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Legion Buff Concept

Toxicboii Member Posts: 446
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Ok, so let’s start off from the beginning.

==========================Killer Ability==========================

The Legion is a killer, at the moment, who benefits very little from their primary ability. Feral Frenzy. Sure, it slows down the game, but it makes it painfully boring and unsatisfying to the person that uses it and the person the victim of it. The thrill of hitting survivors in Feral Frenzy has long since been gone.

Feral Frenzy is a ability where upon activation, 4 things happen:

  1. The killer’s movement speed increases from 115% to 130%.
  2. The killer’s attack instantly injures and inflicts deep wounds upon survivors.
  3. The killer can vault pallets and windows at speeds relatively equal to survivors.
  4. The killer becomes blind to blood and scratch marks.

Whenever the killer strikes a Survivor, they have deep wounds for 20 full seconds. It's paused when inside the terror radius.

After that, their terror radius increases to 40 meters, and survivors that are *not* afflicted with deep wounds will have killer instinct reveal them as long as they are inside the radius.

Killer stabs the survivor, 10 second power duration resets, he stabs another fresh survivor, the cycle repeats.

It keeps going until the legion does 1 of 3 things.

He either:

  1. Cancels the power manually
  2. He misses an attack
  3. Or, he stabs a survivor *already* inflicted with deep wounds.

Once either of these happen, the power stuns the killer, and then he becomes an M1 killer until his power recharges, and it begins again.

The killer is extremely weak in killing survivors, but exceptionally powerful when stabbing survivors in rapid succession and slowing down the game... And it makes it boring for both parties.

So…. What can be done to power up the killer in doing his job correctly, and be rewarded more than just an injured survivor with a 20 second timer on their back that wastes everyone's time, including the Killer's?

==========================The new part==========================

Let’s try this for size: “Ferocious Frenzy”.

Ferocious Frenzy will be a state the Legion enters after he stabs 2 survivors who don’t have deep wounds.

Whenever they attack a survivor already inflicted with Deep Wounds while in Ferocious Frenzy, the attack will remove 5 seconds from the counter. If the survivor is attacked again before they attack another survivor, the ability ends instantly with no penalty to the survivor.


The Legion is a killer with essentially no power during chases. Just extreme pressure that’s generally ignored, making him an M1 killer. He is a killer that lacks the capability to down survivors without excluding use of his own ability.

However… While true, it’s controversial to add back in the effect that made him hated so much in the past… I put in an extra effect to make *double* sure that stuff doesn’t get abused, and instead properly rewards the killer in a stronger effect, and punishes the survivor for being close together.

He needs to stab 2 people before his second stage begins to allow him to reduce deep wound numbers. And before he can reapply an extra timer de-buff to a survivor, he needs to swap between targets *constantly*. When he hits a survivor in his second stage, he cannot hit the same survivor he just stabbed again for a free 10 second reduction before being pulled out of his ability. (Because 5 + 5 = 10)

Instead, he needs to hit a total of 7 hits intermittently between survivors to successfully down just *one*.

It relies on the survivors being close together to where the legion can down a survivor from this method, so now the survivors cannot blame the killer for the error of 2 survivors being too close.

Did I mention that I’ve done nothing about how long it lasts, how fast the killer moves, and how quickly the killer can lose his ability?


I feel like that’s balanced enough, you’re free to say something on that.

At least be constructive, though, you're not getting anything done by screaming like a baby against a forum post written by someone who cares about the game enough to do this in the first place.

If you're gonna scream, do it when I can actually explain reasonings clearer, deconstruct arguments and reply, or identify issues with this idea and change it to make this idea more balanced in hopes it gets read or passed around by other people who want legion to be stronger than now.

That's all it is. An idea.

Not an official post, an idea for the community of this game to see. It's not worth your time acting like a grown baby because someone's facts or opinions don't equal your own, so you try to make the person to change their ideals to meet yours in the dumbest way possible by posting false information, misinterpreted information, or just plain being stubborn because you refuse to admit that you were wrong, which is even worse than losing, and that's fact.

(Sorry, I'm just really hatin' the babies lately. Go ahead and tell me what you think down in the comments, mates.)

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446


    Was my post just edited by someone?

    Yet, I don't see any changes...

    Did a thing happen?

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    Oh wait- It was visibly moved from General to feedback-

    Ok, that makes sense.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited February 2021

    So deep wounds is something that is a status effect NOT unique to legion so it is unlikely that they will switch it back to being TR based as survivors affected by it will be extremely easy to down if the killer can get rid of their TR.

    As for that ability to further decrease deep wounds that's pretty weak tbh i wouldn't use it. survivors will just split up like normal which makes this obsolete.

    I came up with an ability with another guy called fatal frenzy

    Fatal frenzy:

    For each hit in frenzy you gain a token. Tokens are consumed when frenzy ends.

    1. Nothing
    2. Reduced feral frenzy fatigue
    3. Reduced feral frenzy fatigue and all survivors affected by deep wounds are revealed by killer instinct.
    4. When feral frenzy ends you go into a fatal frenzy, your movement speed is drastically reduced for 2 seconds before moving at 5.2 m/s it then lasts for 8 seconds during which your attacks injure and down survivors, hitting survivors in this state adds 4 seconds to it's duration.

    I think legion should be awarded for getting multiple frenzy hits and being able to down survivors is pretty fair when you realize that you have to hit all of them which is very unlikely and it wont usually result in more than 2 downs if survivors split up when you enter it.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    "Whenever the killer strikes a Survivor, they have deep wounds for 20 full seconds. It's paused when inside the terror radius."

    Incorrect. When Legion was initially nerfed, that was how it worked. However, with the introduction of the Oblivious status effect, it was changed so that the timer would pause if the survivor was running. Thank Freddy and Oni (Nemesis) for that.

    "Whenever they attack a survivor already inflicted with Deep Wounds while in Ferocious Frenzy, the attack will remove 5 seconds from the counter. If the survivor is attacked again before they attack another survivor, the ability ends instantly with no penalty to the survivor."

    This is a very, very, very dark road you're going down. Remember, we have Frank's Mixtape. That makes the 5 seconds, 10 seconds instead. This is similar to Old Legion, which is not a very good comparison. That is a killer that almost killed the game.