who would win in a 1v1 fight? huntress or deathslinger?

this is my new series im making where i see who would win in a 1v1 fight. powers included. so who would win in this one? huntress or deathslinger?
Id say Huntress because her hatchets cause dmg upon impact. Deathslinger has to hit someone with the harpoon, reel them in then hit them.
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Huntress could take Deathslinger barehanded. Wouldn't even be much of a fight really.
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Huntress. Her hatchets look more lethal.
Deathslinger's modified gun seems like it's made to torture his prey. He'd shoot Huntress to try to pull her and she'd just yank the gun out of death slinger's hands. Worst case is he pulls her closer and she beheads him.
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I’d kill both
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Deathslinger. The only reason he uses nonlethal harpoon is to bring people alive. I guess he would use a lethal ammo, to deal with Huntress.
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Huntress wins on brute force, yes. But what people seems to forget is that Deathslinger doesn't have the brain of a mentally underdeveloped 5 year old girl.
The guy's in fact, a total genius. Pretty sure he would find a way to outsmart her easily. Raw power isn't everything in a fight.
And regarding the huntress tome video, I'd doubt Deathslinger's tactic would be to just brainlessly run at her and get beaten to death like those soldiers did. Nobody would truly behave like that.
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Depends, Deathslinger can use a regular carbine (with bullets) or the harpoon gun? if the first, Deathslinger outranges Huntress and he wins, if second, Huntress outranges Deathslinger and she wins.
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Huntress. She could bench press that skinny brat
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It depends, if we're talking real-world rules then ######### Deathslinger shoots people with a gun, he could just remove the chain, aim for her head and get it over with. Otherwise, he's a crippled old man and she's a wild woman in her prime, so... Yeah, that ain't going well for Slinger.
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Huntress beats range. She can easily stalk from a distance and he'd never see it coming. He has to reload after 1 shot. Shes got 5 shots before reload. And he has to reel in for the shot. Taking them as they are, no edits to build and weaponry, she beats him without a heartbeat. Yes smarts can beat brute strength.... sometimes not.
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Draw huntress would get first blood but I dont think she could stop the bleeding in time
if we are being realistic they are basically the same speed but deathslinger is quiet to he would get first shot but huntress would get first blood thus both dyeing and a draw
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I didn't know she watches anime
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Huntress hands down lol
She takes down Russian soldiers who have guns with no problem and she just looks stronger than Deathslinger. I know he's probably more intelligent and could devise something to help give him the edge but idk. Huntress is literally a hunter and I'm sure she'd get the jump on him regardless and be lethal in CQC or from afar. I just don't see it going well for Deathslinger no matter what in fact if he knew what was good for him he'd probably steer clear of Huntress and escape lol
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Huntress, Iri hatchets lol.
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Her lore never implies she has the mind of a little girl, I think that is a belief born withing the community. On the contrary the fact she lived alone in a forest implies she is quite resourceful beside being a very skilled huntress. Sure she might be uneducated, but that doesn't make her stupid.
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Can't wait to see your next one
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Deathslinger. The guy literally has a gun. He's pretty smart, all he has to do is get actual ammo instead of a spear. Or he could get an older model of his gun, because The Redeemer's earlier versions were lethal.
That tome was the biggest example of plot armor I've ever seen. The solider's just ran at her like smooth-brained idiots instead of using their guns. Also, nothing in the tomes are concrete. They're memories, and events that took place in other timelines. So that scene where Huntress kills the soldier's was probably not very accurate, or it took place in an alternate universe.
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Huntress cross-map Iri-head one throw for the win.
Match over. Deathslinger doesn’t have DS or unbreakable so he’s toast.
Realistically, she will destroy him, not even a competition.
This should be the new game mode the devs won’t make.
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Well im going to take the other stance on this
because If he tuned his gun back to how it was when he first made it a ranged disembowelment would be pretty devastating in a fight
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Deathslinger would experience death by snu snu.
