What are you guys doing to make your experience more enjoyable with these horrible hitbox issues?

I've gone from switching my build and bringing perks like Spine Chill + Resilience, and those helped a bit during chases.... to just throwing pallets down way early.
I didn't think it was that bad until I started seeing killers swing very early, which was a huge indicator that it was going to be one of those matches.
I'm just curious what everyone is doing to half way enjoy survivor atm.
Pre throw pallets, because I ain't risking nothing, and just sitting on gens like a maniac. That's how I've been trying to enjoy them lol.
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It's kind of funny how we've transitioned from playing causally to literally as if we were one shot away from a down. xD
One of my friends has been running Prove Thyself just to sort of balance how fast you go down due to bad hits vs gens done. So I totally feel you on that one.
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It's funny, because it's an efficient strategy too. Split up on gens = win pretty much everytime.
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Survivor is unplayable. Played a few killer games, but the performance of the game has gone into the toilet since the update. There's so much hitching I feel like I can barely even move as killer now.
So long story short: there's little to no enjoyment currently. I've been playing mostly other games and I suppose will be until the movement and sync issues have been resolved.
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I dropped a pallet earlier and I still got hit plus he teleported to the other side... He had enduring I killed myself on hook because of that
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Two things:
- Playing killer.
- Absolutely ######### ruining my eardrums with music to drown out the miserable experience of playing this game and sending my family into a nervous breakdown when they hear me screaming Lovesick Girls half in tears.
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I feel you on that too.
I know some of my friends are taking a break atm. Which sucks, but it's understandable.
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There is definitely a desync issue going on as well.
I had a Huntress down me yesterday, walk forward and looked like she was afk for a sec. This Feng was behind and tried to heal me but the game wouldn't let her, next thing I know she teleports and I'm already on her shoulder. lol
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I have a roomate and he knows I play DBD, he legit asked me if what I was playing because I keep saying "How did that hit me!". 🤣
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I'm avoiding playing survivor, simple as that.
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that is...one way to play
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My family have had to ask me several times to play with a pillow on my desk because the walls aren't in great shape rn
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The right way to play.
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By rushing gens like crazy. Btw, the hitboxes are fine. It seems to be a desync.
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Stop looping start stealthing.
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Just tested this with GER's theme, and i can now confirm that yes, blasting music not from DBD while playing DBD makes the game better XD
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Playing rocket league
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I started playing other games. I remembered what it means to have fun for once.
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Actually I'm just happy to be getting into games as survivor due to queue times being way faster than usual, even during peak times lol. I usually play killer or play something else entirely due to the queue times.
As for dealing with it I try to drop pallets and use Dead Hard a little early.
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Playing something else for awhile. I heard Civilization might be a refreshing change. ;)
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So you say survivor is unplayable, yet you say that you barely can move as killer. You sure it´s only the survivor side that is unplayable?
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Honestly, Just focused on the Rift Challenges, but now that I have them all complete I'm not sure.
Probably Throw a lot of Hatchets, SWF/Solo Queue random builds, and maybe start learning a new killer.
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Thus the playing of other games :)
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Convincing my buds to play 100% Orange Juice with me instead of DBD until everything is fixed :)
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Haven't played with dead hard in over two years and killers don't expect it in this environment. Makes up for some of it.
Aggressive nodding at other survivors and then making up for that lost time with prove thyself and we'll make it.
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Not playing.
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Simple. I dont care. When i get hit, i think to myself: Damn, that should have never hit. And then i continue the game and forget it.
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Honestly,i have so many hours in this game that i've kinda grown resilient to the BS in this game.
At least most of the time i guess 👁👄👁
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I decided to start playing a lot more killer. Found out it's a very decent and fun role and everything looks like it hits for me so I feel slightly
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I make dbd more enjoyable by playing something else.
My nephew, brother and I recently got into warhammer 40k :p
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I don't play to escape currently. I play to do challenges and get as much bp as possible. No point in trying if I have to actively fight with the game itself
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My current goal is just to p3 Cheryl because I think she looks really cool all bloodied up
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Same as before, hits were always bs and im not a good looper so the experience is the same for me.
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I searched YT for a video of the good ol' unhook lag that once plagued particularly console players but also some PC players and watch it before starting DbD to remember that we had much worse patches than the current one. It was the only time in my personal DbD history that I quit the game for a while because it was actually unplayable. Until I gave up, every match I played, after every unhook, it was like this:
IIRC the only way to return to normal was to get into a locker after the unhook, but that was easier said than done.
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Watching that actually almost made me throw up in my mouth.
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I do gens and run Hope. Chases feel like they should when I have an extra 5%movespeed.
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Playing killer
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It feels as though the desync is much worse when it comes to character positions on the map rather than input so I've found that camping pallets is much more viable than before and you can only loop a killer when the loop is safe and the killer is far away...
It's too bad because I really feel like I've become better at looping and then this patch dropped.
Basically when I'm chased I try to run in a straight line as much as possible, avoid line of sight for bloodlust and go through safe windows or buildings. Then eventually I loop a strong tile I come across for a short while and predrop the pallet just a bit (even if it feels as though I should be able to get another loop or so).
I'm pretty sure it'll get better but that's what I figured is the safest right now.
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Well me and my brother normally play DBD again after a new tome comes out. This time we haven't played one game of survivor (just one game as killer). We hate the principle of the new animation changes, new UI and of course don't want to play with an even worse hitbox. I really don't like seemingly EVERY core thing in this game we've known for years changing. No one asked for these changes.
We might play a game or 2 to get 1 event toolbox if we can't get one with our remaining BP. I don't see us playing much anytime soon.
TLDR: We're not currently playing because we don't like these changes.
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Play a different game.
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playing killer
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Playing a lot more killer than survivor, to begin with.
When I play survivor, I always assume the killer is much closer than they seem to be, and act accordingly. Dead Hard is a no-no in the current state of the game, don't run it.
When I'm getting too frustrated, I just leave and play Overwatch instead, or watch TWD.
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Taking Blood Pressure medication to calm myself down.
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That’s a good mindset to have tbh. Like to have other goals while playing the game as it is. XD
I kinda told myself that I was going to try to farm event toolboxes because I get one, maaaaybe and very 3 bloodweb pages? So I’m currently just doing that and bringing a white ward with Plunderers.
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I love the perk Hope. Hence my forum icon. 😄
And I can see how this one would also help out. Especially when you’ve done the objective and you risk getting hit by one of those nasty hits at the end of the match.
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Dont let this game take you there, and take care of yourself.
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Mimimi hitboxes are fine, survivor are just Bad. mimimi Gens are too fast, Stop genrush me mimimi...
Your bait is bad dude.
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Its not the hitboxes. Its desync.