My new killer

_Tim_Mate_ Member Posts: 8

Title (damn generator)

When you break the generator in some structure, then moving 48-32-28 meters away from the generator, the auras of the survivors that are in this structure for 30-45-60 seconds after the generator break will be highlighted. The perk can be used again after 80-70-50 seconds.

Name (bloodlust) Corruption

After you sacrifice essence (up to 3 tokens) you get bonuses. After the first token, you break boards 8-12-18 percent faster. On the second, you can throw off the boards yourself (you just need to stand in the board and throw it over yourself) after that you will receive a camp from yourself (and get additional points) and after that you yourself can break the board every use with a recharge of 80-60-40 seconds. Third token you get a bonus to attack lunge

10-18-22 percent.

Name (One-shot boards) Corruption

You can break boards (walls) 40-60-70 percent faster, but after each break of a board (wall) you will get a mill for 3-2-2 seconds. Again, you can use this ability every 30-25-15 seconds. In this case, the totem will be heard within a radius of 10 meters.