New Asylum is still super bad

This map just feels terrible to play on. First off, there still seem to be some major hit box bugs in and around the main building after that newest patch. Then it’s the fact that the ramps to get into the main building are badly designed, particular at the one near the window by the main entrance. If a survivor jumps through to the outside, the killer is meant to try and mind game by going outside through a hole in the wall to catch them as they vault out. But this ramp that they end up on after vaulting is closed off on all sides, meaning the killer has to go to the very start of the ramp just to get up it. With how long the ramp is, there is no way the killer can actually do this mind game quick enough before the survivor just vaults back into the main building. There’s also some other ramps that feel like you have to go onto them perfectly during chase or else you’ll get pushed off due to collision that’s meant to wall off the side of these ramps. What makes things worse, particularly from killer POV, is the hitbox that is there seems to be for this tiny portion that sticks up on the sides of these ramps. What should be changed about these ramps is either removing the side hitbox altogether, or make the obstruction that prevents you from just walking off the side of the ramp much bigger to be more visible for both killers and survivors. The main building itself already feels so cluttered with everything, but now there are these bad hitboxes to everything that throw off movement flow going in and out of the building.
I am not liking the ramps that corral you after a vault out the asylum right toward the open doorway the killer will likely take in a chase. Like why bother making the vault.