Just if anyone’s curious about reverting the hud.



  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    i mean of course they could. They always could. No Dev team, even one as incompetent as theirs has proven to be, would or reasonably could manage to lose the older files for the game. It is highly likely that there is a collection of each major version for the sake of testing and comparisons. But additionally, there is no logical sense for why the new UI elements are stuck in the new location. There is no way to hard cade UI elements that way. Each icon is a object which needs to be called when the match starts, which surely just selects the location. It would be as simple as calling them to a different location and would take literal seconds to change. Nothing they've said about "not being able to go back" and even the parts about "months of work" make no sense at all if you've even taken a freshman course in computer science as an elective...