Genuine question: can teabagging technically be a called strategy?

I ask this because sometimes people teabag in order to get the killers attention so that they could focus on them and not anyone else so that the whole team can win right? So in this case is teabagging a strategy?
(This isn't to say that i condone teabagging, or that people don't teabag with the intention of being toxic. This is just a question I just randomly thought of. Please don't hate me)
In this case it can definetely be called a strategy.
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Not really. It just comes off as annoying to me, I've never actually left a guy I'm chasing just to go for a guy who's teabagging.
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100% yes. I'll be honest I've tunneled to the extent of dropping games over a single teabag many times
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If I'm killer and a Survivor teabags me, it's automatic face camp at the hook, at that point it's not about winning it's about principle. I fight toxicity with toxicity. Incessant Teabagging is the only reason I generally face camp and it's rare.
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Its a strategy. I dont use it bc it only works on people who get triggered from teabags. And they probably get triggered bc they got bullied and associate teabagging with that. So i dont want to abuse the fact that i can make someone feel miserable to win.
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Yes. I avoid it though if killers plays fair.
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Anyone who says it isn't a strategy is exactly who the strategy is for. Stay woke
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360 is also a strategy. Wanna know what those two strategies have in common? They will work only against noobs
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Teabagging is a windup / poor gamesmanship. So yeah its kind of a strategy. Killers don't have to buy it.