Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

DC penalties should be expelled from the game or at least changed...



  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Come up with the coding for it and make it 100% able to determine if there is an intentional disconnect of the network cable or software disconnect on their computer.... this is why they are not able to make it so that they can allow penalties because of network connections. now I have been playing during peak times and off peak times and I rarely disconnect and when I do it's mostly on my end or my isp. i've disconnected once in the last nine months and the time that happened it was my windows trying to make a call to my video card and the the game crashed because of that.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Idk about the "you are responsible or your own fun" bit, the way I see it is if it's an iri head huntress or spirit in general, no one was going to have fun anyways so leaving the match wouldnt do a whole lot.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    I see there was also a brain worms outbreak

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788
    edited February 2021

    The penalty should be removed because it doesn't actually stop people from leaving the game if they don't want to play. 1st hook death is a thing and happens all the time. And it only takes like a minute longer than just clicking tje disconnect button.

    All rhe penalty does is punish legit players who have the game crash or have the server randomly disconnect them or steam eac kicks them due to some stupid file block inconsistency that happens after EVERY GOD DAMN PATCH.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    It would be great if you could because that'd be one hell of an AI that could understand what players are thinking and to know the difference between the intentional power down of a router vs a power outage. It is a challenge at that! Oh yea... what about the disconnect of a cable vs power outage? or using windows to lock the internet off? that is the question of how to determine this. Oh I'll tell you this network routers log a disconnection the same if there is power outage or the router before it goes down, IF you can get the logs to that specific router.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    The whole idea is just so weird. I mean yeah DC'ing isn't cool but's just a game. I love dbd, but if people get super upset about other people dc'ing, maybe they're the ones who shouldn't be playing. Idk. I think DC penalties are whack. I'm lucky enough though that my area isn't too bad for wifi so I haven't gotten any penalties in a long while, but I feel bad for the people who are getting affected by circumstances they can't control

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385
    edited February 2021

    You are right op, as this post showed :

    DC penatly should probably be expanded to the whole SWF group, just to help make DC Hatch less attractive to the already extremely advantaged SWF.

    Also, to actually adress your point (and I hope someone else has already pointed it out in that thread that I wont bother read) :

    YOUR right to play with a ######### connection doesn't trump the right of the rest of the players to get a game without a DC that would come to ruin it. It's one of thos "the need of the many before the need of the few" cases.

    Your connection isn't good enough to play the game? Welp, sux to be you, but that's kinda your problem.

    Btw, nobody said you are ruining other people lives, what you are ruining is their games.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
  • Velvetcake1027
    Velvetcake1027 Member Posts: 26

    What about them? 90% of the survivors I play with hide around the map, do nothing and escape through the hatch. Or you save them, heal them, do most of the gens and the first time you get hooked, they leave you to die first hook. Had some survivors message and say it's every man for themselves. Soooo.... I no longer care.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    You are aware that playing the survivor side in DBD is considered a TEAM effort, right?

    Seems to me like you should be playing killer instead of survivor with a mentality like that 😂

  • What are they supposed to do? What kind of change for the better? Is the game supposed to do research to find out if there have been weather problems in your area? No, you should just stop playing an online game when you are getting disconnected so often.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    Disconnect penalties don't effect my friends. They have alt accounts. So they will just Disconnect to give hatch many times and screw a slugging killer over or a tunneling killer over. Then they can just go on their alt accounts. I mean, they don't bother me either as killer. I laugh when someone Disconnects. But as survivor, if I don't wanna be in the game, I will just kill myself on hook 🤷‍♀️

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Wow, someone is quite fond of putting words in my mouth, aren't they? Let me break this down for you a little:

    Yes, I do see this as a casual game. I don't see people disconnecting from it as big of a loss of that in other games. And, unlike your narrative of 'Aha! This player hates their teammates and just wants to DC every match' (Which, I will admit might not have been your intent, but to me, you did come off as quite righteous.) this isn't because I'm wanting to be selfish or encourage selfish behaviour. It's because the way that the queue works, the system is unfair to both types of players.

    Unlike other games with Competitive scenes like Overwatch, you don't log in to DBD and go into a Competitive-Only queue. You don't log in and go to a Quick Play or casual equivalent. You play against random people who might be playing casually or competitively. You might have a Huntress that is a literal Demi-God who can hit cross-maps like there's no tomorrow in your game, with a full meta build to boot, while you might get an Ace on your team who just wants to try to make friends with the killer. The expectations between the two are vastly different. I think it's fine to play the game competitively, but you shouldn't force a casual crowd into that environment either. Especially since the current, DBD 'Sponsored' Comp system is a Rank system that they themselves admit that doesn't actually show your skill, and a... questionable MMR system.

    I just think that, if the game wants us to treat it as a Competitive game- a real, super Competitive game, like Overwatch- they should have more support systems in place for Tournaments, and support a more competitive scene. Which, BHVR themselves seem mixed with, as the game currently kinda feels like it's in an identity crisis of sorts.

