Where is this god spirit player?
Whenever someone mentions spirit not having counterplay, they always refer to the god spirit player who always hears everything and always 4ks. And when the spirit doesn't 4k it is because "they suck". What I want to know is where is this 4k every game spirit player? Most of the time I watch a survivor streamer play against a Spirit, it just happens to be the "bad spirit" and never the fabled "god spirit".
I once saw a spirit that could 100% hit you in her ability. Literally can't outplay her. Then we figured out that she was a hacker, because she instantly found the last survivor without a BBQ on another side of a map. Hooked one survivor - Phased - Instantly hit another on opposite side of a map. She had Mother-Daughter Ring so it makes it even more shadier.
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Please take any of my red rank solo games and you'll see exactly where they are
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Gotta agree with OP on this one. Spirit is one of my favorite killers amongst many, and I consider myself a pretty good killer player (able to hit red ranks though I don't play that regularly now to do so).
That said, I don't see her at all as a god tier killer, pre patch or now. Red rank survivors together, or even purple, should have the upper hand. You have to predict where she is going to be, just as she has predict where you are. Successful jukes while others are on gen is all it takes really. That, and she's pretty heavily add-on reliant against any survivor with a brain.
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1) Spirit doesn't need to predict anything, she has visual and audio cues to help find survivors, survivors don't know if she's even using her power or not.
2) Spirit is one of the least add-on reliant killers in the game, as a Spirit main myself I don't even remember the last time I bothered bringing add-ons and yet I still get 3-4 kills almost every match.
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Well obviously we disagree, so that's cool, let's keep it civil.
1) Against good survivors, she does need to predict. Survivors CAN hear her ability, I don't know why you don't think they can. There is only one add on that makes it hearable across the whole map instead to fool survivors where she is I believe, but survivors either way know exactly when she is using her power or not. Audio for spirit needs to be heavily relied on, which works best when the survivor is injured, which, let's be honest, is true for every killer, so in reality, spirit is no further ahead here. The scratch marks are the visual cue, but if a good survivor hears the phase sound, it's easy to stop running or trick her into a different direction.
2) Against good survivors I don't see it. Don't get me wrong, spirit's base power is great but far from godly. It's too slow without add-ons and too long to regenerate when playing against experienced players.
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Just be psychic lazy survivors it's not hard. My god, you can hear her footsteps when shes 8 meters from you, use that to your advantage... even though shes right on top of you at that point and can hear you breath/moan/rustle grass.
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2) By default, the Spirit moves at 7.04 m/s for 5 seconds while phasing (35.2 metres travelled in one use of her power) which compared to survivor movement speed, is 76% faster than survivors. Her recovery also only takes 15 seconds. The Spirit doesn't need add-ons to perform well, even against good survivors.
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They don't exist, spirit actually is top tier but like the low tier Freddy how good they are have nothing to do with why people hate her. Spirit focuses you to play differently, the trade off is tremendous counterplay.
I mean most of the time i just start walking to the side and it confuses tf out of them. Maybe because no one else does it and are content in just running mindlessly towards pallets.
Other than that is the fact that she can stand still and you cant be sure if she's afk or not.....even tho this only works at loops and as such you can stall her as much as she stalls you by just walking to the end away from her
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If that works consistently I’d be worried about the ranks you’re fighting against
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Spirit is one of the few killers who can 4K regardless of maps or perks imo. She has full control in chase and very little counterplay with little reward for even pulling it off( no fatigue, long cooldown)
She has a lot of ways to track you besides audio even some visual such as scratch marks and foliage moving.
while really good spirit are rare trying to tell the difference between a decent and very good spirit is very hard since her only skill is tracking
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The amount of times you run into a Spirit that's god tier is as far and few as you see god tier Nurses, aka quite rare. The vast majority of Spirits you run into can be out played quite reasonably. Most people mistake themselves being bad for it being a god tier Spirit they're facing.
In other words, there's very little accountability people have for themselves. It's much easier to just blame their loss on the fact that's it's Spirit and she's "ez". This type of logic never has them improving and it's a repeating cycle.