I don't understand why inexperienced players get called babies

I play both roles killer and survivor pretty equally, and I've matched up with teammates who aren't the best and gone against killers who aren't the best. It's clear that people who aren't experienced as you, are clearly inexperienced at the game. But yet for some reason the inexperienced players get labeled as "babies". I've seen videos from certain streamers while playing survivor who have about 5K hours, and are getting matched against someone who has potentially five hours. For example I've seen rank 20 killers get bullied by a team of flashlight people, and then get bullied by a team of Head On people. It then leads to the classic bullying a baby Trapper or Wraith for the YouTube video title. Yeah those people like to teabag and click their flashlights because their having fun bullying an inexperienced killer player, but once they go against someone who knows all their tricks the tables turn and the bullies are the ones getting bullied. But I have to ask why.. Why do you call someone a baby at the game, when you know they're clearly not at your skill level? Like it makes me mad when I see newer people get called babies, because it feels so insulting to them when they are just starting out learning. I play fighting games, if I ever come across someone on a fighter who is new to the game I don't call them a baby and insult them, I'll have a nice chill back and forth game with them. Would like to know why it's so hard to call someone inexperienced?
Calling someone a 'baby' isn't meant as an insult in this context. "Aww, it's a Baby Dwight." As in, "Aww, an adorable newbie who hides in lockers and has no idea what they're doing."
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Baby is easier to say. Also it doesn't have to be an insult really. Im a baby nurse player. I havent grown up and become experienced yet
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I think people mostly say baby as a joke
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because being called baby fits the description of a new player, call it what you will, baby, fresh meat, newbie. All of them mean “This player is new and fresh to the game and doesn’t exactly know what they are doing” not really an insult honestly. People are just calling it how they see it
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Babies scrub noob. it all comes from people who can only feel good about themselves on online games because real life sucks for them. I look back at MMOs and realize it's always the elitist who use those names people who have no self-confidence and give themselves value based on how they are in a game.
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I've seen people who take that baby comment way to far
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I can understand it in that context, but there's just certain people out there who go to far with the baby comments.
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Most people use baby as an "aww, look at them" term
But of course there will be people who take it too far, as there are for literally everything in this game.
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You can't really control what others say but you can control how you react to it to the best of your abilities.
If you're new to a killer or a certain role you can't beat yourself up over it, we've all started somewhere in this game. You cant just pick a killer up and immediately be the next Umbra with huntress.
If you're trying someone new/a weaker killer just dont have high expectations going into the game. It took me probably 25 matches as nurse before I got a single kill as her. It's frustrating but its just part of learning.
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You have to crawl before you can walk.
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Certain streamer who is "fighting toxicness" calls inexperienced players potatoes. Even tho after so many years and hours he makes same mistakes as them but it is never his fault lol.
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You can't say that word!
NOT a baby!
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I think “baby” started with survivors who are way too scared of their pixels dying. Then it was extrapolated to killers who are way too scared of a pallet stun.
Potatoes have grown past that stage but are just incompetent at looping.
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Welcome to the internet.
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I think every game has some word for inexperienced players. For DBD it seems to be "Baby".
For World of Tanks, they use the word "Seal" (in a sense that experienced players who play lower tier Tanks to boost their stats are "Sealclubbing"), players who are bad are tomatoes (because of their stats being red).
So I would not put too much thought into it, just a term to describe inexperienced players.
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Yeah but try calling that streamer potato too and not getting banned.
I don't call people names. It is just an ego thing.
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It feels to me as if "baby" is used predominently as a derrogatory term, but in a gentle, ribbing way rather than a more maliciously-intent action.
Of course, it's also important to note the context the word is placed within. Some cases may give "baby" a genuinely endearing meaning. Others will use it as a mocking term, linked with other insults to rub it in. The latter often comes from a place of inadequacy.
It's not something I do, but likewise there are much, much worse things to be called.
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I've called people and even myself a baby in every online game I ever played. And that's because I'm just getting to know it, starting to experience it and developing my senses. I even think it's cute in that way.
I don't see it as an offense. But depending on the context, yes, it can be mean (like in mean end chat). But most times I see someone use it it's not to offend, it's just to describe this development stage.
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That just makes them a real baby
or a crybaby
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Not in DBD.