I wish you guys would give the Devs a break

Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

This recent patch has everyone in a riot and i don't see much of a reason why you're all acting like the games dying in the water. I've played the newest features since the new Archives started and i find the game still very playable.

Are hitboxes a problem? Yeah, i've noticed it too, but i'm not yelling about it. I've been both Survivor and Killer and i'm still escaping and getting kills.

Are there glitches in the newest patch? Yeah, but when isn't there? They can't catch onto everything until we let them know about it. Glitches happen all the time, but the Devs are actually doing something about it, unlike other companies who leave their game and not look back. Anyone seen anything new about that Last Year game? There was meant to be a new killer coming and i haven't seen anything about it since. I never played it, but i look these things up.

The Devs are actually trying to fix the problem as quick as they can, so can everyone stop going on about the bugs like they're staying? I don't hold this kind of thing on the Devs. In fact, the only thing i'm upset with them about is the lack of any news on Chapter 19.

So can everyone just stop being so dramatic! The game isn't over and its being patched, so just cool it, k?

I'm not saying the Devs are completely innocents in things, i'm just saying they know there are issues with the recent patch and they're fixing them, so it would be good if everyone stopped shouting swear at them and acting like its a permanent thing

Post edited by Frontdoor6 on


  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    And as we've seen, they do listen. We're getting patches just for the stuff on the screen, which btw i have not issue with but everyone else does.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    I think the biggest issue is people have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours, hell maybe even dollars into this game. This is a service and when a company ignores their client and lies or pulls the sheet over the clients eyes, people are going to be angry. Especially when there was feedback, granted it was from 1/4 the platforms, but after that; then having a member of management say it's non reversible, then it turns out that it KINDA is (maybe can't be reversed but can be changed, which is just poor wording from a manager)

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    I know they've usually made up for things in the past. Its not like they NEVER listen to us and just leave the game how it is

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    Can't argue there, but this is about the current issues with the patch and how everyone is acting like its a permanent thing

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited February 2021

    It's just that you'd think most companies would opt to not have glaring bugs in the first place. It feel common place for things in this game to just break and having consumers that accept that is a massive break as well. But the twins were half baked at a full price, and now this desync.

    I'm sure they will fix it eventually, but who can say what will break because of it.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited February 2021

    I don’t have issues with any of them I know their there to make money. And I honestly enjoy this game. Glitch’s happen. Remember 90%of dbd are cry babies I mean people get mad over teabagging and tunneling and camping. This killers op that survivor perk is op. Noed is op cause I’m too lazy to do this totem. ds was op cause I’m too lazy to slug or just eat it.

    i had to give up all my progress idk how many hours max perks on every killers I had to start over so . Remember it could be worse you could be forced to reset.

    (also no I was not banned)

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    Exactly, thanks

    Also, you lost your progress? Damn, sorry about that

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited February 2021

    Not your fault. Nor mine just is what it is. They will fix it they need time the game I mean. Also at rank 8 with ghostface lv 1 . skill helps a lot thou ive lost a few good games

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    Wasn't a colorblind feature coming to the game?

    Also, they said they were improving the animations and UI

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    That's the excuse they used after one of the lead developers said something that got him dragged by the community but it's odd that it came after that but was denied before when people asked little weirdd.........

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    They never told us they were working on stuff like the Endgame Collapse until we were eventually told. Also, i'm sure making a game to work for Colorblindness isn't easy, it takes time to work that stuff out

  • Nullclines
    Nullclines Member Posts: 232


    I love both games to bits, but unfortunately I have to admit there's no comparison whatsoever between Ghost Ship Games and BHVR when it comes to attitude and caring for their game.

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    Then why are we getting a patch just to move some icons on the screen?

