What console feedback on the new HUD will be like:

Devs: Hey Console people, how do you like the new HUD ?
Console people: Just fix the frame drops already, we did not ask for a new HUD for Years, we wanted to play the game without lags everytime an Icon shows up on the screen.
Anyone else that doesnt understand how priorities are chosen?
As a console Legion main, it sucks that the game lag spikes whenever I enter frenzy. Survivors sometimes get away for absolutely free because of it.
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Maybe the new HUD will help address the console frame drops.
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It's quite disingenuous of them to NOW ask us for feedback on new changes,that the overwhelming majority of the community already hates.
Like,can we have a fix for those stupid FPS drops maybe?
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Not entirely certain, but the new HUD calls for more operations I think. this might negatively impact frames. It's been a while since I been coding with graphics
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Sure, moving icons around will definetively fix all console issues.
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Sure, for some.
I'm happy with the new hud for the most part, and I generally see improvements in every update.
They haven't stopped optimizing, you know?
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They have said it's a complete overhaul, not just moving icons around. I suppose you could wait a couple hours and find out, but I guess the better option is to just immediately complain about it instead.
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Oh, you mean like this?
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I play on series x and get no frame drops?
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When I was playing last gen playing slinger was impossible because the game would spike every time I aimed in
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As a doc console main. I’m tired of a drop in frames every time I use my ######### shock
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because they have a record on bug free updates that improve things? Sure ill wait, call me impressed in a few hours if it actually made things better :)
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Hmm pretty weird,looked like she was getting a delayed sprint burst or something.
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They haven't stopped optimizing, you know?
Dude,they didn't even started lmao
How else would you explain that Optimization isn't any better after years ?
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I have no idea. Would've hit her if the game didn't freeze.
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I mean, lag isnt my main. Just fix being hit by dump Truck hatchets from behind walls and other stuff. 🤣 seriously hitboxes are a huge issue. And it's not just a latency issue. Its both latency and hitbox. They're just in denial about the hitbox. Yeah their priorities are dogshit, new HUD everyone hated and nobody asked for over server maintenance, fixing how my character screams after touching a gen for some reason, (Not Dragons Grip). So many other things other than a new HUD. Get your stuff together here devs
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Yep. Plus Blight is just hard on Console anyway.
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They were doing this as they said they were adding more icons in time to come. So, you think it's bad now, wait till your screen is just symbols everywhere 🤣
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I imagine something like this
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Just wondering but is this the first time in DBD history that they're actually seeking console players opinions on something?
Usually everythings released on the say so of PC players wether console players like it or not.
Maybe using console players as fall guys for something PC players have already told them is garbage.
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Pretty much 🤣 on the survivor screen, just slap a Resi "You are dead!" As you're flying high in the sky 🤣
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Yea exactly that it's more often when I hit them or one of their perks activate like lithe or just playing blight and trying to do 50 in a 30
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You shoud have added the dev's answer
Devs: We are so happy and excited of the amount of positive feedback that we are implimenting it right away. I hope console players can keep it up with how much love we are showing to them.
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Nah man, it has to be the "You Died" from Dark Souls 🤣
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Sometimes restarting my console /game helps with frame drops for a while it's almost like packets are being lost as time goes on and resetting it temporary fixes it
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Yeah,i think it's because this game suffers from memory leaks,which means performance degrades the longer you play
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I’m stealing this
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No problem,got this from Reddit anyway lol
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It has to have its sound though. Theres nothing worse than the sound of doom after realising you stockpiled a million souls like an idiot when you're only level 20 🤣
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PS5 and Series X are so strong that they’re able to brute force their way through the game’s poor optimization. Last gen (PS4 and XB1) aren’t strong enough to do so. It runs great for me on PS5 but absolutely terrible on PS4.
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Ive been in a match in The Game, surprisingly FPS got screwed again, dont know if its the map only or the whole game. Im on PC but I suppose consoles are going to get the short stick again.
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lol okay pal
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I haven't had any frame drops but I hate the new UI. It gives me a headache having to look all around my TV for information
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One of the many reasons I stopped playing Killer completely.
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Ps5 is fine fps wise.
The HUD is absolute dogshit though. On a 65" tv you have to look so far from your character to see portraits it feels very unnatural