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I'm tired of people suicideing on hook

Member Posts: 3,089

Like I'm trying to play the game and people just suicide on hook it's starting to not be fun anymore this ffing community if makeing this polished turd not even enjoyable anymore like why is this a normal thing now its straight out dumb and ruining the experience for everyone. I can't even enjoy the event because poeple die on first hook and I can't get the bp for putting them on different hooks

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  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    they're just gonna start dcing in boring long games with not enough points to be worth spending most of the time in it slugged or camped on a hook or being hooked farmed bys elfish or stupid teammates contributing to their tunneling and then calling it a 24 hour period after 2 or 3 dc in a day if you take away the option to not struggle... and that is truly when the game will start bleeding players since even survivors won't be having fun any more on top of the killer not having it once hitboxes are fixed lol.

    the ph cage didn't work on me, when it would start the game with me in a bad spot, and I'd get a bad unhook and they'd cage me, I knew I had no points yet making it worth it so I would just dc I wasn't wasting my time with those stupid skillchecks for nothing in return for it. when I was seeing a lot of ph and before the nerf when it was newer I just called it anight and played another game after the second time having a bad low/no point match with bad spawns or greedy dumb teammates. The skill checks weren't gonna keep me sittin there bored af with no bloodpoints in return for wasting my time just to let eveyrbody else get points instead of me on my own time. I don't get on a game out of charity I do it to entertain myself or kill time. I was out of there. Thankfully it didn't happen too many nights, but when it did, I was fine dcing and then playing anything else after the second time.

    A lot of people will be fine if that's the way it's gonna be. idk why survivors persistently insist on trying to demand things thata re gonna killt heir game lol. It's like you guys hate this game but need an intervention in order to quit or something lol. so you try to make everybody else not wanna play so you'd have a reason to finally quit or something. idk man. show some self-control and just quit without trying to gett hese asinine devs to ruin the fun for everybody else unless they plan to start handing out paychecks for our time. I'll be happy to sit still doing nothing getting no bp letting undeserving twits farm me if I'm getting a paycheck for it. That's the only reason streamers put upw ith it and try and keep a straight face through it. If you wanna hook me farm me in the killers' face after running them to me or it spawning me 10 feet away from them, then, "SHOW ME THE MONEY" or I'm takin my ass elsewhere. And nothing is gonna change that.

    Post edited by SocialDistomancy on
  • Member Posts: 437

    get over it.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Watched this one yesterday and the first game is a pretty good example. Tofu was trying out a possible interesting combo, only for the first guy who got hooked to ruin the whole game.

  • Member Posts: 244

    I am tired of playing against Hags that place 10+ traps around me and also never leave the hook since I can hear the heartbeat the whole time.

  • Member Posts: 321

    I'm tired of playing with baby survivors. The day they force me to carry babies through a whole match, I'm going to quit for good.

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    Weaklings will give up even if stuggle stage will be replaced with skillchecks.

    I hate playing survivor only because of selfish teammates that ruin the game giving up early.

    They always say they don't want to waste time. But quiting from game early is actually wasting more time than if you tried to play to the end. Why the ######### you playing if you don't want to waste time on playing?

    From the bottom of my heart I hate and despise evey quitter personally for that awful disrespecting of their teammates. I would slug to death everyone of them.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    how many gens were left? how many got done during that survivors chase? were you on a gen or derping in a corner?

    Nothing more infuriating then running the killer for 1 minute + only to see no gens done and everyone crowded around thirsting for unhook points.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    I almost automatically die on struggle phase due to frame drops. So i might look like a sod for quitting but there's nothing I can do, i mash struggle just fine but game kicks me out

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Often 3 or 2 but I also only had like 4 or 6 hooks spread out on everyone

  • Member Posts: 369

    if killer use stridor spirit with addons or freddy running ruin tinkerer bbq with addons

    why should i care killer wanna have fun since they also dont care.

    mostly survivor will also suicide on that combo.

