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Unpopular DBD opinions thread



  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    I agree with both, and especially the last one

    Even before the Clown changes, he was not nearly as bad of a killer as people made him out to be. He has bad 1v4 (as many other killers do) but he had good 1v1. He could shut down chase quickly.

    Sucks I can't use We'll Make It much in solo queue because so many people don't know what it is and it ends up being a wasted perk slot.

  • Kaethela
    Kaethela Member Posts: 348

    Deja Vu is one of the most underrated solo perks.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    I recently just made my own tier list, and have Clown sitting in B tier. Definitely not bad for an underrated killer

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Here's my unpopular opinion

    Plague is HEAVILY underrated

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464
    edited February 2021

    -Killers like Freddy aren't significantly stronger than others, they're just so boring to go against that people kill themselves on hook, inflating their kill counts. Easy fix for Freddy, make pallet Freddy default.

    -As said in multiple places in this thread, Wraith is actually a good killer when played correctly. Just the correct way of playing him isn't as a stealth killer, its using Windstorm for fast map traversal, and his speed burst out of cloak for hits around pallet loops.

    -Nurse isn't that hard to learn, it takes maybe like 10 or so games to make blink distance muscle memory. Just most players don't want to do it because they'd have to lose 10 games to get there.

    -Corrupt is a bad perk, and people have a massive hard on for it I could never understand. Its 3 minutes of slight delay in the form of relocation, and it loses 100% of its effectiveness if the game spawns you somewhere where your corrupt is split.

    -SWF as a concept isn't as overpowered as everyone thinks it is. For every god squad you go against, you go against 25 casual SWFs that are just people playing with friends. You just only remember the god squad because they kicked your ass.

    -A solid 95% of the players in this game are bad, plain and simple. And that's why the game works. If every game had 4 equally skilled survivors against a similarly skilled killer, the survivors win 9 times out of 10. But the fact that skill level varies so wildly, even at rank 1, means that killers win very often because most of the players at that rank are bad. This is also why MMR is an inherently bad idea (if it ever functions correctly, which I honestly doubt), because it means that this skill variance goes away.

    -This is also the only reason that SWF does actually make teams stronger: it means that the survivors are guaranteed to have a team of competent players. It has nothing to do with communication. If you took any top tier SWF and forced them to play without voice comms, they'd be just as insanely good as with them.


    -Keys aren't overpowered, killers that whine about it are just weenies that are butthurt that they lost a kill that they likely wouldn't have gotten anyway. Anyone who says moris and keys were anywhere near equivalent are salty killer mains.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    I find most people who have this mindset are the ones that never leave a 20m radius after hooking a survivor.

    BBQ is a perk that gives information on the full survivor team at the time that the killer needs it most. It lets me know where I need to go to start my next chase.