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New perk to stop tunneling killers

The killers kill 1 survivor at the start of the game, by tunneling him. And then the game is lost. We really need 1 perk to stop this tunneling, so please devs make the next survivor with an antitunnel perk. It should activate when you are Chased for a long time and deactivate when you are not chased anymore and then activate again in a short time and give you deep wound status effect as long as he still tunnels you. I played as a survivor in the past and every killer tunneled me. I don't use flashlight. I don't use key. I don't teabag. I'm a clean survivor and I met many killers tunneling for no reason just to make the game worse for the others survivors. 5 gens and 3 survivors. At least if a survivor DC at the start of the game or is killed from tunneling make 4 gens left instead of 5.

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  • Member Posts: 509

    Yes because targeting a player and ruining their fun on a game with a ######### load of waiting times isn’t a bad thing...

  • Member Posts: 655

    If you are tunneled out of the game and 5 gens are left, either your teammates are doing nothing or your chases are really short.

    As a killer I expect to lose a gen or two before I finish my first chase.

  • Member Posts: 673

    Yes, because your job as killer is to make the game long as possible and fun for the survivor at all costs.

  • Member Posts: 410

    that's good strategy. However, if BEhavior wants survivors to play, they need their part of the game to be fun too. Tools to resist tunnelling and camping are needed

  • Member Posts: 994

    So basically you tell us, you are bad at looping, with all the pallet ressources left on the map? Your problem, not the killer ones.

  • Member Posts: 2,334
    edited February 2021

    If a killer wants you to die not a single existing tool in the game is going to stop that. Your tools are understanding killer powers and habits, pallets and windows around the map and what ever perks you decided to bring with you. At that point it's all based on whether your teammates are doing generators or are being useless and hiding because they heard a terror radius for 0.25 milliseconds. At that point this isn't a killer issue it's the survivors you got paired with being useless.

    In fact most complaints a survivor has about how unfair killers are towards them can be accounted for your survivor teammates being useless. That is the reality of the situation.

  • Member Posts: 509

    I never said it’s the killers job, so please only reply if you can read

  • Member Posts: 9,405

    You must be new to suggest anything tied to chase mechanics.

    Suggest looking up the original Legion and the videos made around that time.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    There is a good anti-tunnel perk already. It's called Decisive Strike, and is a teachable from Laurie Straud (may have the spelling wrong) if you haven't already, I would suggest picking up the Halloween chapter to get her (also Myers, who is a fun killer to play)

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    It's an okay perk, but unless it's EGC with open doors. A killer just resumes tunneling you after 5 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 563

    I actually suggested a perk change to off the record in the feedback section but didn't get any responses to it.

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  • Member Posts: 673

    Wow, so now black people can't read? You're on a roll today, dude.

  • Member Posts: 68

    If you're chased for a long time and the Killer hasn't already smacked you, you're doing a valuable job of keeping them busy while your other survivors should be working on objective. At that point, you don't need a perk to stay alive because you've done something valuable. This only encourages Killers to commit to short chases, which means they'll bounce between survivors and disrupt them constantly - you don't want this as a Survivor.

    Sometimes bad Killers will tunnel you. They won't get many points for it, especially if they decide to sit by the Hook after. It's the nature of the beast and ultimately, you just have to shake yourself down and head into the next game. Once you learn the loops and pallets, learn when to slam them down and when you can mke another circle, you'll make yourself a less appealing chase target, especially if you can draw it out. I've legitmately had a Killer tunnel me fromt he get-go, and my team were able to complete 3 gens by the time he strung me up on a hook.

  • Member Posts: 804
    edited February 2021

    Tunneled a guy yesterday.

    He managed to get use out of borrowed time, decisive strike, dead hard, and unbreakable.

    Still had him on death hook before the 3rd gen popped. Felt kind of badly, but they kept unhooking him within 5 seconds of me putting him on the hook, and he was always the first survivor I saw.

    Easy victory from there. It's honestly making me consider tunneling as a valid tactic. When it works it snowballs pretty hard.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    have you heard of two perks called "Decisive Strike" and "Borrowed Time"?

    cause they do quite literally exactly what you're asking for - they harshly punish tunneling killers and allow your team to get a lot more time on generators.

  • Member Posts: 6,556


    but the killer wastes valuable time. time that your team should be using to fix gens.

    tunneling only works if you do it fast. if you waste too long on a single survivor, everyone else will be out in 5 min.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Agree, but that is if the tunneled one can loop. If they go down fast, and you are not in a swf, well you may be lucky to finish a gen or two.

    Especially with some of the fast unsafe no BT hook rescues done in solo q.

  • Member Posts: 67

    if this was CSGO what you said, is a one tap deagle headshot :D well said

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    yeah...sadly, not everyone climbs the ranks by learning to run from the killer.

    or learning to wait for the killer to go away before unhooking.

    or to at least take a hit for the unhooked.

  • Member Posts: 149


  • Member Posts: 672

    Have you tried playing emmersive? That is the solution to every problem in dead by daylight.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    The last thing we need is another anti-tunnel perk.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    You make it so that if the same survivor gets hooked within moments of being saved, the hook phase is delayed by 5-10 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 7,023

    The majority of competent killers will study their opponents and if they tunnel, they tunnel the weak link

    So maybe they werent tunneling you for no reason

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited February 2021

    if is a m1 killer and u are getting caught soon then the killer of course will see you as a weaklig so will tunnel you, get better at the game and the killer will drop chase. the best part of the game is the interacion with the killer not pressing m1 on gens as survivor.

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