Lore Dive: Feng Min

icemancat Member Posts: 150


Dead By Daylight’s universe being as vast as it is raises many questions such as what the background for certain survivors or killers are or if there are some characters out there that we have yet to meet. Feng Min, being one of many survivors who has been captured by The Entity for some time now may at first seem to hold no secrets, but after carefully analyzing her character and taking a second glance, I disagree. In this post, I will be doing a lore analysis on Feng Min and will try to dissect all possible mysteries that I could find about her character in this lore dive. REMINDER: Not all of this information is confirmed. Some of this information is just theorized.

General Background:

Right off the bat, we learn that Feng Min from a very young age got attached to video games, as she would dedicate a lot of time to them. However, her parents saw this attachment as an addiction and demanded her to dedicate more time to studies to which Feng Min refused. Feeling pressure from her parents, she eventually left home and likely stopped putting time into studies. It is unknown as to what these ‘studies’ pertained to, but regardless of what it may have been about, she pursued her ambition to keep playing video games, meeting up with people in public places and having consistent get-togethers. Eventually, with all of this time dedicated to games, Feng Min would rise to internet fame, gaining various nicknames such as “Shining Lion” and ended up getting invited to join a professional Esports team. From this, we can likely assume that Feng Min has picked up a career in live streaming and professional gaming as she was invited to live at the team’s dorms. With all of this, Feng Min was enjoying life, staying away from her parents until special occasions as stated in her background information in-game. This enjoyment and satisfaction with life, however, would only be temporary as Feng Min’s life would start going downhill. With wanting to impress not only her fans, but also her parents, she would push herself to be the best, a task that boasts incredible difficulty with anything. Unfortunately, with Feng Min making time for her mental health, she snapped, losing self-control and began wandering to random places such as bars. With this, it’s possible that Feng Min fell into a depression and tried to drink her problems away. This resulted in her beginning to wake up in random places and eventually, in The Entity’s Realm. 

Feng Min’s reluctance to listen to her parents is something that is quite common now between survivors, notably Jake Park, Nea Karlsson, David King, Yui Kimura, and to an extent, Élodie Rakoto. However, despite rebelling against her parents, Feng Min still wanted to make them proud by being the best at games. This would lead into the first notable mystery, Feng Min’s breaking point.

Feng Min’s Pressure

There was a quote in a part of Jake Park’s lore that I think is a very important piece of information when it comes to the lore of Dead By Daylight.

“During torture it’s not pain that breaks a man, it’s immense pressure.”

This quote not only applies to Jake, but also Feng Min, as she was pressured to be the best by both her parents and her fans. This pressure reached the point where her whole career as a professional Esports player ended, showing us that everyone has their breaking point and that it’s just a matter of what each person’s limit is. Once Feng Min reached her limit, the unbearable stress led into depression. The very thing that Feng Min longed for was what caused her downfall. However, there is more that we need to consider, as I do not believe that this was just an ordinary case of depression, but intentional pressure. After careful analysis, I believe that the pressure put on Feng Min to be the best was done on purpose by a stalker.

The Stalker And Their Identity

Let’s look back at Feng Min’s background for a moment. With any online celebrity, it is very easy for someone to stalk them. Whether it is a professional Esports player like Feng Min or a talk show host like Jane Romero, if people are not careful, then there will always be a pair of eyes on them. In Feng Min’s case, we learned from her background that she most likely live streamed, a platform where just about anyone with a computer or phone can go online and watch. The professional Esports team she joined was called “The Lazer Bears” as seen by her cosmetics and a very significant detail we learn is that she was invited to their dorms.

“Nicknamed the “Shining Lion”, she was invited to join a prestigious esports team and and to live in their dorms”

It doesn’t take a genius to look up information as to where the Lazer Bear’s dorms would be located. After the stalker possibly found the location of Feng Min’s dorm, he/she would be able to take the time to study Feng Min’s patterns, including what times of the day she may leave the dorms or go to other notable locations. Another key thing the stalker could have used to track Feng Min’s whereabouts would be her social media. It would be extremely unlikely for Feng Min to not have a form of social media, keeping her fans updated on her status. With this being known, the stalker would have to come up with some sort of ‘false’ identity. This is ironic because the one of the biggest reasons why Feng Min wanted to leave home in the first place was for the following:

“The brand new worlds enchanted her with colours, sounds and explosions - a chance to be somewhere else, or someone else.”

