Predator, Zanshin Tactics,Hex: Retribution, Barbecue and Chili Perk Change
Scratchmarks left by running Survivors during a Chase will spawn slightly/Moderately/Considerably closer together.This effect persists for 3 Seconds if the Survivor escapes the Chase.
The Noises caused by Running Survivors in the Environment and their Footsteps are increased by 50%.
Zanshin Tactics
The Aura of all Pallets,Vault Locations, Breakable Walls , and the Hatch are highlighted to you by a White Aura when within a 24-Meter Range.
When a Survivor is within 2-Meters of a Pallet or Vault Location during a Chase,or within 8-Meters of the Hatch, the Pallet,Vault Location,or the Hatch will be highlighted to you by a Yellow Aura.
When a Survivor is Damaged , Zanshin Tactics becomes inactive for 40/35/30 Seconds.
Hex: Retribution
Any Survivor who cleanses a Dull Totem will suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect for 35/40/45 Seconds and their Location will be revealed to you for 4 Seconds.
If Any Hex Totem is cleansed , including Hex: Retribution ,you see the Auras of all Survivors for 10 Seconds.You are granted the Undetectable Status Effect during this Time.
Barbecue and Chili
After Hooking a Survivor , the Auras of all other Survivors further than 40-Meters from the Hook and within a 64-Meter Range are revealed to you for 4 Seconds.
Each Time that a Survivor is Hooked for the First Time, gain a 25% Stackable Bonus to all Bloodpoint Gains up to a Maximum of 50%/75%/100%.
The Bonus Bloodpoints are only Awarded Post-Trial.