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    Well maybe sometimes they need more that feedback to decide something. I mean, the people on here complain about alot of things. If one to two people say they don't like the screen, thats just noise, but if a large amount of people say it, they tend to act

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Every patch gets worse and worse i would understand if it was a small indie company who just started but it isn't. They make more than a million dollars and have a monopoly on the asymmetrical game style.They always have released a new update with game breaking bugs remember last update how unplayable the twins where? Then you have some devs not wanting to change the UI because they're too proud. It took them almost 5 years to add a simple colorblind setting and it wasn't because they wanted too but because they got called out by popular game journalist. At this point they deserve all the critism they deserve.

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    I'm not saying the Devs are completely innocents in things, i'm just saying they know there are issues with the recent patch and they're fixing them, so it would be good if everyone stopped shouting swear at them and stuff about it

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    I do get where you are standing but I see where everyone else is standing as well

    The reason behind the ptb is to test new features and updates and gather feed back on it there was even a pole asking about your thoughts on the new hud and 91%of people voted on they didn't like it then took an extra week and didn't change anything.

    Well they fixed Kate's jiggle physics thank god because who can't play without that. smh

    I think almost nothing got changed from ptb to live other than a few bugs we probably didn't see

    See why they are mad

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Yea but they went going to announce it until a better time after a game crituite with some influence started talking

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I think now is worst time to have a break.

    There still a lot of issues that should be fixed as soon as possible. Changing UI seem thoughtless, but they said it was made to add stuff in a future. It's just require polishing, same as animations. All that was planned long time before, and it was released between chapters for better focus.

    Game map with huge amount of god pallets probably require more information to make it more balanced.

    Desync issue was probably unexpected even for devs. Same as emblem system failure. Same as bugs on reworked maps. It's all just a bugs and it will be fixed eventually.

    So if devs take a break and all this problems will stay as it is, game will probably lose a big chunk of playerbase for a while, and a lot of lost players will never come back because they find another game to play.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Why should we give them a break when they work at their own leisure?

    BHVR has it VERY easy and they make a LOT of money regardless of whether their product is good or not because they know they have the only game like this.

    The fact that hit delay won't be fixed until two patches out is actually ridiculous and should be a perfect example of what I mean.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763
    edited February 2021

    I agree that they deserve criticism, but that's not what the community gives them. Most of the time I see people in this community saying the developers deserve to be fired and how they must just let anyone be a programmer because the developers don't know what they're doing. And those are the nicest things I've seen people say about the developers. They don't get criticism, they get hate from this community.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    The developers aren't human, they don't deserve a break.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255
    edited February 2021

    As I explained to one of the mods before, it's actually worse than that. What I see is the classic scenario of your food coming undercooked, but this team takes it back and sends you out something even less cooked, while trying to argue to you that what they just sent you makes the game better. In a nutshell, they do a small public test week, are handed a bucket list of the major issues (like the UI) or hitboxes, and then decide to release it anyway, usually in an even worse state than it was in on the test build. It's like going going from a beta phase back to alpha phase, and releasing it as a finished product. It's a joke.

    How many breaks can you possibly give them before being honest and telling BHVR that they need a different team? The mod I told this to literally tried to argue that the UI change made the game better. Not according to nearly everyone playing it. That attitude implies that the developers are deciding what makes the game better, and not the people playing it. When you completely disregard client feedback, you're asking for issues. They thought they knew better, and the players made pretty clear they don't. Making some decisions like a UI update is fine, but when your base tells you it sucks, don't ignore them for the sake of your own ego.

    At the end of the day, it's their game and they can do what they want, but even the most popular titles like World of Warcraft had to eventually accept that they don't dictate for their base what they want in a game. If the people playing your game don't like it anymore, they'll move on.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited February 2021

    They messed up big this time, more than usual. Its not even about the UI or animations, it's the amount of game breaking bugs that's taking two weeks to hopefully patch. Many of which were pointed out during the PTB. Because they ignored that feedback the game is in a piss poor state with many not playing.

    Post edited by Mr_K on
  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Yes and no.

    We should be allowed to say what's wrong with the game. Feedback is important for a games growth.

    I just wish the community wouldn't start a riot for every little thing they believe is wrong with the game.

    The devs don't really listen to us but when 95% of the community delivers their feedback like a tantrum throwing 5 year old would i can't really blame them.

