Allow people to ban 1 or 2 killers

I think it would be healthy to ban 1 or 2 killers in a lobby before you search, all 1-4 survivors can vote for 2 killers and the most popular one will not go against you.
For instance if deathslinger is the most voted then you will not go against him that match
Maybe in a competitive or tournament mode of some kind, but not in normal games. The matchmaking has enough trouble already before banning specific things. Maybe give out 1.5x bp for the lesser used killers or something.
35 -
It's a bad idea. Survivors will definitely ban every top tier killers. So for people that mains those killers, they will never get a match.
59 -
No this is not a good idea. Players like me who like playing Spirit will have ridiculous long queue times because 90% of the community hates facing Spirit. Same applies to people who like playing Freddy and Deathslinger. Thatโs just not fair imo.
36 -
Did you get 360 quickscoped?
21 -
Would never work, so it will never happen.
Not much more discussion to be had.
You'll just have to learn to deal with whatever killer you dislike.
14 -
It basically makes a self fulfilling prophesy though. Ex: if lots of ppl bans Deathslinger and nurse, then whoever doesn't will play against them until they too decide to ban them. Eventually, everyone bans the same killers.
8 -
Only if I can 4 perks.
6 -
If you think que times are bad now?
There was a third party tool I think called make lobbies great again. It allowed you to mark a player you didn't like and you could never be matched with them again. Sounds good against cheaters right? Well survivors were check marking every single killer that killed them. So match making got screwed up even more. You survivors can't have nice things. You will abuse them.
25 -
this would make any spirit daily unachievable cause noone could play her anymore
3 -
Sure, can I ban 3 or 4 maps and a couple of survivor perks as a killer while we are at it?
26 -
If I had the option to never play against Freddy and Deathslinger ever again, this game would become a million times better.
4 -
So, Ummm...
You know killers can't swap characters anymore once they join a lobby? It's been this way since around September because of the planned changes for MMR. How are you supposed to ban certain characters when killers can't change the character they're playing?
No offense, but this OP reeks of someone who never plays killer, and frankly I dont trust the opinion of anyone who doesn't play both roles.
10 -
It amazes me all the ideas Survivors come up with that would just wind up making their queue times longer.
25 -
So bully squads could just ban Nurse and Spirit? Yeah, not such a great idea. Even in a comp setting it would be bad, because those two are the only ones that can sometimes 1k.
21 -
The game is already very much Survivor sided, all this is going to do is screw over the portion of the community that mains killer. Basically, it's an ass effing horrible idea.
7 -
No joke
4 -
im probably 3:1 killer time played
0 -
Lol you stop the search, boom switch killer lol
Also 1000 hrs, probably 650 as killer
0 -
Not to mention that Leatherface players probably wouldn't even get a shot to play very regularly
2 -
No. I shouldn't have to give up playing a killer because a survivor doesn't like them.
10 -
i like it also add an option to ban swf if the killer wants :D
13 -
You mean you want your queues to go from 10 minutes to 10 hours to find a match?
Nah. Banning Spirit and Freddy from your matchmaking means you'll never find lobbies. BHVR's matchmaking algorithm is bad enough that it will die from the strain.
Your proposition that the killer ban happens in the lobby won't work either. Killer will simply dodge and leave if you ban the killer they want to play.
9 -
With how matchmaking is currently set up this would ruin queue times.
This is the correct answer - Give a bonus to players for them either playing their least played killer or make a daily bonus for everyone for that weeks least played killer.
Also I'm going to outright say - a 2.0x bonus for playing certain killers would be what it would take to make this worth it. Because switching from a decent killer to let's say Wraith or Clown is a good way to not have fun as killer.
7 -
I am ok with it, if killers get the option to ban swf from their lobbys.
6 -
God i only see the same killers in top rank we should be able to ban them.
60 minute queue into a rank 16 trapper game
surprised pickachu face
7 -
I am already waiting for 15 minutes to play one 5 min match, I can not imagine how long that would be if I started getting picky. Or had to wait for 2 killers to chose from.
3 -
Only if survivors can no longer change items in the lobby, and killers can disable keys and swf.
6 -
the only way to practically beat very good survivors in a tournament mode is through spirit and nurse so idk how banning would work out. this game isnt really competitive though so idk
1 -
Yeah I think a better system would be to ban perks on each side.
1 -
Okay. In return, I want an option that prohibits SWF from playing against me.
8 -
Imagine not killing yourself on first hook / DCing vs. these killers and learn how to counterplay?
Ban specific killers in lobbys is a terrible idea, just from a que-time point of view. And i don't like the mentality behind this neither.
11 -
At this point letโs just ban killer all together and make the game a gen repairing sim with creepy ambiance
12 -
Now imagine for a second, that this really gets implemented. What do you think happens first:
- survivors complaining about long queues
- killers complaining about long queues
Post edited by Rizzo on6 -
I bet OP is the type of guy who runs the Haddonfield map offering all the time and uses Balanced Landing.
And now he wants to choose what Killer's he faces too ๐
10 -
List of killers with awful wait times due to this idea: Nurse, Doctor, Bubba, Freddy, Spirit, Legion (because they're annoying), Deathslinger
They'll never in a million years let survivors ban from certain killers being paired against.
4 -
As long as I can ban DS UB have at it
0 -
Is something wrong with Haddonfield? It's one of the best Maps now.
0 -
Spirits would never find a lobby lol.
0 -
Deal, but that would probably still result in crap queue times for everyone.
0 -
"why are my queues 20 minutes?"
"Don't nerf me or I quit but please remove anything I don't like to play against"
"Please let me put the only killers worth using on a personal ban list while I sit patiently in queue for an hour with my swf"
5 -
pretty sure they'd be entitled to a refund if they ever do this since you'd pay real money for content literally unusable
2 -
Ah yes, the ol "why do I have to play against killers I'm not good at?"
2nd time in a week I've seen survivor mains who want to control what killers people are allowed to play as. Played overwatch for years, never saw petitions there to make it so one team could choose what heroes the other chose to play. Played Friday 13th, didn't see people trying to ban specific Jason's. Nope, that attitude only seems to exist with DbD
6 -
Or maybe people actually get to enjoy their matches instead of wasting their time playing against a killer they know is broken... I mean I'd rather wait the 5 extra minutes knowing I'm not going to waste the next 5 getting slaughtered for someone else's enjoyment.
0 -
Map vote yes, killer ban no
2 -
What's the point of asking for things that won't ever happen?
2 -
5 minutes? 50 minutes would be more realistical.
And what do you mean with broken killers? What killers are broken? Have you even tried to adapt to those killers or do you just suicide until you find a killer you like?
6 -
Hey that's a good idea... seems like you must have been there at some point.. :D
0 -
I like this idea. Ban spirit every time
0 -
Kinda points out a real problem, isn't it?
0 -
Why not, sure, introduce it.
But I would also like to see an option to disable/ban being matched against or with SWF.
As a purely solo players, I don't want to play against SWF as a killer nor I want teammates who are in SWF when I am a solo survivor.