    No. This doesn't mean I'm selfish. I personally don't DC. I don't encourage it. I don't think everyone should play the game casually, or have to play like me. But I do think that we also shouldn't force everyone to have to play competitively without other options, such as a casual queue. If you want to take every match like it's an E-Sport Tournament, be my guest. But I don't think I should be called 'Selfish' just because I don't think I should have to in average queue, and think that if we want that sort of environment, we need to push for more Tournaments at more skill levels to be held. (Because by God, with the low player count right now, if queues get split, I think the game would die.)

    I should also note that overall, I don't DC. I don't encourage it. But I'd also rather a teammate DC then constantly sandbag me, work with the killer to get me killed, blow up my generator, sit AFK in a corner, or just kill themselves on first hook. At least if they just DC, the bandage is off and over with. If they mess around and troll with the team, it just wastes everyones time- which isn't fun for me as a casual player, and for people who do take the matches seriously, I've seen them have freak outs in post game chat over those people. At least if they DC they can't bother anyone.

  • Casanova09
    Casanova09 Member Posts: 64
  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I take everything I do seriously; I don't see the point in doing something half-ass.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    ...You mean the custom game option that also doesn't progress my bloodwebs because I don't gain BP? The custom game option with a messed up spectator mode? The custom game option which requires me to go out of my way to find other players to play with, in a game where the ranking system merely displays how much you play and not how skilled you are? The custom game mode where you don't gain anything from the rift or shards either?

    And... the custom game mode where I've seen actual Competitive Tournaments play in, and have been pushing for making that game mode more accessible for use in those same Competitive Tournaments by access to seeds in order to reduce randomization for the purpose of a more fair and balanced high-level Competitive system? (As, currently, map RNG have a huge effect on the game, even just in normal games, so the effect it has on those games is just insane.)

    Yeah. Okay. And... why should I have to segregate myself into a custom game mode, which doesn't help progress my characters or the Rift? Besides, one of the things I personally enjoy about the mixed queue is how random everything is. Doesn't mean that I'm not still a casual player who will put fun above all else.

    Idk, I just don't think that KYF is an actual, acceptable game mode for your average solo casual player. Not when you have to go through so many steps to get a game or find others to play with, and not when the game doesn't really have a strong, built-in Competitive Rank system. Being Rank 1 in this game means nothing. Having 1k hours in this game means nothing. To add to that, what a 'Win' means in Dead by Daylight is as fluid as water, making it hard to know what the standard should be for a Competitive scene. In Overwatch, you Win, Lose, or Draw. No imbetweens. DBD is a lot more complex though with it's asymmetrical nature. If there's two dead, two out, we can assume that's a draw, since there seems to be an aim for 50-60% kill rate. What about 3ks where the last person escaped through hatch? How should how many gens are done effect the scoring? These are things the old rank system tries to accomplish, but I just think that there were too many variables for it, and the pip system would punish what should definitely be considered a 'Win'- like killers 4king at 5 gens, or 4 man escapes with one person running the killer all game both being scenarios where players would lose pips because they were too good. So, that's probably not the best sign of someone being a great player or winning.

    My rambles aside, DBD is a complicated game. I just think that the best way to push a Comp system would be by encouraging more community Tournaments (like they have been recently with the Japanese Tournament), and also giving more options for seeds and more bug fixes for KYF. The game can't seperate it's player base further with more queues right now. Players who play Competitively versus Casually, playing in the same queue right now really isn't a major deal for the game in it's current state. There's a lot more pressing issues then that, considering that BHVR seems to be struggling to retain both sets of people rn.

  • mrmean
    mrmean Member Posts: 24

    Honestly......y ou sound exactly like...... the same ppl you're complaining about loool.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    Yeah the DC penalty didnt really do anything. People just changed the way they do leave the game (dying on their first hook) and this isnt even including ways people were able to abuse the DC penalty.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Okay so they kill themselves on first hook instead. Thats still better than just dcing as soon as they see the killer is freddy/spirit/bubba.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    If I remember correctly wasn't there a exploit where you could give another player a dc penalty even if they didn't DC? Pretty it happened to true talent and they had to disable it briefly

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    I mean is there a difference? The kill will still get screwed over in points and pips

  • Starting to see the argument for their removal.

    I just had haddonnofun for like the 5th ****ing time in a row and I said screw it and just disconnected.

    Keep in mind this was my one and only disconnect, and I got a 30 minute lockout instead of 5 minutes for some reason. That's a bit excessive but alright haha.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Yeah but you might still get a partial gen done for the survivors, and the killer at least gets their stack of bbq.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,785

    So the devs should just change the dc penalty to make you happy when you have complete control over whether or not you play the game? Like others have said, you can't control the weather but you can control if you play dbd or not with a bad internet connection. I've never personally had specifically what you're talking about but I have had days where my internet decided to kick me out of the game multiple times and my dc penalty started increasing. What did I do? Stop playing until I was given a reason to believe it was better. It's not the devs fault that my internet was awful and it's not the devs fault that you're choosing to play the game even with the knowledge that your internet might cut out due to bad weather. I think they went a little far saying that you're ruining other people by doing that but the bottom line is FOR THAT MATCH, when you knew you had bad internet and could dc, you did screw over your teammates assuming the killer wasn't cool.

