DCing Killers should be penalised or given a handicap! If a Survivor Disconnects the Trial continues for those left...but Killers DCing just ends if for all & WASTES TIME & OFFERINGS!!! 

Some games actually prevent you from playing for a limited time if you Disconnect multiple times within a short period...something needs to be done. 

It can take 5mins just to get into a Trial & then Killers quit half way through.


  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582
    DCing should have a penalty for everyone, not just killers.
  • SteveyHooves
    SteveyHooves Member Posts: 246
    And the Survivors who DC... what about them. Because I get about 20 a day. 
  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236

    I agree there should be some kind of a penalty or at least offerings should be returned if the match time is less than 1 min or so .. But Survivors disconnecting too should have that as well .. since it minimizes everyone else's chances .

    But there's some annoying Exploit the other day I was playing as a killer and right after I was about to hook this guy he disconnected from the game and i was stuck in animation Carrying him could not hook him nor drop him .. I thought it was my connection until 3 Generators were fixed while i was stuck that is totally a Game breaking Exploit .

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Agent47 said:
    DCing Killers should be penalised or given a handicap! If a Survivor Disconnects the Trial continues for those left...but Killers DCing just ends if for all & WASTES TIME & OFFERINGS!!! 

    Some games actually prevent you from playing for a limited time if you Disconnect multiple times within a short period...something needs to be done. 

    It can take 5mins just to get into a Trial & then Killers quit half way through.

    Yes there should be harsh penalties for DCing, but ofc they would apply to both, killers and survivors :lol: