Ppl who have problems quitting the game

Timo_______R Member Posts: 58
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

I uninstalled it about 3 weeks ago after playing it since December 2016, i am not missing it as much as i suspected i found games which were more side games to me as new main games for me.

No more (nearly or complete) Problematic server, Hitboxes, Bugs, Salt or Toxic ppl.

I came back for the newest update to this forum (expecting trash talk and so on) and i wasn´t dissapointed, Nothing changed, just everyone complaining over and over again about a game which will always have the same problems.

I realised this game isn´t what i fell in love with. So in the end i just leave a broken community and a what feels like bad copy of dbd behind. (except those few ppl who i had fun with sharing memes on posts etc. it was sometimes fun ^^)

Ppl will write we won´t miss u or see you again (because apparently every thread has someone stating this) and you know what, your words won´t change reality.

I do not have any desire to install this game, if you want to lie to your self do so but don´t bother other ppl with it.

For me I won´t be bothered by it. (I will probably won´t come back for my own post so sorry if i don´t respond anymore)


  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Thing is, I left 3 years ago right before the EGC was even introduced as a concept. The game wasnt in a healthy state back then.

    Now as I have played it off and on again for the past year, I can say that the game has periods of being amazing, periods where the game is horrible for both sides, and periods where either survivors or the killer can be really toxic without there being any hotfix for months.

    They have changed their way a little bit, they listen more to what players want, they revisit perks from recent releases and alter them if they are either too static(aka map meta with ruin/undying), too weak or too strong. Which is much nicer than before, as its guaranteed for new perks to only be too strong for 3 months, rather than lasting for literal years.

    You just literally happened to be coming back in a bad period. I am personally giving them up to the anniversary to make the necessary adjustments before I decide to actually uninstall. Untill then, im just gonna play it with friends and perhaps some customs. Because its still a fun game overall, its just a very, very ######### update.