We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Worst “Ultra rare” and “rare” items and adds

Let’s start this with brand new part. Convoluted, complex rules, that don’t really give that much. that throws 2 diff skill checks for what nominal gen gain. Trash. Dread seeing it on web.


  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Brand New Part is actually the best add on for toolkit now since they nerfed toolkits into the ground. That's how they operate, make everything suck.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    I can agree that odd bulb is literally the worst, but BNP is questionable. For reliability sake, I’d go for Syringe but if it’s just overall potential then maybe BNP. I’d rather have a medkit with syringe than a toolbox with BNP.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I actually like Hags Shoes. She has 2 addons that deny her teleporting ability, and people have no idea how to play against her. I had so many people try to run to a pallet through a phantasm that just keept bodyblocking them and they have no idea why.

    Sure, after the game they claim you are a hacker until they actually read your addons, but its really fun.

    Those addons can change the hags playstyle completely. Thats a way better use for an addon than many other killers have, who partly have to take certain addons to be viable at all.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I still distinctly remember a match on Family Residence against a Deathslinger that used Iridescent Coin flawlessly.

    Every single landed shot on a survivor resulted in an insta down (if they weren’t already injured).

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I am sorry but how in the world did he even get a single iri coin off on that map with so many LoS breakers/props to hold yourself against.

    I am genuinely perplexed because unless your team was literally running in a straight line in the open that shouldn't have happened.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Whoever that player was, they were just godly with Deathslinger. They were just incredibly good at only using the redeemer when it would count as an instadown.

    It was mad. It was frustrating. But also incredible and magical at the same time.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Although an offering,, Id throw in ebony mori since it so expensive and pretty underwhelming now since nerf.

    Spare part is awesome. You can still use the tool kit to sabotage hooks until you want to use the spare part as well (if you leave a tiny bit of the kit left)

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited February 2021


    Frank's mixtape and Stab wounds study - These two share the same problem instead of repeating myself I'll tackle them at the same time. They're relics of the past they were disgustingly strong with old legion's kit but with new Legion's kit it's just counterintuitive trying to make these work is actively throwing the game.

    Amanda's letter- honestly this add-on isn't terrible I just feel like you lose more than you gain either increase the Aura reading range or add more of a benefit to the ambush and that's pretty much it.

    Amanda's secret- This pretty much doesn't help. it's main advantage is just basically going to be helping you go after the people who just got the trap off which is a waste of time. It's a tunnel me hard add on and nothing else.

    Hellshire Iron - honestly what were you guys thinking with this. Deathslinger is naturally small terror radius doesn't help this also coupled with the fact that it looks your camera makes seeing of a survivor.

    Pyramid head I'm not naming a specific ultra-rare because both of them are terrible. The torment mechanic is not consistent enough to make seal of metatron useful especially when triggering its effects also gives a potential of removing torment from two different people.

    As for obsidian goblet you do not have the freedom with your torment trails to make this add-on worthwhile

    I'm also including the status effect trail of torment add-ons it is not consistent enough for it to be very rare worthy ( either include the punishment wave into these effects or at least let the punishment wave apply torment)

    Leprose lichen- stop adding aura reading effects to conditional add-ons that lock the camera. This addon not only requires you to have people injured but also requires you to hope to god that you just happen to be facing the direction because you can't change your camera.

    Red moss demo is a killer with way too many loud sound cues and global notifications this makes it incredibly easy to know when you need to be on guard if you want to go stealthy there are better people to do it with. First of all reduce the volume of the sound cues and maybe remove the global notification and then get rid of the unnecessary penalty to your recovery speed.

    Fuming mixtape - now entering killer instinct no longer removes your aura reading ability this addon has gotten a lot better but it is still under a time to effect unlike Wraith who has the same add-on but can use it endlessly


    There's only really one thing I need to complain about odd bulb why is this still an ultra rare add-on I legitimately getting more you set of shining my spooky flashlight at the wall and hoping a killer won't kill me because of my wacky personality

    Post edited by Volfawott on
  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Clown's Ultra Rares are pointless running. Redhead's Pinky Finger needs to be changed from something that isn't an instadown, and Tattoo's Middle Finger is so pointless while Cigar Box can do what it does but even better.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Red moss makes Demos undetectable status, like, 30 seconds long.

