

Why does plague lose her corrupt purge when being stunned by a pallet?

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  • Member Posts: 76

    For consistency's sake I suppose, just like how some other killers can get stunned out of their power (Legion, Ghostface, Wraith, Twins etc.). There are some who don't get stunned out of their power (namely Oni) not sure what dictates who does and who doesn't get stunned out of their power though.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Oni gets locked out of actions instead of getting stunned out of it entirely, on top of needing to have multiple blood reserves laying around at all times and requiring a sizeable amount of time/management to earn the power in the first place. This means that Oni cannot Hook the first Survivor that he sees and that he frequently has to let injured Survivors to return to game progress. For the duration of his power you also cannot do anything but chase Survivors, even if you don't have any clue where they are, and that is more than enough of a trade off for not recoiling like an abusive father who stepped on his last lego piece whenever you touch a wall.

    tl;dr, Oni having mutliple downsides to his amazing power is why he can't get knocked out of it.

    -M1 killer only until you find two Survivors and an M1 killer only immediately after using it

    -Easy to counter early game if you can outplay M1 (possibly the weakest Killer in the game at that point, but that's a very fair trade off for his Power. I'm not saying this is an issue, just a reason.)

    -Can only activate his power again if he made sure to earn more than needed for one charge or knows the location of an easy target

    -Can only snowball while in his power, picking up downed Survivors just turns his power off

    -Damaging Gens takes just as long even in Blood Fury, wastes your meter

    Other Killers like Hag and such can't be knocked out because you can delete their traps before their power triggers as their trade off. Even Spirit has trade offs despite the seemingly universal hate, such as being unable to focus on anything else other than your target and not being able to see Survivors.

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