The update

- I hope that with unbroken is a mistake, because if you don't survive the trial, it doesn't provide any points at all. Meaning, you need at least 3 gold in the other categories to NOT depip in red ranks. Easy enough in SWF, but not with random players and hard camping / tunneling killers.
- The hit detection is aweful. The killer was twice as far away than usual and still hit me. My ping was ok.
- The run animations look bad, compared to the old ones. I don't know what was the point to change them, if the old ones allready looked good and no one was complaining about it.
Yea, everyone is talking about it.
I just find myself shaking my head as I can't fathom what exactly they were thinking with this update.
This is the first time I've seen the devs managing to unify survivors and killers over what is collectively a mess on both sides.
From an outside perspective its actually kind of impressive. Unifying the player base over a catastrophic update.
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But the unbroken thing is a bug or?
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Not sure point 1.
Points 2 and 3 you raised I agree with and everyone is talking about:
As a survivor this update is a disaster. As a killer, this game has gone from the 'horror' genre to 'comedy'.
Once those limping shuffle runs start after I've hit a survivor, I can't stop laughing.
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I like new running animations more. They feel more "alive". And if no one complained, this does not mean that it should not be changed. They already explained that they were trying to make the survivors more alive and realistic, well, they almost succeeded
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It looks now more clunky. It was perfectly fine before.
Why is it, that people complain all the time and the devs take months to fix it if ever and then they put in work for changes NOBODY asked for. What is wrong with them?
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didnt know robots meant “realistic”
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Tinfoil hat time? Was this the plan all along?
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didnt know realistic movements meant "robots"
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- Except for the bloodpoints you get on rank reset...
- Nothing officially changed, but in reality we all see it.
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Okay seriously I don’t see how anyone could say the new animations look more realistic than the old ones. They look cheaper and even older. By a ton.
In reality, when I try to walk slowly sneaking by someone/something I walk exactly like old walking animation. The new one looks robotic and fake to me, and out of context mostly.
Running just looks bad to me. Injured lol, if you don’t see how wrong that is I don’t know what to say. They look constipated.
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Lmao these hoops are insane.
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x Agree. It looks wonky to say the least and nobody asked for a animation update. But do you know what people asked? Key nerf, DS, nerf, meta changes, bug fixes. No wonder the important things don't get fixed if they waste time at completely fine things.
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Slightly harder? Which planet do you live on? Do you only play SWF or are just that much better than the average player? Because i can tell you, in red ranks with random people and / or killers that like to tunnel / camp, there isn't a easy way to pip up and with this "update", it's even easier to de-pip. If they wanted that even more survivors using the meta perks, they have achieved that (or drop to play survivor at all).
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That is not the point. If you let's say, avoid the killer and play smart, you actually get punished for it. If you escape through the exit gates, but rarely interacted with the killer or unhooked someone, that is not even the objective, you get punished as well. This system is so flawed.
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Bruh I got fat shamed with the autohaven bus...I'm a ######### freddy not Oni