The Game Map - awesome graphics and lighting, but...

So, I really, really love the new Game map from a graphic standpoint: the map is not so dark anymore, stairs are more visible, the upper section of the map is gorgeous.
However there's a big, big problem with was already a huge pain: pallets - and now also breakable walls!
First, there are so, so many pallets, and it seems like several of them are also god pallets, and I don't understand why new god pallets should be introduced in a map where there were already so many in the first place.
But then we have breakable walls at basically every room, meaning that as a killer you either break them or you need to waste sooooo much time reaching that one gen being worked on. I suppose Devs would say "well, survivors get trapped as well, if you don't break the walls!", but that's usually not true - there's almost invariably some stairs / drops / pallets in these rooms that will allow the survivor to easily get to a safer position.
The end result is that as a killer you spend half the game in trying to destroy pallets/walls, and we all know how time is of the essence in DbD.
I hope that some day devs will realise this oversight - I'm a bit scared the map will remain like this for months (if not... forever?) considering the pipeline they need to go through, but if this is not the case:
please, at least remove breakable walls from the upper floor, and just keep it in the lower one.
On a semi-related note: I don't really dig Crotus Penn. It's difficult to see, possibly because of the colour correction, and there are too many debris very, very low to the ground where you can get stuck on and don't even understand why you get stuck until you look at your feet. It doesn't make a lot of sense.
The breakable walls allow the Killer to go through areas that were previously closed to everyone until the nearby generator was finished. They don't change the map for Survivors but give the Killer another option, which is fine.
As for the pallets, The Game doesn't really have vaults. So all the loops are pallet loops. It's just how it was designed. It's a cost and a benefit because the loops are strong but tiles can't be re-used and there can be some nasty dead zones if the pallets aren't managed well.
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So the thing with breakable walls is that there are only 7 that spawn in the map, 1 per gen, and where they spawn is right next to the gen on the wall the gen is against or near it (bathroom gen)
So basically you can predict ahead where the breakable walls are and most of the time use them to corner survivors and force a hit or two
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It feels so brain dead to play on. It's literally just kicking wood simulator.
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I don't think this is true though.
Breakable walls: they are where "open doors" were before. I haven't seen a single open door yet devoid of a breakable wall, but maybe I'm just being unlucky?
Pallets: I know perfectly well that vaults are missing, but still, they added some god pallets that simply weren't there before.
Also it feels like there are even more pallets than before the update, but maybe this is just killer bias, I'm sure Devs will have objective data concerning this point.
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For the survivors The Game continues being a hard map and for the killer it becomes even more boring as a pallet kicking simulator. God pallets are so boring because there's no possible mindgame, you just have to kick it, can't just play around it. Chases are so boring for both survivor and killer.
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How did you get a picture of me playing dbd!? Are you outside my house?
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Nah. It's the new in game tutorial. It now fully conveys what actual matches are like
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Ohhhh, just had to make sure. Yeah, the new tutorial looks pretty good.
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Yes, did you see me ?
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