Things I noticed Via the update

The Game (the map) has been resigned ironically, to be more in favor for survivors with a larger amount of pallets and crao to block you..In fact I have notice lately that like every map has about 2 extra pallets and new spots I did not think was possible to have pallets.
Vacuuming of pallets has come back which has me getting teleported left and right every other map. I am confused about killer hitboxes since It seems I could be looking at them only a inch near the pallet and get smashed in the skull.
Totems have now return to be spawned in the most ######### of places.
On top of that bugs all mighty out the wazoo, Survivors teleporting thou me, when I hit a survivor they do a back flip which is some areas makes them unpickupable..But, still healable. and what could be consider hits not working properly about 50% of the time.
Meanwhile, the event is...err...I never really expect Chinese new years to be special to be honest. (Even If one season we could get tokens for skins)
On top of that the new UI..Well..It tells you how many hooks you got which would of been more effective If It showed who you hooked how many times and not..whatever It does now. Now you get a big message at top telling you to "Stop them" after 5 gens are done. It feels like It was made more with the intent of people watching you play then It is for actually playing...But,that is nether here nor there I guess.
My matches have either been total blow overs where I killed the people two fast or where I can't even get a hook with only like 1 in between out of 10 matches a day.
The amount of Dstrikes have went down a good amount. But, the amount of safe pallets makes up for It since you seem to be unable to go 2 feet with a pallet and a loop which you can not punish..
Also, the "Fun" little bloodlust effect which ######### with the camra is even more cheesy then before.. Can someone explain to me why we need blur lines to confirm we are running and a lag to boot?
Long story short: We are getting punished for wanting Dstrike nerfed...PALLETS FOR THE PALLET GOD!
Only map that has mor pallets is the game. I’d say crotus prenn has less and killers get stunned to the other side of the pallet making enduring amazing right now. Hitboxes are also causing hits from 5 feet away