Killers seem to be ruder now

I do my best to never BM when playing Killer or Survivor. WIth this update, I've had no desire to play Killer solely for the fact that I don't want to wonder which hits I actually deserved and which I didn't. Otherwise, I play Killer and Survivor equally. To be fair, I usually have TTV in my name because I'm a streamer. But something I've noticed since the last patch is that Killers have been much ruder and are more willing to BM than usual. I don't use the term "tunnel" lightly. But I've been quite legitimately been tunneled more often than usual since the Big Patch. I don't like using DS beause it's not a fun perk for me to use imo. But at this point, until it's nerf, I feel I'm going to have to use it. My main question is, is it just me who feels like Killers have been taking advantage of the desync issues and have been much ruder than usual because of it? Or have I just been getting unlucky?



  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    I just had an insidious basement camping nurse. That was pretty rude.

  • Slasherwave
    Slasherwave Member Posts: 9

    tbf i played 2 Nurse games and they were the worst Nurse games I've had since trying to learn her.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708
    edited February 2021

    Well, tried few matches yesterday.

    Besides horrible desync issues, out of 7 total games, 4 were against a spirit, 3 of them hardcore tunneling or slugging ones , dunno about 4th as I suicided as soon as I saw it is another one spirit. At best 1 gen was done before all were dead (teammates were rushing hooks too, so...) . But they were the definition of "No Fun Allowed".

    1 average forever Freddy, nothing special, 2 escaped 2 died.

    1 nurse who burnt The Game offering hitting from 10 meters away. She was chill though.

    1 clown speed/teleporting/wall hacking (obvious fat sonic) hacking on shelter woods. I just alt+f4ed. That was like 4th cheater so far I have seen in almost 3k hours, so no biggie.

    Well, Yea, I lost my will to play this game yesterday quite quickly.

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    At least I am.. not proud of it..

    As I get closer to level 1 and get high ranked survivors there are a lot of douchebags ..

    If they get killed they make excuses.. start calling BS .. always the high ranked killed ones are the ones that text after the game ends..

    So nowadays.. I get a looper and I will kill it one way or the other.. camp him intentionally and enjoy their salty messages afterwards.. like it's cool to loop but not to camp..🤣

  • Slasherwave
    Slasherwave Member Posts: 9

    Don't get me wrong. I can completely understand that. I play plenty of Killer normally and survivors BMing even when I'm personally not being toxic always bothers me. I get why Killers will eventually just decide they've had enough. But it seems so unordinarily frequent and game after game on the survivor side for me for the past week.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    If your getting a sense of agitation from the nurse players that's pretty normal given how unrelentingly hard she is for people and thus are probably agitated because of having to play her for the rift.

    Also just as an FYI killers can't see de-sync survivors see as in the massive disjointed hits.

    But by the same coin survivors can't see the de-sync that the killer sees which is very pronounced with nurse/legion were de-sync can royally screw them over when it makes them lose hits they shouldn't have.

    I have personally lost chases as nurse and been knocked out of Feral Frenzy unfairly this patch that I get really agitated to the point of stopping playing for a while.

  • Slasherwave
    Slasherwave Member Posts: 9

    My confusion and agitation is with no specific killler. I'm a Nurse main so I understand how hard she is. That has nothing to do with this. I also am aware of how the de-sync issues only look wacky from the Survivor side. All of this intentional negativity just seems to be happening with my Survivor games in general.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I've noticed it as well. I get tunneled, camped, nodded at, slapped repeatedly on hook, or lleft to bleed out. No, I don't usually bm the killer. It's gotten very unfun since the update. I'm only playing because I purchased the Rift for that sweet Felix outfit. 😆

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    This is not an issue that is exclusive to one side or another.

    It stems from the nature of the game. I don’t think the de sync being present makes any difference in their treatment towards others.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    Yeah it's true, I'm a fairly new killer main that started about a a month and a half ago, and I first started out playing morally correct, but then I started rapidly ranking up to purple where I get toxic survivors like every other game, and quite frankly, I guess the frustrations started to pile up, and now I'm a lot less nice to tea-baggers and in letting people after I got a hate message from someone I gave hatch. After that, I barely let people go anymore (unless they're very altruistic but not toxic), and I actually don't like survivors anymore, I enjoy killing them, go ahead keep sending hate mail, I'll just keep getting better as time passes....

