Strategies in Dead By Daylight

Link Member Posts: 135
edited September 2018 in General Discussions

Before i start i want to say that this of course is my opinion and im not presenting these as facts. I am open to criticism but dont start using insults since they dont contribute anything.

These are my opinions about certain controversial actions/items/perks that killers/survivors take in order to win.

And just in case you aren't satisfied with that, this opinion is coming from a rank 1 survivor/killer main who has 2000+ hrs.

Camping - Camping sucks for the killer and hooked survivor cause its basically a gg for the survivor and boring for the killer. But it does have a huge counter to it, use the survivor as extra time to do gens. I understand that you wont know at first if the hooked survivor is being camped and it is a mean thing to do, but sometimes leaving the survivor for dead is often the best way to survive. As for the hooked survivor himself try to think of how you can not get caught by the killer next time. Also DO NOT ATTEMPT ESCAPE, i understand that its boring to sit there but you're just giving the killer less time to camp and less time for the survivors to do gens, punish him for camping by doing nothing. Other then that these 2 things are all you can really do against a camper and i've taken that fact myself, granted you wont always get away but then again you wont always get camped, it's not like everyone is a camper.

Decisive Strike - This perk can make any killer want to throw their keyboard across the room. Theres no real counter against it other then 5 that i know. Run enduring which will greatly reduce the stun time, dribble a survivor to a hook if it's close enough, leave them on the ground to waste survivors time while you chase someone else (i like to think of this as a longer version of the hook as survivors still have to go rescue the downed survivor), run perks that make it harder to land the skillcheck and or play doctor and finally just try to disorient the survivor by shaking your screen or hitting a wall. Other then that just eat it, we really gotta stop complaining about this perk anyway since it's getting a nerf.

Looping - Looping is fine, it's just like camping/tunneling, people do it to have better chances of winning. I hate it myself though still which is why im a huntress main, despite that though devs have already made some huge changes to looping recently and they probably might still nerf looping a bit more in the future, i myself though believe its ok and i say that cause there are some bullshit moments with looping as a survivor and killer but thats what makes it ok. The 3 ways i counter looping is mindgames, leave the survivor or just end the loop as quickly as possible. I myself try to mostly end it quickly but put them in a spot that makes it harder for them to get to another loop, for example cornering them against the opposite side or backing up towards further away loops to close in on them.

Tunneling - Of course the killer is gonna aim for you, you're the more vulnerable one and are closer to death, the way i counter this is to run iron will and urban evasion and hide before he comes back or leave the area if i have enough time.

Hex: Ruin - This perk is extremely overestimated by survivors, unless you are lucky you are gonna waste more time finding the hex then just working through the perk. Good survivors will land great skill checks most of the time, i find myself landing great skill checks more then i do normally just because my brain recognizes that its hex ruin If anything this perk needs a buff because if a survivor can land all great skill checks which very good survivors can do, the only positive to this perk is that it doesnt grant bonus progression upon great skillchecks which is an extra 2%. I still run it myself though because i need all the time i can get. I've considered switching over to remember me. Also tapping gens with ruin is not an exploit, stop yelling at survivors for doing it. If anything it's a worse version of working through ruin for survivors who cant land skillchecks.

Hex: No One Escapes Death - Counter to this? Stop staying behind when exit gates are open, or play a lot more stealthy and be patient with opening gates. I myself assume every killer has hex noed, bbq & chili and nurses calling until proven otherwise. Also this is more of a personal way to beat it and it doesnt really help but try and have the mindset that you're injured, it really gives me the extra awareness boost. It's sometimes also best not to heal with noed since its just a waste of time.

Bodyblocking - Why do i see people complain about this? Unless it's holding the game hostage there is no reason to argue over this. Both survivors and killers can bodyblock for their own reasons, it's fair.

Slugging - The longer bleedout timer compared to hooking exists for a reason. Wait for downed survivors to separate and then start healing.

Self-Care - i'm not sure about this perk, it's sitting between balanced to needs a small nerf for me. The proposed increased healing time in the recent livestream might be the small nerf that it needs.

Exhaustion Perks - To be honest i really havent felt like any of the perks got nerfed cause of the exhaustion change. Especially with sprint burst, i feel like it's even better now cause it can be technically triggered.

BBQ & Chili - Same thing as for self-care, it's sitting between balanced and needs a small nerf. I feel like a cool new mechanic would be that hiding in a locker would shield you from it but then again that might be too powerful cause all survivors including me will just run to a locker before someone got hooked, but also then again that would add time for the killer since none of them are doing gens, i dunno.

Franklin's Demise - It's just an item, stop crying.

Insidious - Refer to camping. (I have seen some nice plays done by a trapper with traps before though)

Flashlights - As a Huntress main i bait out a flashlight to use a hatchet, other then that listen for the survivors footsteps and follow that.