    I actually kind of like using Stab Wound Study with Nasty Blade. Now that the Deep Wound timer is 20 seconds by default, this lowers it to 15. Decent slow down. At least meme-able now.

  • Inferno427
    Inferno427 Member Posts: 232

    17 seconds, they nerfed frank's mixtape and stab wound study when they reduced deep wounds to 20 seconds.

    Pig's add-ons are so bad.

    Amanda's Letter could've been really good. 12m aura reading while crouched is really nice but you get rid of half your power to use it. Wraith has the same add-on but it has no deficit and is a rarity lower.

    Rule Set no.2 is useless the majority of the time since it only ensures the timer will start before they start searching boxes. If you want head pops, tampered timer and Sketch or Crate are more reliant. Do you know what survivors do half the time? pop gens while survivors are on hooks, which does the same thing as Rule Set no.2 without taking up an add-on slot.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,062

    Red Moss adds 8 seconds to the default 2 seconds, and again, it's pointless anyways because Undetectable doesnt silence the sounds of teleportation and Demogorgon's loud as hell stomping as it walks.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,693

    Yamaoka Family Crest - Most people forget about this Oni addon for good reason. Survivors within 12m scream... on missed attacks. Worthless.

    Frank's Mixtape - This needs no introduction. 5 secs per stab, so discounting the initial stab, you'd need to hit them 4 times. So 24 secs of fatigue and recovery 3 times for a down. 72 seconds of just fatigue and recovery. Punish greeding the mend then? You mean the bar you can't read that doesn't deplete when they run?

    Stab Wounds - Another from Legion. Whereas Frank's reduces the DW timer by 5 secs per stab, this is... minus 3 seconds. It's insulting.

    Summon Stone - Blight's one bad add-on. I can at least see Adrenaline Vial being scary on some God Tier Blights. This? Insulting bad. 12m of blocked pallets? That's worse than Blood Favor, not a good comparison.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Not a Rare or Ultra-Rare but arguably the worst add-on in the game. Billy presents....

    • Black Grease: Moderately accelerates Chainsaw Cooling rate when a Flashlight  is shining on you.

    5,000 BP

    If that's not a complete and utter waste of an add-on I don't know what is.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Frank's Mix Tape and Stab Wound Study are percentage based. Kind of. If you're using both and manage to hit someone twice, the timer is bumped down to about 10 seconds.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    Sounds like you are playing against rank 30's if people can't counter that addon.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    Ultra rare mori?

    Nerf it and then leave it as ultra rare shows how much the devs don't care.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    I disagree. The Engagement Ring and Crystal Bead are much, much better than BNP and those aren't even Ultra Rares. The amount of information the provide throughout the game are much, much more valuable than the tiny gen progress bonus you get from BNP. The Syringe is still better than BNP. Both items were nerfed but Syringe is still much more valuable.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,022

    Let's get started!

    Survivor Items

    Keys: The Weaved Ring (Very Rare) and Milky Glass (Very Rare) provide no in-game advantages, they only keep your key from disappearing after the game ends.

    Flashlights: The Odd Bulb (Ultra Rare) makes your flashlight run out faster. Reliability is better than blind duration. Plus, you can blind a killer multiple times, so what's the point of this addon? It should be Rare, to be honest.

    Killer Powers

    Executioner: The Obsidian Goblet (Ultra Rare) is a completely useless addon UNLESS you're going for a gimmick campy build, though Insidious would work wayyy better for that. You have to stay on a rites of judgement trail, and once the trail disappears the Undetectable status runs out. Pretty pointless tbh. His Seal of Metatron addon is pretty good though, it's basically BBQ & Chili for the cage and encourages you to cage people more. Only issue is that you have to torment survivors.

    Clown: While Tattoo's Middle Finger (Ultra Rare) isn't that bad of an addon, it has no reason to be Ultra Rare, in fact, it should be Common. An aura reading addon that only lasts for 6 seconds, it'll only be somewhat useful against shack looping.