  • dbd_noob
    dbd_noob Member Posts: 225

    For me too it seems that the issues rn bring out the worst in the players. I have killers nod at me and bm me after downing me from 10meters away. Also i see toxic survivors bming because they got NOT downed by a Pokos hit and somehow need to act up then...

    We are in a downwards spiral with toxicity rn and i really hope that we can go back to normal with 4.5.2

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    Same with me, but before the update a douchebag killer was rare. I'd never get a toxic message from a killer, so far the only messages I've received since the update are from killers. I think the change in attitude stems from one or two things

    1. Toxic players in general are just playing more killer as of late. I think the usual toxic survivors I meet have jumped ship, as evidenced by the sudden increase in toxic killer messages.

    2. With the bugs that dropped with the update people are just taking advantage due to likely years of built up frustration.

    This has just been my experience though, not saying any of this is fact.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Tunneling alone is not bm imho. Hitting people on the hook and nodding is for example.

    And there is no difference compared to before. A lot of people are toxic in this game. Killer and survivors.

  • Bastard_Disaster
    Bastard_Disaster Member Posts: 33

    I'm usually very hesitant to start saying 'toxic bad, no be toxic' because it literally doesn't matter if they're 'toxic' because it's usually a detriment to them. But its not fun when it starts affecting the fun you're having. Lately I've seen A LOT of camping.

    Clown with one gen done puts me in the basement and just camps the shack until I'm dead on first hook.

    Lots of spirits who tunnel off hook every time.

    But the worst offenders since the de sync patch BY FAR is Bubba players. There could be 2 people on separate gens and no or maybe 1 gen currently done. But every single Bubba simply patrols a 20ft area around the first hooked survivor and just comes back, chainsaws and puts them

    right back on hook.

    Is there something about getting P3 Bubba that makes you unable to leave a hook ever? xD

    I play on console btw and even amounts of both but since the desync I haven't played killer much at all.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I haven't noticed any difference in killer behavior.

    Oh and you can calmly play killer. No need to worry what hits are deserved. As from the killers perspective, all hits are in the correct distance.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    That's always been like that when killers get insane buffs. Do you think that when omega nurse and prayers beads spirit were a thing those players played fair? No they tunneled at 5 gens bringing a mori aswelll.

    Now even a trapper can win easily thanks to the new update so they are showing their true nature.

    Luckily the player count is reflecting the state of the game as the game lost 10k avg players

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Baby nurses are everywhere with the rift. But you can get a lot of fun againts them, they are very bad.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    Don't want to point fingers but, every event that relies on BP farming part of survivor mains (who plays 90% survivor games) go to killer for a quick BP farm...

    Also, there are a lot of survivor mains going to killer 'cause of the desync problem...

    But not pointing fingers ok?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Killed is a bit strong tbf. It’s still an extra life for your ruin alongside some aura reading not to mention devour undying

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    I thought something was strange when I have been getting downed by killers far more often than usual in situations where I usually get away with window leap or six-sag dodge...

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Played 3 killer games last night. First was legion on ormond. Could tell they were newer and spent about 3 minutes moonwalking in front of the last survivor until they found hatch.

    2nd game was a nurse game and RNGesus blessed me with lerys. Waa doing the 2 hit challenge and miraculously got a bunch of hits. 3 total hooks. Yeah i suck.

    3rd game was doc against a very coordinated team. Outplayed me all game. Zero hooks. 2 kills as i opened the door and ran away. 2 people let themselves die.

    I take it as karma for my altruism the first game.

    Morals from the story? You get what you give in life. And i really suck as killer!