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Considering huntress took out a whole squad of soldiers in the world war eras who had rifles and everything, I think it is safe to say that she would win easily
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If we don't count add-ons, I think Deathslinger has an argument. Going by the mechanics of his gameplay, he'd basically lock her every time he landed a hit, and cause her to bleed after hitting her. Every time she slowed down to ready a hatchet, he could land a near instant hit. Essentially, he could out-zone her. Sure, she has a huge range advantage, which would absolutely come into play depending on the battlefield being used, but he's not a pushover by any means. If they could hear each others terror radius, Deathslinger would still have the upper hand because of her lullaby. He'd always know where she is and where to shoot. I think it would really come down to the battlefield and if Huntress could keep enough distance to land trick-shots over Deathslinger.
Also take into account that while Deathslinger must reload between every shot, Huntress must go to a locker, which would make her an easy target every time she had to reload.
On the other hand, Huntress can deal blows faster than Deathslinger can. If she could basically wombo combo him with hatchets until she gets into melee, and then avoid his ability to CC her with a chain, she could do a considerable amount of damage.
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Her weapon has greater range, she's pretty damn built while Slinger is a cripple with a leg brace. Slinger's technology advantage is rendered moot by the fact Huntress ambushed and killed World War soldiers who had fire arms with actual ballistics rather than a harpoon (that was modified to be *non-lethal* btw).
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-More physically powerful
-In her prime
-Hatchets that do not need reloaded.
-Has the mental brain power of a child.
-When out of hatches has to go fetch more form a locker
-Her humming makes It clear she is coming
-Is Smarter then a 5th grader. In fact is more or less a Servant of tech (he made his gun himself)
-People want him nerfed. So, clearly he is more powerful at least vs survivors
-Weapon leaves deep wound without add-ons.
-Bum leg
-gets stun when chain breaks
If we are talking a honor duel clearly huntress is gonna slaughter him. She would knock his weapon out of his hand by brute force and creave him to pieces with her axe.
If we are talking like fighting on a map DBD style. I can see the Deathslinger killing her due to the fact he has more actual tactics since he hunted people on their own truff for bounties. In that case he will try to keep range and when she goes to grab hatchets out of the box He would shot her in the head with his spear gun at full force.
Which will lead to final contest...Dancing..Now you like Ho-downs or russian dancing?
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We know how that will end...
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Anyone who says Deathslinger would win is deluded. The only scenario where Deathslinger could win against Huntress is somewhere where thinking is necessary, like if there was some sort of puzzle or something like that. In a brute force 1v1? Bye bye Slinger.
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yeah ill be posting these every day
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that lethal ammo that goes 10 feet lul
huntress unlimited aimbot range
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Are we talking gameplay wise or a lore wise?
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Huntress is more than undeveloped 5 year old girl. She was practicing hunting her whole life without any other interests in life (beside kidnapping girls that were dying on her hands, making her rage and sadness bigger). She is strong and absolute precise killing machine. She know how to track her pray. She is stronger than Deathslinger and she as smart as him in terms of hunting. If there was a movie Huntress vs Deathslinger, I think it would be a story about smart cowboy making his tough way to defeat unbeatable hatchet beast.
And if we look at this fight in game mechanic and take "2 hits to down" as a rule, Huntress would win, because she has faster recovery to make next hit.
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Lmao! "There is a maniac with an axe and hatchets. Lets fight her barehanded!"
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Depends on the environment, I think. Put them in forest and Huntress will win. The terrain, the style of hunting all plays into her advantages. Town/city? probably Deathslinger.
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Or she takes a spear and lobs a hatchet into his skull
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Huntress takes this in a stomp.
She's literally called "the Huntress". She could harry and stalk that old man for HOURS. His ranged weapon is inferior, and his melee weapon is inferior. There is no version of this where Anna doesn't split Caleb's skull open.
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True, a good Huntress can hit you from across the map (had this happen once and I was super surprised). Deathslinger's range, game wise is much more limited and has a massive telegraph after he fires. Huntress does get a map wide ping though. (Never could figure out why.)
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Huntress throws a hatchet at deathslinger, he quickly hides behind a wall but he still gets hit. end.
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In game probably huntress
Real world physics? Deathslinger easilly
Huntress is constantly yelling where she is by humming and all she is still human so one shot is all it would take. Deathslinger could even remove the chain and do it at long distance. There is a reason why guns completly changed how warfare goes.
Going with a hatchet against someone with a gun is suicide unless you take them by surprise. Which once again is hard when you are constantly humming a song as loud as you can