    Twins: The Iridescent Pendant (Ultra Rare) is unlikely to ever work. 12 seconds of the exposed effect after crushing Victor while he is idle, in which Charlotte would probably be 32 meters away from Victor. This addon would be reasonable if the Exposed duration lasted for at least 40 seconds or more.

    Cannibal: The Beast's Marks (Rare) used to be a great addon for Bubba back during his Nemesis days, but the Chili addons (duration increase each time a charge is consumed) and the Depth Gauge Rake (extra charge for the chainsaw) outclass it wayyyy too easily. You need as much duration as possible. It might be alright to use along with the Depth Gauge Rake, but using that with Award-winning Chili is def better.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, hag is not a killer you encounter very often, and i personally never encounterd a hag using those addons, i just played her myself. So people just dont realize what is happening until after the game.

    And yes, the "skill" level of red rank survivors is not what you expect from a "real" ranking system.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 432

    While not an ultra or very rare addon the baby teeth addon for Twins annoys me a lot. It's just 15 seconds of blindness when they pull Victor off. Why so little for it's rarity? Clown's kerosene can gives them 30 seconds of blindness and it's way easier to apply gas to survivors and pig gets blindness while RBT's stay on and it's the same rank too! Hell Freddy's brown addon gives 30 seconds of blindness. Granted it's blindness so it isn't that useful but they really should round off the blindness from baby teeth to 30 seconds.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    Cyptic is likely 2nd best survivor addon.

    Assuming that by engagement ring you meant unique wedding ring key addon, both this thing and crystal bead are borderline useless in SWF and so-so in solo.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,121

    Stab Wounds Study and Frank's Mix Tape were nerfed with the update to Deep Wounds tho, it now reduces the Deep Wound timer by 3 seconds, not 5. (And Frank's Mix Tape by 5, no longer 7.5)

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,121

    Don't forget Blight's Summoning Stone add-on, it literally does nothing.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    That doesn't really count as a Nerf though, because 10 seconds were cut from the total Deep Wounds timer. Frank's Mix Tape and Deep Wounds Study were adjusted accordingly. The numbers may be less, but together, they used to bring the timer down to 17.5 seconds from 30, but now it brings it down to 12 from 20. Its still pretty close, percentage wise, but 12 seconds is still not really enough time to do anything. 17.5 was enough time to fully heal someone before needing to mend.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,121

    I should have chosen "updated" or "adjusted" instead of "nerfed", my bad.

    But nothing changes about these add-ons being still pretty useless... Which is kinda sad.

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    If those UR aren’t trash....

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    Let's go.

    Literally everything for hillbilly except the chains and boots is garbage, the iridescent add-ons make a fun combo but yea that's about it.

    Chains and bottles for deathslinger. The purple chain increases your charges by...10%, some survivor literally said to me that it exists to waste your add-on slot and I couldn't agree more. Just take the damn brown rag or something, it will do more.

    The bottles, what the ######### are they even for? Camping?

    Survivors actually suffer harder from trash gear.

    - Alex's toolbox, does less than a yellow toolbox but sabotages faster wow

    - All sabotage add-ons for toolboxes, with old sabotage they were pretty good but now...

    - The regular map, and it's godawful tracking add-ons. The killer item tracking is good though

    - All bulbs for flashlights are pretty damn bad

    - Sponge and gloves for medkits, they are incredibly weak even for their rarity, especially when compared to any of the charge add-ons or most healing speed add-ons

    - The abdominal dressing, why in the hell does this reduce the charges? Even if it didn't it would be pretty damn mediocre for a green add-on

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Yeah, I know... But at least they're meme worthy now. Still not worth it, but not quite as worthless. Actually fun...sometimes. I think fmt should more drastically change how Legion plays.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,150

    Toolboxes needed that rework actually. They were lasting for soooo long. You could use them to speed up gen after gen after gen. Now they do about the same amount of progress, but over a shorter amount of time. So basically, not a nerf.