This ranking system

I mean, I've come across plenty of red and purple survivors now that will hop into lockers when I'm in Legion frenzy (without DS). So it begs the question, can any survivor be red rank now, no matter how boosted?

I've also tested same platform vs crossplay), I play PS4 only and i get nothing but reds and smurf yellows with reds sweating their tits off. Meanwhile when i play crossplay, I get potato yellows and the odd potato purple playing like a 20.

I know it's not so much off rank now but rather killer skill to survivor skill but I'm rank 12 killer and I feel I'm getting screwed or screwing others greatly either way.

Is this matchmaking bad or is it just me? 😅


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    The current matchmaking and ranking system can be poor at times to say the least. Often you'll be matched with people outside your rank range, but even then they can play extremely poor.

    Regardless of both of these issues, it will hopefully be fixed with the coming patch, with from what I'm aware the second release of MMR is coming, which should be an improvement on the first.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    I from what I’ve heard is really easy to get to red ranks on survivor, or at least that’s what a lot of survivors on the forums say.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Getting to Red ranks is definitely very easy on Survivor. Easier than even on Killer.

    I can mess around all day and I will still stay in red ranks. That's running nothing but joke/meme builds in Solo Q. As long as I don't get into an extremely unlucky situation (you know how it is sometimes you get found by the killer in 10 seconds, screw up your chase and get hooked in 30, and nobody rescues you or you get hook farmed, tunneled or face camped, or all of the above, and die before a minute).

    As long as you are playing intelligently and not in a braindead fashion you will pip or at the very least safety pip. Not hard to get into red and stay there permanently no matter who your teammates are or what items and perks you bring.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    It's funny cause I'm a purple survivor with red friends and we've recently just taken to going into games with no perks and even though we're always facing reds (mostly Spirit, Deathslinger, Bubba or Blight), 3 out of 4 if not all 4 get out. It's weird. But I do hope this MMR improvement comes. I dont feel great beating potatoes no more than I getting my ass handed by sweaty toxic tryhards pretending to be yellow 😅

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624
    edited February 2021

    Do note that playing in SWF is a huge advantage, so even if you guys are going perkless and casual it's a lot easier to beat even good killers because you make far less mistakes with comms on. DBD is at its core just about making as few mistakes as possible. game was designed with survivors having no communication in mind, which forces mistakes to be made. That's what lets killers win. If survivors aren't making many mistakes because they know when to go for a save, when to repair a gen, when to run, etc. it is significantly harder for a killer to win.

    A lot of killers are also boosted to high ranks because they're beating up on Solo Qers.

    More importantly the "ranking" system of this game is just giving out participation trophies. Everyone can pip in a match. And that is the problem; if it's not a "zero sum game" for killers and survivors when it comes to ranking, everyone's ranks will artificially inflate upwards, rendering the ranking system useless.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    Fair point. Sometimes we decide to mess around trying to play games of who can hide the longest and not do gens and once you're caught, you die. That and who can last longest in chase. Play a match only with pebbles. Just little things to make playing seem more fun. Ok yeah the Killer might not take kindly to just hiding all game but c'mon, have to make your fun with this game when you can right?

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    I can't say anything to that since I mostly play stealth builds. You definitely should find your own fun; my fun in this game is mostly in opening lootboxes. My game within a game is finding a key from the chests and making it out of the match through the hatch, while not being obviously a burden to my teammates.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    Welcome to DBD, where anyone and their grandmother can reach the highest rank after 50 hours of gameplay. Think about a game like rocket league. You need thousands of hours to compete at the top ranks, and even with thousands of hours most people aren't good enough to reach the top. The same is true for DBD, but there aren't as many players with tons of playtime, so a truly good matchmaking system would lead to even more insane queue times. So I guess we just have to stick to stomping on survivors who don't know how to loop and don't do gens :P