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So...better together

This perk sounds good, is quite good, always love to find someone using this perk so I can go help them on a gen.

But I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in this game that actually understands it..

I've ran this perk so many times and not once not even ONCE has someone come and helped me on a gen. Even people like 20 meters away from me just leave and doss about the map.

Either people are not educated in this perk, are sweaty rank 1's that love chases and only chases (uno what I mean if you're red rank) or think its trail of torment and stay away from it..


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Same with aftercare. I’d see them on the other side of the map and go over to heal them but they just keep running away

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I think survivors are trying to be more efficient

    it is faster to get 2 separate gens done then it is to have 2 survivors do 1 gen then another because of the -15% repair speed you get along with the travel time it takes to get to another gen.

    if the killer tries stopping it they also can't stop both gens at once easily so more than likely at least 1 gen will get done.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Agreed. I'd rather work on a different gen to apply additional pressure. Besides a lot of killers like to run discordance and that perk is a death sentence.

    I will only go to your gen if it's down to the wire where we only need one or two, and even if we needed two, I'll still think about gen placement and whether or not it's efficient to split up to have progress on the final 2 gens.

    Very situational perk for me!

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Most people are casual players who don't even know all the perks so giving them information is kinda useless. There's a reason why decent players often stick to the boring meta.

    Team oriented builds don't work with average potatoes.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    It depends, fixing 1 gen between 2 people is not always the best course of action.

    For example if the Killer is distracted it may be better to start working in 2 separate gens so he has to watch over more space (and it actually makes gens go faster) or if the Killer has Discordance in other cases it may be better to fix 1 gen between 2 people, like wanting to get rid of a gen in an awful position to break a potential 3 gen or situated in a dead zone or to put pressure on the Killer.

    I cant obviusly speak for each individual case you have had this problem but I have chosen to go over other gens in several instances because I had a good reason for not wanting to work a gen as 2 people (almost always is Discordance), in other cases Ive gone to the other guy and worked together.

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    I often think it's better if survivors split up and work on multiple gens rather than focusing on one.So I won't run across the map to the gen just because I see someone already working there. However, if I walk right by the gen, I would sit down and work. 😉

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    I've been using better together since it was released. In my personal experience people do come to help me with gens and it's quite useful, my problem is when someone is being chased, sees the gen's aura, and yet decides to take the killer to me.

    Also, if someone doesn't want to repair the gen i'm working on it's probably because they think it's better to work on different gens, and that's perfectly fine. I would probably do the same too.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    I like using that perk so people stay the hell away - especially with chases while I knock out this gen. So if no one is coming to help, making it's actually working for you.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Better Together was a nice little perk, then Pyramid Head came with Trail of Torment, and then ToT was buffed, and then survivors developed PTSD of undetectable killers, and then other survivors noticed that and started running Better Together to scare their teammates, and here we are.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Yep, then there's the devs screwing with everything we should be doing in order to escape making us second guess ourselves constantly more and more with each update.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,225

    Couple things: it's more efficient to repair gens separately unless someone has Prove Thyself, and survivors have more map pressure when they're spread out.

    Survivors should never really be doubled up on gens without Prove until late game.

  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    Because it is generally better to repair separate gens. It increases pressure and if your teammates are like mine and like to 3 gen a corner, it's easier to get out of if some of the gens are at least progressed a bit

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    I use it actually as a way to tell "stay away from the gen if you're in chase". Sometimes people come to help, sometimes not, but I still think it's worth it that when someone gets down, I get to see what everybody is doing and adapt my playstyle. Sometimes working together is not the choice, but even so you can get these advantages of the perk.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    I use

    • Prove Thyself
    • Better Together
    • To spice things up, I either throw a Leader in or Aftercare as my 3rd perk. Or any team oriented perk, even We'll make it.

    From my experience. It's all RNG. Sometimes the combination works, sometimes it doesn't. It honestly relies on your teammates and Matchmaking, nothing more.