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Hmm,i would say it's still ok on maps with really good totem spots (e.g dead dawg saloon or indoor maps),but other than that your totems get found quite quickly and you spend the rest of your match with 2 perks,which is why i almost never run hex perks.I hate the RNG behind it.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    True i don’t like using hexes either I use pop oppression mainly

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    This is not true at all. You are just excusing killers toxicness. There is no excuse for being toxic to respectful survivors. I never bm yet killers nod and hit me on the hook 70% of games.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    You blind me with a flashlight, I'm gonna pound you into pavement and mutilate your body on the hook.

  • MottledElm
    MottledElm Member Posts: 85

    Always have been

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Nope. Not looking for an excuse. I just really hate flashlights.

    Beaming gets me steaming.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    It's easier. You just don't notice it. The difference isn't huge, though. But it's definitely there.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    What do i want? Have you even played survivor after the update or not? Lol when you cant even run properly anymore, killers hit you from 20m and you get aftertonic effect each time you change direction you really asking what i want or you memeing?

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Oh well if getting hits from 20 meters is not a buff then i don't know what it is

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I definetely played survivor after the update and it's definetely frustrating at times,but killer didn't get greatly buffed this update.

    It's a desync issue with the servers that also affects killers.

    Got quite a few hits robbed from me that should have hit

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    A desync bug that will be fixed by next week.

    Just enjoy how fast gens fly these days with a short queue. Once its fixed the queues will come back.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I don´t mind the few hits here and there, as i´ve been getting constant 3 and 4 man escapes for the last 3 days.

  • Wingmonster
    Wingmonster Member Posts: 27

    What? The killer is supposed to be nice or something?

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    I wouldn't call this a baby. Here is proof of my witness.

  • ShadyNicNack
    ShadyNicNack Member Posts: 27

    Keep in mind too. Killers also experience the effect of desync issues as well. I have video to prove that the desync issue is on both sides and not just on the survivor side.

  • Slasherwave
    Slasherwave Member Posts: 9

    I understand there's no end to the toxic Survivors. There's generally just a lot of toxicity on both sides. I can't fault anyone for going after t-baggers, which is why I never tbag unless the Killer is friendly and i'm t-bagging to say hello. I completely understand getting frustrated with toxic survivors, but it's still never fun to have that frustration taken out on you when you do your best to not be toxic, ya know?

    Maybe I'm just getting unlucky then, that or I'm just not taking these things as well as I usually do, which is honestly probably the case. I just wanted to get others' input, so thanks for yours!

    I know the hits are technically fine from the killer perspective, but just because of the desync issues, it feels like Survivor isn't as fun to play, and I don't want to contribute to people not having fun lol.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    I had a bubba do it to me. I held on to the last second. Didn't get anything from that game but 4k points. And my teammates called me gamer of the month for just taking that as they got everything done and left lol. I used to just let go ( I guess at times I still do if the team isn't doing anything)... but I could see them all on gens so I just took it

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    No, killers aren't taking advantage of the desync because that's not on the killers. It's a massive problem effecting everyone and there's no prediction as to when it's happening because on the killers screen, it's going to be a hit. Killers and Surv are both the same level of troll/toxic/tunnel honestly. I just find the game FEELS more annoying because of the glaring issues presented in the patch.

  • Slasherwave
    Slasherwave Member Posts: 9

    Tbf, I don't really consider nodding BM, really. I think it CAN be, but most of the time I just think it's funny. Anyone nodding or shaking their head is funny to me.

    Honestly? You're probably right. I can't imagine the usual toxic survivors AREN'T also toxic on killer lol.

    I don't expect the killer to be nice or let me go or anything. I just expect to be given the same respect that I give, is all. If I'm not BMing, if i'm not being toxic, then I expect the killer to give me the same decency. I understand there's times when tunneling or even facecamping is all the killer can really do, especially if it's one survivor on hook and all the gens are done. I don't consider that toxic, although others might. I do consider actual, bonafide tunneling off hook for no reason, even when there are other survivors nearby trying to take hits, pretty toxic, but that's just me. Again, I just ask that if I'm not being toxic or BMing, that the people I'm going against (whethere Survivors or Killers) give me the same decency.