  • Member Posts: 55

    I mean I get it, it can be really irritating. But on the other hand, I really can't blame people sometimes: Forever Freddy, stridor Spirit, Deathslinger, Hag, teammates all crouching around not doing anything, Midwich, Haddonfun, The Game with its new 10 billion pallets, etc. There is a lot of BS in this game that can be really unfun to go against.

    In an ideal world, BHVR would look at the reasons why people get fed up and DC/suicide/quit, and try to address these so people have more fun playing the game and there's less frustration all round.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    I'm tired of people doing nothing while I'm on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Ok well explained bubba ghost face ph blight and huntress then

  • Member Posts: 135

    I would love a hatch rework. Maybe 3 hatches spawn but only one opens. It is quite irritating to die on first hook because your team mate wants hatch, and it is usually the team mate who does the least amount of work.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    People that hook-throw should just get an icon above their heads so you know they're bad teammates in the lobby allowing normal players to dodge them.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    You can’t tell the community is screwed when the majority of replies are people who kill themselves on first hook lol.

  • Member Posts: 788
    edited February 2021

    Lmao this happens all the time on the new iron works map. I've literally spanwed as killer directly looking at a survior across the map. Its so stupid.

  • Member Posts: 369

    sure but this isnt so why waste my time.on that game which is unfun for survivors but fun for killers anyway killer gonna win since most of the game is solo survivor than swf party.

    if they give ban i don't care since i just can play as killer or play any other games.

  • Member Posts: 563

    How about instead a struggle phase they incorporate a "give up" option. Struggle phase had screwed people over with framedrops.

    The give up option is activated during the struggle phase requires a button hold, it gives a notification to survivors and the survivor giving up is given a countdown of 60-90 seconds. If somebody wants to give up that much they can wait that long. That way it doesn't screw over survivors who are willing to stay.

  • Member Posts: 283

    What are these “game ruining” tactics killers use?

  • Member Posts: 3,089
    edited February 2021

    I do see that being abused tho one dc for the something when they are dead on hook after being destroyed by something then everyone leaves

  • Member Posts: 563

    Can you explain what you said differently I'm not sure what you're saying.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    they are not abusing anything, they are not exploiting anything as the functionality to attempt to escape the hook is in the game in both perk and actions. and it is an active choice for players to decide not to struggle and that's fine with me. you still get staging blood points, you get hook blood points, and you get sac blood points. I'm sorry, but your being upset becuase you are missing blood points holds no water.

    Funny there are many survivors complaining about it, even though they get the escape blood points where as the killer does not get the points for killing the dc'd survivor in the CORRECT amount and CORRECT categories. but less complain becuase the survivors get blood points applied and emblem progress that is propper and usually safties them.

  • Member Posts: 47

    I'll continue to kill myself on first hook if I don't want to play that game.

  • Member Posts: 1,624
    1. If you're a killer don't be so toxic jerk.
    2. if you're a survivor don't sandbag your teammates.

    If you follow these simple rules there will be less suiciding on hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    This community has long denied that the game is killer-sided, ignoring hard facts and statistics as well as ignoring all the changes made to the game in the past 4 years, and ignoring the reality of day-to-day play.

    But this community has always been killer-sided what can you do.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    OP just wanted people to not boot up the game and immediately suicide on hook, yet half of these replies are people who clearly do that and are making up excuses for their behavior.

  • Member Posts: 576
    edited February 2021

    There are times I'm glad the option is there.

    We all occasionally get stuck in matches as a survivor where you have a couple of other survivors that are doing nothing but hiding. In other words they specifically want every other survivor to die before them so they can either get the hatch or hope the gates are far enough apart that they can open one and walk out. In that situation I can:

    1) Join them in playing immersive.

    2) Continue to try to do gens.

    3) I can go find the killer, have him down me and intentionally die on the first hook.

    I'm not doing #1. I get bored out of my mind playing a 20 minute game of hide and seek hoping all the other survivors hide worse than I do.

