If the next killer is OG, what kind would you want?

The next killer should be revealed or teased soon, there's a chance its Original, what kind would you like?
If the next killer is OG, what kind would you want? 86 votes
Scarecrow killer
Personally, I'd like a Scarecrow killer, imagine a tall thin guy with a sack tied around his head in ripped clothing stuffed with straw and using a scythe as a weapon? That'd be creepy
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Scarecrow killer
Maybe a Spider-killer?...Or worse...a human wasp 😰
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Robot killer
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A Werewolf Killer.
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Scarecrow killer
I did put that on the list, but it said i could only use 10
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Fire based killer
I've always wanted to set some survivors on fire
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I want a Wizard or a Pirate, also an Alien or a Killer Robot is what is missing in dbd.
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Scarecrow killer
The Hag feels kinda like a witch. Swamps, bones, weird symbols.
Also, i once heard the Devs say they're waiting for a Pirate killer
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Convict killer
Lmao i read "Covid killer"
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It could also bring us an Ogre or a killer from the medieval era, I saw a video of someone who does excellent concepts and it was not bad at all. I think he called it The Armor.
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A mummy killer. And no, Plague is not a mummy.
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A killer with the power to stop people from doing the 99% doors thing and blocks the hatch as perks.
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Scarecrow killer
I just want a perk that lets you break a small number of pallets before they're used
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You know what, I like that idea as well.
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Chef killer
"I like robots."
Well, that's as good a reason as any.
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Chef killer
That could be rally cool.
And this game isn't furbait as it is, obviously.
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Scarecrow killer
Chef Killer, nice choice
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Medieval killer
I'd love to see a killer from old England or the Victorian Era.
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Scarecrow killer
Isn't the Blight from Vic-London?
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Fire based killer
I can't remember the channel, but before Chains of Hate came out there was a YouTuber speculating that the next killer would be "The Phoenix", a fallen firefighter that would leave trails of smouldering ash on the ground that survivors would have to avoid. I guess that mechanic was used for The Executioner shortly after, but a twisted firefighter still sounds good to me (reminds me of Fahrenheit 451).
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Scarecrow killer
I remember that one
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I don't want it to be the next killer tho do to them reworking old maps, and I want a pirate map to go along with it!
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Scarecrow killer
Id love a scarecrow killer that had fake scarecrows he could pose as around the map
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Scarecrow killer
Maybe, but that kinda opens to just standing and waiting while gens go off. I feel if a Scarecrow was to enter, it would do something with the crow around the maps
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Convict killer
A convict Killer would be cool, surpised there isnt one already with some kind of prison map. Well, I guess Deathslinger is technically a convict, lore-wise, but it's not the focus of his character. I want a dude in a prison jumpsuit.
I really dont want any non-human Killers though. No robots or insects(a guy who USES insects is fine though, as long as he isnt one himself)or whatever, please. I think having all the Killers (lisenced Killers aside) once being normal humans, but now corrupted and twisted by the Entity is cool.
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actually i would like to see non humanoid killer ( not walking with 2 legs and have 2 arms )
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Medieval killer
Maybe? I thought he was Irish or Scottish.
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Chef killer
My Homie Chef gotta cook some Survivors like a stew
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Insect killer
Insect killer, like Margaret from Resident Evil 7? :) Using bugs as their power.
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Scarecrow killer
I'd like a spider humanoid or something.
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I'd like a killer who has something to do with time, like manipulating it.
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Chef killer
my clown chef boi needs a partner
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Robot killer
Honestly a robot killer would be amazing
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Fire based killer
Call me sadistic, but lighting survivors up sounds fun. The only problem is that BHVR probably wouldn't showcase it well considering they aren't too gory/graphic with their animations/moris.
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Fire based killer
A spider-killer sounds amazing. Imagine getting shot at with web & if you get caught in it, you'll obviously slow down.
It'd be even more interesting if they gave the spider something similar to Pyramid Head, where instead of going on a hook, they go into the spiderweb.
We got Bubba for that :)
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Insect killer
I still kind of want a spider themed killer.
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Insect killer
Why not a swarm of 100 million Eciton Burchellii? Just a wall of those that slowly eat you alive if you walk into it?
My inner Myrmecologist is kicking in...
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Water based killer
I seem to be the only one, but I'm still waiting for my swashbucklin' wife cucklin' cock sucklin' pirate killer.
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Chef killer
The only thing I can think of for a Chef like killer would be Chef Antoine from Dead Rising 2
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Scarecrow killer
A blind, deaf and mute killer would tight as well.