts to slowly feel the craving, a thirst that can't be quelled by food and drinks as she eventually stopped needing to eat food and drinks altogether and craved for blood. She tried to keep these thoughts away for months but in doing so she gets weaker. One night she couldn’t stop the thirst any longer, going to a dark alley and grabbing a guy from behind before biting his neck, finally quelling her thirst for blood as a dark cloud would slowly cover their bodies and transport them into the other realm.


Power: Blood thirst


A vampire latches onto a survivor via a jump. Putting the survivor into the injured phase. The killer stays on the survivor until the survivor either vaults a window, throws a pallet or vaults a pallet. If the survivor does not find any vaulting objects in time, they will be put in the downed state.

If they successfully manage to vault an object. The vampire will fall off, and have to attempt again.

While the vampire is latched on to a survivor they drink blood. Filling a bar, that can turn them into a bat for a small duration. This is used to navigate the map a lot quicker while not in a chase. It flies in a normal killer height perspective, cannot go over rocks and objects. Only windows and pallets. Once the blood bar has run dry, they will be put back to their vampire form, and walk normally. The terror radius is completely gone while in bat form.

Mori: slits the neck open on the survivor and let the blood pour as she open her mouth towards the blood fountain, as the survivor falls to the ground.


Killer Perks: 

1. Blind as a bat:

Survivor’s working on a generator will be temporarily blinded if you approach them mid doing so. Blinding them for a small duration. Has a 1 minute cooldown.

2. Looming Terror:

Dropped pallets will automatically cease to exist after 2 minutes.

3. Frozen bloodstains:

After hitting a survivor, all their perks will temporarily stop working for a duration of 15 seconds


Survivor: Kane

Name: Kane

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Hair Colour: Black

Eye colour: Dark brown

Origin: Vietnam


Kane was an archeologist tasked to find a long lost Babylon temple in the middle east that had been said to exist somewhere within an old village. The only clue he had was a piece of torn map that has a drawing of the head of the temple. It's been a few years since he's been appointed to lead this group of archeologists and he's gotten to the point of giving up since there hasn't been any evidence or clues of its existence, although they've been digging and keep on finding possible places for this temple to exist. One day one of the digger from his group would come to his camp bearing good news as he rushes out into the excavation area to find the top part of the temple, he would come closer to the temple's head still buried deep under the ground as he would finally give in a smile of relief as he realize his task weren't for nothing. he'd ran back to his camp to write letters to his employers along with to his family, as he excitedly wrote these letters he didn't notice that slowly there's a cloud filling up his room creeping over to the chair and onto his body, as when he start to realize what's happening to him it would be too late as he got swallowed whole inside the cloud


Survivor Perks:

1. Hang in there:

If you're rescued before the entity is fully manifested, the next time you are hooked, the meter will still drain, but it will slow down with each additional level. 15% at level 1, 20% at level 2, 25% at level 3. Giving your fellow survivors more time before saving you.

2. Swift wings:

Scaring 1 crow tile will give you 5%, stacking up to 3 times with the haste effect. The effect will last for 10 seconds. timer starts once you startled the first crow tile, and upon ending, the perk is on cooldown for, let's say 40 seconds

additionally, gaining more stacks as the timer's running will give you more speed, but not extend the timer


Breaking a totem will heal you a short amount of your health back and any survivor within a 15 m proximity. Will not fully heal a survivor.


New Map:

Map: Eerie Alley

A new map that consists of alleys set in london 1900’s. Some of the buildings will be enterable, but only the ground floors, to avoid making a map that is too big and confusing.

The map would have plenty of dark atmosphere and eerie small streets that will work great. Looking up you’ll be able to see the beautiful architecture of the old buildings.

I know vampires have been requested a lot. So here's my take on one.

Tweaks are obviously needed, but this is just a concept. I have another chapter coming up soon.