While this could pertain to wanting to play as a character in a fictional video game (something you can’t do in real life), I believe this specific line carries more meaning. Remember this as it will be mentioned a little later in the lore analysis. However, getting back on track, the stalker needed a way to draw Feng Min out. This is when they begin pestering her to be the best. These demands of Feng Min would quickly multiply to the point where Feng Min could no longer have the mental capacity to continue playing. This is when Feng Min started drinking, impairing her full potential to think rationally. With this, Feng Min’s stalker potentially kidnapped her, ultimately sending her to The Entity’s Realm. But why would the stalker try to kidnap Feng Min? Most likely for harmful intentions. However, before I continue, I want to bring up the main criteria that I always use when determining how a survivor is caught by The Entity.

  1. The survivor has a significant amount of hope. This is good for The Entity since it solely feeds off of the hope of survivors. 
  2. The survivor is lost. The best examples of this are the backstories from Dwight, Meg, Claudette, and Jake. All 4 of these survivors got lost in the woods, therefore, making them easy targets for The Entity to capture.
  3. The survivor is in a critical situation. Situations like these are likely to be scenarios where if it weren’t for The Entity capturing the survivor, they would have died instead. A good example of this is when Adam Francis blocked the impact from a door hitting a girl during the train crash so it would instead hit him. This impact could have killed Adam, so The Entity captured him and is now using him to feed off of the hope from him.

If it were true that Feng Min was kidnapped for harmful intentions (criteria #3), I believe her background would have stated that to begin with instead of leaving everyone in the dark about it. It would have stated that Feng Min would have almost been murdered, but she instead woke up in The Entity’s Realm. Because I don’t believe that she was just kidnapped by the usual everyday murderer, I instead believe that she was captured by a member of The Cult for The Entity. Now immediately, people would ask why. There would have to be a very strong reason for a cult member to capture Feng Min. I believe the reason is that Feng Min was the unofficial sixth member of The Pariahs.

Feng Min, The Unofficial Sixth Pariah

For those of you who don’t know, The Pariahs are a new group of characters recently revealed in Dead By Daylight’s lore (Introduced in Felix Richter’s Background). They are the children of another group of characters known as The Imperiatti, another cult of which instead of working for The Entity, instead is aware of The Entity’s existence and are most likely trying to stop it. Unfortunately, I believe The Imperiatti is currently losing the fight against The Entity, as from the 5 confirmed Pariahs known to exist, two out of five have been captured by The Entity, but that is a discussion for another time. 

Getting back to Feng Min, there is a solid amount of evidence that Feng Min may have been the unofficial sixth Pariah and that her parents were members of The Imperiatti. Remember the line from Feng Min’s backstory that I quoted earlier about her wanting to be someone else? It is possible that Feng Min didn’t want anything to do with The Imperiatti or The Pariahs and wanted to pursue her passion for video games. We also learn about Feng Min’s parents wanting her to focus more effort into ‘studies’. Most people would assume that this pertains to the usual studies for school, but it could also have meant the studies for The Imperiatti and The Pariahs. Another piece of proof is that Feng Min’s parents were described as being ‘holiday parents’ in her background. Usually, this would be the case for characters that may be doing studies in college, but we already learned that Feng Min was focused on Esports. It is possible that her parents were ‘holiday parents’ not because of Feng Min’s chosen path, but their own chosen path. Being members of The Imperiatti, I can only assume that there would be less opportunities for breaks, as they would most likely be hunted down by the cultists and other possible servants of The Entity. Another strong piece of evidence is that by the end of Feng Min’s background, two extremely key facts should have been noticed. The first one is the second to last sentence of her background.

“Feng Min did not despair - as she learned more about the challenge she was up against, she realised this was what she had been training for her entire life.”