    Why even attempt #2? The chances of one or two survivors completing 5 gens and getting out the gate when a couple of survivors aren't helping at all is almost impossible against even a halfway competent killer.

    That leaves #3. When you have immersive survivors on your team your chances of dying before them are exponentially greater. The survivor(s) actually trying to do gens make themselves way more visible. It's practically a guarantee. Let's be honest, immersive survivors are highly likely to be the last survivors left because they aren't taking any chances. In those situations I'm going with #3 and I don't feel the least bit bad about it. Both #1 and #2 are a complete waste of my time. Thankfully that type of match isn't the norm, but when it happens I'm really glad the option to die on that first hook exists so I can move on to a match with survivors that are actually trying to complete objectives.

  • Member Posts: 146

    The game doesn't force you to do anything. You shouldn't spend money on the game since it only encourages them to go on. Buying the rift is on your own accord since sou know how it works.

    Stop feeding their pockets and they might be forced to changed.

    Just my 2 cents

  • Member Posts: 144

    People only really suicide when they've played the game to much and it's starting to stress them out, a killer/teammate they don't like, or are playing with a killer/teammates who plays unfairly.

    It sucks yeah, but at the end of the day there's no real way to combat it. They put the DC penalty in the game for a reason, even if it's not your fault or you're trying to have a casual game.

    BHVR have designed this game to be competitive, they've designed the game to focus solely on the competitive nature people have and exploit those feelings, so what you get is an extra salty and a (most of the time) hateful community who just want to ruin the fun for other players.

  • Member Posts: 255

    I read such generalized condemnation far too often. I don't want to provoke you or anyone else, but as someone who actually kills himself very often on the hook, I can show you a few reasons.

    Logical consequence:

    The killer finds a survivor and hangs him more than once if necessary, if he doesn't even have the chance to kill him with his own hand. No matter how you spin it, if you as a killer player don't actively count and let your opponent know in some way that he can survive, he will accept the inevitable consequence, check you in a kill and drop out of the round.

    The build of your character and the way you use it reveal you and allow conclusions about your intentions. Very few people seem to be in the mood for long hunts. The main thing is to find and hang (kill), if you ask me.

    Personal reason:

    Would you believe me if I wrote to you that it's just a crappy habit? I'm not even excluding myself from that. Ask yourself how you got your crappy habits (Everybody has them)?

    Mine comes from not liking the situation of being killed by a mori. Very simple. So, over time, I've developed the habit of suspecting behind certain moves of my opponent's that he intends to use a mori, and I've found that I'm delighted to be able to nullify that for him by being out at the first hook.

    It's not all that easy to get away from it.

    That I spoil the tour for the rest of the team by leaving early is something I don't accept. It's up to them to adapt.

    What would happen if it went like this?

    I get hung, someone comes, gets me off the hook, the killer has insidious and is right behind and hangs me again. Then I get off. Would that be better? Or do you want to wait until you've had a chance to earn BPs on me before I'm really out on the third hook?!

    You see where I'm going with this?

    What the other three survivors and the killer do is their business. The one who leaves early has nothing more to do with what follows than being a "first spark". It's not his fault if everything is on fire afterwards.

    I can't please everyone in this game. And I don't have to. That sounds selfish, and that assumption is also tenable, but isn't it also such a killer who stubbornly follows his line anyway? Now more than ever!

    I've seen it that way, too. Should one then really give away one's time for it?

    You don't get cheated when you hang people up and they check you in a kill.

    Let's not kid ourselves. You can't really escape a skilled killer player.

    In the sister game Deathgarden, the whole thing was better solved and there was a higher degree of randomness. Additionally, the thing with killing by your own hand was more bearable for both sides.

    The coincidences here shift to the particular build of your character, the composition of the survivor team, and the build of the killer. This creates a narrow framework in which the plot only tips from one extreme to the other, but never or only rarely comes to rest in the middle, unless one side is actively working towards it.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    it is pretty annoying but maybe they had something to do around the house or something like that

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