    I have friends who moved who are at this moment experiencing the same problems as you and let me just say as someone who's seen people dc over and over again trying to play the game when they can't because of bad weather, it does feel like a waste of my time and others in the lobbies.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    I mean yeah sure...But thats not what the issue is. The issue is people are still leaving the game early and ######### over everyone. So again the penalty doesnt help.

  • NeonFlowerPower
    NeonFlowerPower Member Posts: 135

    DC penalty shouldn't exist. If a survivor or killer doesn't want to continue a match, there is nothing stopping them from simply going afk or suiciding on hook. No amount of penalty is going to stop someone from not wanting to participate in a match.

  • Abbatoir_Blues
    Abbatoir_Blues Member Posts: 47

    This likely will be an unpopular/minority opinion, but I think penalties for dc's should be increased. If there was no penalty for it in the past, I can't imagine the game even being playable. At present, in my experience, dc's are still chronic, and it is unlikely the weather just happens to be responsible, when it involves the first person downed or hooked in the first seconds or minute of the trial, and the domino effect it can have is absurd. Obviously, expecting a game to enable/disable a feature based on random, local weather is, let's just say, an ambitious expectation I don't see placing high on BHVR's list anytime soon. If I were experiencing droppage due to weather in my area, DbD isn't the game I'd choose to play. I nearly break my neck just to deal with a low-battery alert before a trial starts, because I don't want to be responsible for adversely affecting the team, if I'm playing survivor. As for playing the game "casually," I don't even know what that would feel like. I expect an assymetrical, survival, horror game that teams me with random people against a bullpen of killers with powers my simple gen-repairing/unhooking/healing mind barely comprehends or pits my best killer against a super-toxic spec-ops swf team, armed with time machines that have popped 3 gens by the time the trial starts, and I spend the match blind the entire time to feel all kinds of ways, but casual isn't among them. If penalties for dc's reduced their prevalence, modestly increasing them should help more, because it is still a huge issue. It seems like it would be far more possible to simply re-set a trial in the event of a dc/dc's, than it would be to account for weather.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    So I do sympathize with him as someone who use to suffer from bad internet issues. I do think that they need to fix the disconnect penalties in some way. A lot of games will allow you to jump back into the game mid match and you're replaced by a bot until you reconnect.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Can't really believe that, but if that's true... please just play another game when it snows, simple as that.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Ok then so you would advocate for more penalties. Like addimg a dc penalty for killing yourself on hook, which again has the problem of not being able to determine if it was intentional or not. Also for afk people automatically removing them from the match and forcing a dc penalty after a certain amount of time.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081

    I had someone DC on me because "you play Clown you POS"

    They are necessary.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    This kind of issue is why a decent portion of the player base wants an option to rejoin a match. That way, players who were removed from a match for a reason outside of their control can still get back in and avoid the penalty.

  • MottledElm
    MottledElm Member Posts: 85

    Are you looking to create a discussion or to just find someone to complain with about whoever disagrees with you?

  • MalEducado
    MalEducado Member Posts: 139

    no more dc pènaltys, i play with you if i want... i wont to be hijacking by the killer or my partners

  • jadedcaffeinated
    jadedcaffeinated Member Posts: 38

    that kind of mentality is what spreads toxicity in this community. the DC penalties are intended to discourage someone from disconnecting and ruining the match for 4 other people, nothing more or less. the devs are not biased like that, especially when it comes to strategies that they've implemented many perks that are intended to counter tunnelling and camping (DS, BT, etc)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm going to cut to the chase here; you can take what I say on face value or not. The DC Penalties aren't going anywhere. You can extend this thread into the thousands, or create countless more. It won't make any difference. Dead by Daylight only works when the participants take part. There are no Bots, and there are never going to be any Bots. The cost to create working Bots is prohibitive to the ongoing profit. This business model keys on the fact that the Player provide Protagonist and Antagonist. That is all there is to it.

    People disconnecting was undermining the system to the point that the actual business model was threatened. It has gone beyond the rude, inconvenience many of us were individually suffering. People are not going to log in and play if they don't get to finish the majority of their matches. That is why there is no leeway anymore in the disconnect penalties. That is why they are never going away. Accept it. Embrace it. Make your peace with it. Nothing prevents you from acting like a jerk, but you will pay a price for it. It is YOUR choice.

  • Imagine_Milk
    Imagine_Milk Member Posts: 97

    I get what you are trying to make me comprehend. I will take your advice and move on. I'm sorry i did not have consideration for your advice.

This discussion has been closed.