With this piece of information, it is a possibility that the thing she may have been training for her entire life was accepting being a member of The Pariahs for her parents. Earlier, I already stated that Feng Min may have been the unofficial sixth Pariah, but we still don’t know for sure. However, the last piece of evidence that I have that could mean that Feng Min was a Pariah and that her parents were part of The Imperiatti is the fact that her parents are never mentioned looking for her at the end of Feng Min’s background. I believe that this is because they have already been caught by The Entity. With other survivors, we have seen some of their parents call the police to do searches to no avail such as Jake Park, Meg Thomas, and Jane Romero. However, Feng Min stands as a very special case, as her parents may not have been around to call for help as they may be the ones that needed help in the first place.

The Tragedy And Sadness Of Getting Captured By The Entity

It really is sad when you think about it. So many survivors captured by The Entity, some of which did absolutely nothing wrong in the world and on the other hand, countless killers are tortured to do The Entity’s bidding, some of which only wanted to help others. As of writing this, we don’t know any character to have escaped The Entity’s Realm or if it is even possible to do so. Going back to the criteria for how The Entity picks and chooses which survivors to capture, there were three main criteria that I found:

  1. The survivor has a significant amount of hope. This is good for The Entity since it solely feeds off of the hope of survivors. 
  2. The survivor is lost. The best examples of this are the backstories from Dwight, Meg, Claudette, and Jake. All 4 of these survivors got lost in the woods, therefore, making them easy targets for The Entity to capture.
  3. The survivor is in a critical situation. Situations like these are likely to be scenarios where if it weren’t for The Entity capturing the survivor, they would have died instead. A good example of this is when Adam Francis blocked the impact from a door hitting a girl during the train crash so it would instead hit him. This impact could have killed Adam, so The Entity captured him and is now using him to feed off of the hope from him.

When it comes to Feng Min and after doing more research, there is now a fourth criteria point:

  1. The survivor knows or is involved with The Entity in some way. A perfect example of this would be members of The Imperiatti or The Pariahs such as Felix and Élodie as both were members of The Pariahs. Although The Imperiatti are the bigger threat to The Entity, The Pariahs could easily rise to be a bigger threat as they seem to be the next generation of The Imperiatti.

After looking over the facts, Feng Min may have the record for most criteria for getting captured out of every survivor. The first criteria is that she may have been involved with The Pariahs (criteria #4). The next criteria is that she was lost (criteria #2). After having immense pressure from her fans, she fell into a depression and seemed to become lost with life. Finally, the third and final criteria for Feng Min is that she has a significant amount of hope (criteria #1). The final sentence of Feng Min’s background displays determination:

“Now, she was going to win.”

There is also a second quote spoken by an unknown source, but is highly believed to be Benedict Baker:

“A young woman surprised me the other day. She is another guest in this nightmare I can not seem to wake up from. She came running, passed by a wounded girl and didn’t stop. Just a glance behind her, and she was off again. With a determined look on her face, like she had something important to do. A lone wolf maybe? I am not sure what I should call this new person.”

Determination is, in a way, the pursuit of what you individually believe in. For some, it may be trust, love, power, independence, loyalty, but in Feng Min’s case, it is hope. This same hope of a belief in a true escape from The Entity’s Realm is shared by just about every other survivor, but is also what keeps The Entity alive. That is the tragedy and sadness of getting captured by The Entity.

Thanks For Reading!

If you made it this far, then thanks a bunch for reading the entire lore dive! It has been quite some time since I’ve done one of these, but thank you all for bearing with me nonetheless. Feng Min is definitely a character that I never initially thought of to be a very lore-heavy character, but I guess if you just take a moment to look through each individual piece of a character’s backstory, then you can pick up on possible theories for just about any character. As mentioned in the beginning of this post, much of this information is all theorized and unconfirmed to be true, but it was still a lot of fun analyzing another character. As always, I’m open to feedback as I always want to know if I happened to do something wrong or if I missed any details. Let me know what you thought about this lore dive on Feng Min!

Thanks for reading,




  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    Damn you should make a youtube channel where you discuss stuff like that for the killers and survivors

    But i highly doubt that feng is a pariah or the 6th one There a lot of stuff that can debunk the theory

    Great job tho I hope you make more of these loredives Keep it up!