4.5.0 continued feedback UPDATED 10/02

So each time I play the game and have my usual session of DbD, am gonna start posting some feedback/thoughts on the current state of the game. It won't be everyday, just when I am thinking of it. I'll edit this discussion and add an entry. Will be trying to include both positives and negatives, as well as providing a date.
Some info about me first, switched over to PC in November 2020 from Xbox One which I've been playing DbD on since its day one console release. Accumulated over 1k+ hours (which I know isn't much compared to other players) and was one achievement off perfecting the game (prior to the Twins release/switching to PC). I am a survivor main that bounces around high purple to early red before MMR.
February 10th (patch release day)
- Patch day means everyone who was inactive for a while, have come back out to play. Faced mostly red rank killers and have felt wildly outmatched in every single game. Hopefully when MMR actually goes live, things like this will be addressed. Nothing makes you feel boosted as @#&$ like having your bum handed to you regularly. This will more than likely calm down after a couple of day though once everyone comes back, has a look at everything and disappears again.
- Visually, the map updates are brilliant. I think Crotus Prenn might be my new favorite map and I am in love with the hooks on The Game. The easter eggs and nods to the Saw movies around the latter map is brilliant and a nice touch. Ties everything together well.
- Couple of matches, have lost a pip despite being in the zone (post-match screen) for a safety pip. Assuming this is a bug that needs to be hashed out, would love to know if anyone else has had this happen post-update.
- Initial thoughts that will be further stress-tested:
- UI isn't great. Didn't enjoy it in the PTB, don't enjoy it now. I will say that the one positive update compared to the PTB is the scratch icon over the survivors face to show that they are injured. During PTB they would ONLY flash red when they were injured, which could make it difficult to distinguish who was/wasn't injured at a glance. The scratch is an improvement.
- Hitboxes. Will need to play more, but they feel broken further. Every killer feels like they have that Freddy reach (thank god I haven't played against a Freddy yet). Played against a huntress and was clearly behind a wall, still proceeded to get hit. They were a PC player as well. Again, this will be stress-tested further, but right now it feels very broken.
February 10th (part 2)
- After playing for about 8 hours in both SWF and solo queues (mostly solo), I've seen all I need to see. I was really, REALLY trying to see the positives in this update. Such as the maps and animations. However, this is yet another tone deaf "chapter" that mirrors what happened with the Twins release.
- Hitboxes are the worst I have ever seen them in the nearly five years of this game existing. I say five years because even though I've been playing this game for four, I was following it like a hawk leading up to its console release. Every killer (except maybe Hillbilly) are getting unbelievable hits. "Freddy" hits. This cannot be blamed on ping or cross-platform latency because I played against several killers with perfect ping and on PC/the same platform.
- Pips are broken. I will post screenshots below of myself losing a pip despite being in the safety zone. For anyone wondering, this bug also occurs when you are in the "+1" zone, but will instead gain nothing.
- I have blue light filter glasses that I don't always need to wear, only when I am having a hard time sleeping. Today, I had to wear them to at least try and reduce the eye strain from looking at the UI. Before (old UI), you looked at two areas: The left bottom left which displayed survivor status, item, gens remaining, point events/and the bottom right which displayed perks and status effects. There is now information spread out all across the screen unnecessarily. Look at it this way, when you're watching a stream, you're looking at two things: the video/stream and the chat. Two different areas. If you look at the majority of video games in general, this is the UI layout. Information in two set areas unless there is a pop-up animation like an item select wheel.
- No one and I mean no one asked for a UI update because it was fine the way it was. Was there the occasional bug with it? Sure. Was it mostly perk related? If there was ever a UI bug, it was ONLY perk related. Such as something visually not activating like the old BBQ bug that didn't count stacks.
- The people who came back to play the new patch obviously left very quickly. After having a bunch of red rank killers earlier, majority afterwards was purple and below.
If last chapter (Twins) was considered tone-deaf, then this is honestly just taking the piss. Why do the PTB at all if you, A: Don't have enough time to execute changes between the time its released then goes live and B: If you aren't going to listen to the community feedback. The UI did not need to go live on consoles so that "they could try it", to know its bad. This UI have been universally hated. If you want focused feedback on the mid-chapter as a whole, then I will give you this:
Visually, you guys did fantastic. Maps are on point, as are the animations in my personal opinion. How the game actually plays, functionally, is the most broken it has ever been. There were funny/memey bugs and jokes within the game and community about how broken it is. However its at the point now where this is honestly unacceptable.
I know I'm just one person and am free to do/say whatever I want, but as of now after this update, I am taking a break from DbD. I'm no longer having fun. I'm done.
The pip bug.