Gen Rushing - i can really only say it's gen rushing when people do multiple gens in a row without thinking of the gen placement, resulting in a easy 3 gen strat for killer, which in that case you should be thanking the survivors for gen rushing. Other then that stop calling survivors out for doing their main objective, it's like calling out a killer for hooking someone then immediately going after someone who's on a gen nearby and hooking them.

3 Generator Strategy - the name "strat" is literally in the name, it's a strategy. Its your fault and your teams fault for not paying attention to the generator placement if you give him an easy 3 gen start.

Game as a whole - Gens are still being done too fast and killers are still being bullied, It's ok to give survivors some buffs here and there, i know a certain 2 perks with the new survivor that need fixing fast. But other then that killers need some attention right now.

Again feel free to leave your opinion as well but dont resort to insults, they arent going to do anything.

Post edited by Link on


  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    I think standing next to the basement stairs is also a counter to Decisive Strike. I do that to make them fall into it and with Enduring I can quickly down that survivor again. 
  • Link
    Link Member Posts: 135

    @The_Fallen_Utopia said:
    I think standing next to the basement stairs is also a counter to Decisive Strike. I do that to make them fall into it and with Enduring I can quickly down that survivor again. 

    o yeah i forgot about that

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2018
    1. I don't understand why the developers fixed the whiff that had a chance of cancelling Decisive Strike. I mean, it didn't always work, but it was still a better counter than dribbling even with less success rate.

    2. Tunnellers and Campers have no counter. Unless, maybe it's SWF, but some killers will still find you and whack your A$$. Sometimes it is actually fair to do that to keep pressure on the survivors, if they are gen-rushing, but not fair with 5 gens remaining. When I face such killers, I just consider it one-of kinda game and move on to the next.

    3. Loopers are a problem, but mind-game is a counter to that. You can also move on to the other survivors. There's atleast one weakling in the lot. If you have lost a lot of time in the loop, this is also where camping and tunnelling proves effective. And if you're lucky, the survivor will most likely mess up at least once in a chase, and you need to rise up to the opportunity to get them down.

    4. Franklin's, BBQC, Self-care are just fine as they are.

  • Link
    Link Member Posts: 135
    edited September 2018

    But camping and tunneling can be countered without swf, if you go for the save and see the survivor getting camped, just leave and go do gens, and with tunneling my counter to it was stated above, unless you're stating that he is camping AND tunneling then yes i agree there is no counter. The "going for a weaker target" is a good point you bring up that i did not mention myself. Do you care to elaborate with why bbq & chilli and self-care are fine as they are? Also i have forgotten to bring up gen rushing which i will add my opinion on it to the list right now

    Post edited by Link on
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433

    @Link said:
    Do you care to elaborate with why bbq & chilli and self-care are fine as they are? Also i have forgotten to bring up gen rushing which i will add my opinion on it to the list right now

    I don't want this thread to get de-railed, with the whole thread revolving around just those two or three perks. So I'll just let it be. The above mentioned things are a much bigger problem than those perks right now.

  • Link
    Link Member Posts: 135

    I don't want this thread to get de-railed, with the whole thread revolving around just those two or three perks. So I'll just let it be. The above mentioned things are a much bigger problem than those perks right now.

    ok thats fair

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Khalednazari said:
    1. I don't understand why the developers fixed the whiff that had a chance of cancelling Decisive Strike. I mean, it didn't always work, but it was still a better counter than dribbling even with less success rate.

    1. Tunnellers and Campers have no counter. Unless, maybe it's SWF, but some killers will still find you and whack your A$$. Sometimes it is actually fair to do that to keep pressure on the survivors, if they are gen-rushing, but not fair with 5 gens remaining. When I face such killers, I just consider it one-of kinda game and move on to the next.

    2. Loopers are a problem, but mind-game is a counter to that. You can also move on to the other survivors. There's atleast one weakling in the lot. If you have lost a lot of time in the loop, this is also where camping and tunnelling proves effective. And if you're lucky, the survivor will most likely mess up at least once in a chase, and you need to rise up to the opportunity to get them down.

    3. Franklin's, BBQC, Self-care are just fine as they are.

    I guess they fixed this with the new nerfed DS in mind, just hope that the DS nerf is not delayed again

    Counter to tunneling = lose the killer and hide
    Counter to camp = BT+bodyblock

    There is no mindgame due to survivors 3rd person. There are very few spots that you can actually mindgame even against good survivors (sure a rank 20 can be mindgamed even on the autohaven tire loops because they dont look at the killer)

    franklins is fine, BBQ and SC are not fine, ruin too btw. If the game mechanics force you to pick certain perks, then theres sth wrong and this has to be adressed

  • Link
    Link Member Posts: 135

    I see what you mean with the perks, there needs to be changes to these perks. Sadly though there will always some selection of best perks in the game cause of the competitive scene