    Maybe if we didn't resort to review bombing in the past or if there weren't channels whose sole content was bashing the devs they would be more inclined to care

    Truelly they are not the devs we wanted but the devs we deserve.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Well said.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Literally 4 years later and not because they wanted to.. but because they were forced to after a dev that wont be named decided to give an unprofessional response to someone asking about it. Then Steve Spohn (A Twitch Ambassador) and COO @AbleGamers which is a charity Improving the lives of gamers with disabilities utilizing the power of videogames along with Kotaku put them on blast for not having it in the game.

    Then magically "OH We actually have it in the works", yet when everyone was asking about it they never mentioned it.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I'll give them a break when they stop making changes that upset the community and ruin the gameplay experience.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited February 2021

    I normally don't comment on things concerning the devs but here I go.

    Unfortunately, they devs have shown they mostly listen when the community makes a very big fuss about things. "Giving them a break" has shown to not work in the past and basically give them a free pass.

    They're just incompetent or in denial or both as well as extremely slow at doing anything. For example, the Legion bug, their first response was basically "oh its not bugged, you guys don't know what you're talking about". It took the community pretty much yelling at them that it was for a month or so for them to be like "Ok guys I guess we'll look at it. Oh he is bugged". It took months to fix.

    Their stance on OoO took the community basically making fun of them for month on end for them to be like "ok maybe we were wrong". Its taking months to fix or even decide what to do.

    Look at the new UI, got shown community didn't like it, got released to PTB, community liked it even less, got pushed to live, surprise, community still doesn't like it. Their attitude was basically "Look, I know you guys hate it and are yelling at us, but we want to see if the console players yell at us too."

    It takes overwhelming negativity to get their attention and to get them to stop being so stubborn.

    There seems to be an ego problem or they believe they know better than everyone else when it has been shown multiple times before that they make horrible decisions and don't understand the game.

    I'm sure there's good devs in the department, but there's a problem(s) somewhere, my guess would be the top of the chain but who knows for sure. I'm not for dev bashing or anything, but making a big deal of things and yelling for a long time seems to be what they respond to.

    They make a lot more mistakes than the average game of this size, whether that be bugs or bad decisions or whatever.

    The devs will get a break when they give the community a break from their bad practices/decisions. People have a lot of reasons to be upset, past what I put here.

    With all due respect, they do it to themselves and put themselves in bad positions.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I thought they were always on break?

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798
    edited February 2021

    I would argue that the devs don't very, very often make far worse decisions than good ones. Unlike the games you mentioned, this is an asymmetrical game, meaning there is always going to be tribalistic bs from people who are attached to one side over the other. Any change that people perceive as hurting their preferred side, which will be most for people in that mindset, will be panned. Eventually they start getting frustrated with the developers for continually pushing changes they feel hurt their side. This is compounded by the fact that many people only come to the forum to complain, often when they're still frustrated about a recent match. This isn't unique to DBD - it's just how forums tend to be - but it still contributes to the overall negativity on the forum and reinforces anti-developer points of view.

    This game has gotten steadily better since its early days. Balance is substantially better, a massive amount of new content and features have been released, the strength gap between the best and worst killers and the information gap between SWF and solo queue have both shrunk, the game is visually much better looking than it used to be, the game is on more platforms now, Steam reviews have gotten steadily better over time, etc. The devs also still actively support the game close to five years after launch and the player base has been robust over the past several months compared to where it was historically. And yet, if you only read the forums, you'd think the game was going down the tubes.

    I have spent about a year on this forum, which is long enough to see a very consistent trend in how the community reacts to pretty much any new change, regardless of whether or not it's good for the game. People are so blinded by their forum-reinforced bias that they swear the developers only listen to one side, despite all evidence to the contrary and the fact that it flies in the face of common sense. Then I get accused of white knighting for the sin of playing both sides and caring more about overall game health than pet issues for survivor or killer mains.


