The New Player experience needs to improve

So my friend recently bought the game and i have played a few games with him. We ran into countless unenjoyable games and because he is a new player, he is not familiar with most of the mechanics and has no one leveled up. I want him to keep playing but if he doesnt enjoy it then why would he bother.
I had to explain to him that the reason that the killers kept knowing he was behind that bush or rock was because the killer had a 'perk'. Also why should he have to buy all the good killers and buy all the good survivors to get all of those good perks so that he doesnt feel at an unfair advantage.
The matchmaking doesnt help either. We kept running into higher skilled killers and when we do get a botty trapper, he just tunnels and facecamps him.
I hate how i have to keep saying 'oh its a perk'.
He doesnt feel fear or tension. He just feels frustrated.
Thanks for reading!
Old player experience also has to improve.
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New players don't stay new forever. You cannot expect new players to be as good or as understanding as seasoned players. You also can't expect a game like this to spell out everything for them. Part of the game is learning from your mistakes and as a new player you will make a lot of them. We've all been there.
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BBQ is the perk I can see most new players being puzzled by and frustrated with. Well just any that ruins stealth play really.
Post edited by Liqhtninq on0 -
The grind is still an insanely tall order to climb.
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I feel with you. I have made 10 or so friends I know irl buy this game and only 1 have stayed to actually learn it. Everyone else feels it is more frustrating than fun and they just say it is a bad game. I even bought the game to 2 of them just to get them started but they uninstalled after a few weeks.
There might be a reason only like 15% (I think) of Stram-players get to rank 5 as killer/survivor (Steam achievements stats).
I can understand them. You have to invest a lot of time to get into this game and be ready for a big grind. It takes time to learn the maps, perks and killer powers etc. as well as game flow.
It is fun when you get there though.
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I've been playing 3 months now and this game was quite overwhelming to me in the beginning. Just the number of perks, items, add-ons, offerings, and Powers... It's a lot to take in and the game does not hold your hand at all with any of it except for a very brief tutorial on gen repair and that's about it.
I still don't know all there is to know. I only know a select few perks just by their icons, same with health states and killer debuffs or hex perks. And that's all just the basic stuff - how about more specific gameplay strategies? Effective looping? MEMORIZING the best loops and how to chain them on EACH MAP?? Then needing to play all the Killers and learn them too in order to bolster your counterplay against them as Survivor? It goes on and on...
My piece of advice to new players who want to stick with DbD and not be overwhelmed is...train yourself not to care about winning or losing or ranks or how people play. I enjoy this game every time I play, and I don't rage, all because I am content with little successes. If someone pallet stuns me, so be it, loops me for multiple gens, so be it. If I get tunneled and camped, so be it. I'm fine with the game as long as I got some gens repaired, or a heal here and there, maybe an unhook, or as Killer if I made everyone bleed a little, that's cool with me. Especially because this game is THE MOST toxic game I've ever played in 20+ years of online gaming (received more hatemail in my FIRST MONTH in DbD than I have in total across 20+ years...), it's important to go into it with the right mindset (and really this can apply to all games but, in DbD, it's especially helpful lol).
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I agree. Part of the problem is how little time you can put into the game to be matched with players with 100x more experience than yourself.
They need to make it harder to climb through the rank system.
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Yes, but thats for all of us. Every chapter release adds another 34 million bp to the game. Until they do something about perk tiers its just getting worse.