    The devs are far from perfect. I personally wish they would slow down their release cycle and put more time and effort into improving performance, fixing bugs, and generally just improving the game's polish. Still, though, if you look at this game at launch compared to now, it's clear the game has come a long way in the right direction.

  • DjangoTheGhostface
    DjangoTheGhostface Member Posts: 137

    Guys listen, i dont care how much money you spent on the game, dlc, or the tottally not overpriced cosmetics...or rift. Or soon to be lootboxes in the mobile version (can't wait till that hits the main game) you are not entitled to #########, matter of fact ######### you. You don't even own all the skins and you think you can complain? Haha welcome to the real world buddy. There are no bugs just features!

    I actually think most of the changes are good and hitboxes have been unaffected on console....so broken as always. But i can't stand posts that paint the devs to be like one innocent guy doing his best. Bhvr is a multi million dollar company and are extremely greedy on top of that. If you're going to do ######### like sell 15 dollar skins in a paid game on top of paid DLC on top of a battlepass then yeah you better make sure your game at the very least works. I think it would be more appropriate to attack Bhvr as a company than the generic "devs" but still for the amount of money the game asks for i say people are within their rights to be pissed at whatever as long as they don't attack people personally.

    I mean i don't think i can even name another game in 2021 that is pay to win and i don't think dbd has never even been ######### on for it. With that kind of corporate privilege im sure even BHVR is happy to hear people #########

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334
    edited February 2021

    Well said! I still think the UI and Animation changes were blown wayyy out of proportion by this community. I'm not saying they're good but people are actually saying that it's killing the game. It's not.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    The real reason we are so hard on them? Time after time they poll the community, they ask us for feedback, they "listen" to us. They've always clearly heard what the community wants. They just do not care. They do what they want, often at the expense of the game's health. They patch over major issues with small bug fixes. They've spoken often about spaghetti code but just keep pushing update after update to bells and whistles without stopping to fix their core issues. If we didn't get a new chapter for six full months, no new content of any kind, no tomes, no nothing, and they spent that time to reorganizing themselves, fixing bugs, taking in numbers and listening to people who understand how the game functions so they can truly address balance, no one would mind. We went for so long without any real new content in the past and no one cared. We love the core concept of the game, and they truly have no direct competition. So what do they do when they outrage the community? What do they do when they push and push? They do damage control. They have NEVER proactively listened to what the community wanted on any major issue, they wait until people are pushed to mass exodus and until the review bombs start, then they drop a few free bp and say "we'll figure it out". So much of the community just accepts the bp and goes on their merry way but we really have spoiled them... they get away with treating the community that turned an indie studio into a big name like absolute garbage, and we enable it.

    Do you remember anyone asking for graphical or animation updates? Was this something anyone cared about at all? Many people outright hate the new designs as they don't fit in with the less realistic overall style of the game. A lot of people think they make the game's flaws far more glaring, and that in an attempt to look and feel like more of a mainstream title, has lost much of its charm. So why is this their only real focus? Why do they only care about the hot topics? Why cant they just stop and fix the spaghetti code if its such an issue? Why do these huge bugs get past PTB? What other publisher is allowed to produce such a mess of a game without major scrutiny? Fall out 76 killed Bethesda's reputation, No man's sky (despite the resurgence in updates) destroyed a company. Cyber punk made everyone question the ability of the creators of the ######### witcher. Why does BHVR get a pass for a game that is so so broken? Why SHOULD they get a pass? We enable this and we need to be vocal that this is not sustainable

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited February 2021

    The thing is, no one asked for big UI changes or animation changes. What's worse is that the new animation in addition to this hixboxes are even worse than usual.

    So basically they changed 2 core things we didn't want changed (and did a poor job with them) and on top of that broke the game via poor hitboxes.

    Also you suggesting that every other game has major bugs after every other patch is not the case. At least with this size of a company. Other big game developers have a good quality assurance team and do not push (especially knowingly) broken patches out to the public (remember all the issues with the last chapter, The Twins and the perks?). The developers have consistently been sending out broken versions of the game.